Avalia, Our Lady Forged of Mithral

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Forged through technology, not magic, Avalia's divine spark exists as testament to the ever onward pace of technological development and the rise of industry. She stands against magic and it's abuse, teaching that the power to shape reality need not be bought with the volatile power it promises, but through engineering and industry.


Originally the last member of a minor Verk noble family, Avalia had always harbored a talent for engineering and technical work. Though afforded an imperial education complete with topics such as magical theory she rejected the notion of setting her brilliant mind to the arcane, instead choosing to continue on the path of the technician. From the foundation of simple clockwork and steam power she forged mighty weapons and cunning gadgets before turning her talents to something truly special. Intelligence itself and, eventually, artificial life.

Her business grew and became industry in a land yet to be graced by such things. Within the Setlaar states she had adapted quickly to the new environment, boasting one of the largest presences and the most advanced technology on offer.

Finally, after many years of rigorous field testing, fending off threats to Etera and saving the Setlaar states from destruction, Avalia has proven that technology can more than match magic and her deific apotheosis is nigh.


As the first 'God of Chronus', The Self-Forged dwells within the Setlaar state of Patrie. Her expansive demiplane, Synthetica, is attached to the material plane and serves as both her refuge and the land promised to her worshippers.


The Self-Forged chooses to appear mostly as she did when mortal, eschewing grandiose displays for the subtle nature of her highly advanced augmentation. Certain depictions render her in a more overtly mechanical form with exposed machinery and aspects of her chassis visible without synthetic flesh.



Avalia has a contractual arrangement with the dwarven god Torag to accelerate the technological advancement of Dun Holvar. She is good friends with the Son of Sand, god of the Alrimal Tribes, and has spoken positively with Cayden Cailean.

Though 'friend' would be saying too much, she is on acceptable terms with, Yakuul, the former Son of Sand turned God of Gluttony.


Though she is currently without enemies on a divine level, Avalia harbors a distaste for Brigh, seeing her encouragement of magic as unacceptable. Beyond this she dislikes destructive gods or those that actively seek to undermine technology.

She is outright opposed to the Fey nobles of The Wild Hunt after having repelled them in her mortal life from their incursion into Etera.

Church of The Self-Forged

The bulk of the church is centralised among the Steelworks Androids, the race of constructs invented and given life by Avalia. The structure is relatively loose with hierarchy still being defined. Other groups beyond the androids are now catching following the completion of her holy text.


A Steelworks Prelate Unit

Some of the faithful seek to honor her and better their own understanding with education, experimentation and invention. Inventors and technicians will effectively offer their creations as evidence of their contribution to technological advancement. Others, those concerned with industry, might dedicate their works for Avalia's approval and seek evermore to improve efficiency. Intelligent constructs are in the unique position of being the product of a creative industrious mind, though in the eyes of The Self-Forged they too should seek improvement in one way or another. They may give thanks or prayers for protection, asking to be spared the finality of oblivion when function ceases.


The current structure among the Steelworks Androids is headed by The Last of the First, Alison Sterling. Clerics among the androids are called Prelate Units and dress in fine hooded robes with a blank mask of their choice, decorated with simple patterns. Prelates are typically skilled in the casting of creation, technomancy and fate effects as well as practicing feats of engineering as a means of honoring their Lady.

The wider clergy tend to vary in their choice of dress, largely dependent on their relation to Their Lady's significance. Devout Engineers and technicians may also opt for robes with their tools worn openly, augmentations and mechanical enhancements displayed proudly. Those concerned more with industry and trade dress sharply though somewhat understatedly for priests.

Temples and Shrines

Currently the only sites of worship are within Steelworks premises but independent worship outside of such locations is perfectly acceptable, especially if the worship is performed through the act of creation in a workshop or lab.

Sacred Texts

A resplendent tome of brilliant, pale mithril titled 'The Mithril Codex, Revelations of The Self-Forged' was finally completed by Grand Prelate Alison Sterling and contains a complete knowledge of The Mithral Lady's teachings, becoming Avalia's first official sacred text following her blessing of it.


The current holidays celebrated by worshipers of Avalia are her birthday on the 5th of Arodus, the day of her ascent on the 6th of Pharast and the date on which the Setlaar courts found her and her companions innocent, the official end to The Hungering Sands Incident.

Sacred Animals

Avalia does not strictly favor animals but does have a fondness for mechanized or synthetically created replicas of them, having made her own during her mortal life.


Avalia teaches that the march of progress is ceaseless where technology is concerned and even beyond. Innovation is highly valued, as is the practical an intelligent application of technology. She finds magitech distasteful but is willing to appreciate the technological aspects of their craft at the very least. Otherwise, she will always strive to push the idea of Technomagical Replication in its place.

The act of creation, especially en masse, is greatly approved of as such businesses are a means of employment for workers. She preaches that good working conditions and wages better motivate and encourage employees while improving their quality of life which, in turn, advances society and leads to further technological progress. Education is also raised as an important part of the process and donations to schools or universities are encouraged.

Despite favoring the provision of education The Self-Forged has few specific feelings where sharing findings, inventions or knowledge are concerned. As someone that earned their fortune and surpassed a great many challenges she expects others to better themselves. Education and the general improvement of society are merely seen as providing good, solid starting points for people to begin from. Competition beyond that is a great motivator for innovation and should be encouraged.

Augmentation is seen as another way to better oneself and is widely accepted and, in some sects, encouraged. Particularly extreme groups might even demand their followers undergo extensive augmentation. The extent to which The Self-Forged herself wishes people to go with this form of self improvement is somewhat vague. Some will argue that a full replacement of the body should be strived for, to approach perfection. Others will suggest a measured approach to achieve a proper blend of 'man' and 'machine'.

While the Mithral Lady dislikes magic she accepts that it can be used responsibly and urges care when wielding the arcane or divine. Those within the clergy that abuse such powers without acceptable reason or without making amends risk the revocation of their powers or, in some circumstances, excommunication.

Finally, acceptance of intelligent constructs is expected of the faithful. As ultimate acts of creation, these entities deserve to be treated with respect as one would any other intelligent being. She warns of the fears such entities, bereft of a soul, face when confronted with destruction, that of complete oblivion. The devout are asked to preach the word of her nature to those intelligent constructs not among them yet, in the hope that Their Lady may spare them a terrible fate and preserve them within the archives of Synthetica.


Spend an hour of the day tinkering and improving on one of your designs. In the absence of parts, tools or the ability to improve a design, theorising and recording your proposed innovations will serve. Intelligent constructs may instead give praise through self-maintenance for the same period of time. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Disable Device, Profession (Blacksmith) and Craft (Mechanical) checks.


  1. Technomagical Replication, Lesser (Ex): Choose one system of magic you have access to (Vancian, Spheres of Power, Psionics, Akashic). This system's effects (spells, sphere effects, psionic powers, akashic veils) are now technological effects (no longer violating an Oath against Magic) while your obedience is maintained. These effects are no longer disabled or suppressed within an Antimagic Field and remain operable in a dead magic zone but are now susceptible to the presence of an Antitech Field, suppressing and disabling them as if it were an Antimagic Field. Spells and effects remain susceptible to counterspelling, Dispel Magic, Mage’s Disjunction and any of the spell specific counters they otherwise would be affected by. In addition, Rebuke Technology functions against you as if it were Dispel Magic. Spell Resistance still applies where applicable for specific spells.
  2. Augmentative Compatibility (Ex): Your devotion has prepared your body for more efficient integration with technology. Your maximum implantation score is treated as unlimited though you gain no additional cybertech slots. This is considered a technological effect and may be supressed by Anti-Tech Field and other technology nullifying effects. Any augmentations over your standard limit are disabled but may remain implanted until you resume your obedience or otherwise reenable this Boon.
  3. Total Mend/Automaton Autodiadact (Ex): You may cast the spell Memory of Function as an Extraordinary ability once per day. If you are an intelligent construct and you have a use remaining you will automatically be subject to the spell Memory of Function as an Extraordinary ability the following day if you are destroyed. Intelligent constructs must wait a week before they can benefit from this ability again.

Divine Gift

Avalia may be persuaded to take a personal interest in the development of certain technology. When researching a procedure or blueprint The Self-Forged will choose to convey vital insight, often through dreams or sudden bursts of inspiration. A procedure or blueprint you have paid the initial gold cost to begin researching completes up to 50% of it's required research time immediately (roll 2d20+10 to determine the percentage of this progress, rounding down to the nearest day or at the discretion of a GM). This may never occur twice with the same project as Avalia will not complete work on their behalf.