She Who Break Chains

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She who breaks chains works with her mother, usually as a forerunner, organizing the oppressed before the uprisings that Milani usually embodies. Technically born with her spark, she didn't embrace it before she found her purpose.

History :

Born as a nephilim, blessed with considerable strength, Edenlal grew idly among her kin, until they bored her out. She left them behind to explore the world and get things done. Tricked by slavers, she ended spending nearly one year of her life as a slave, until she gathered an uprising, freeing the slaves there and receiving the approval of her mother.

Home :

As a proto-goddess, and one quite turned toward change and action, She-Who-Breaks-Chains permanent residence is on the material plane, and she has no known demiplane.

Appearance :

The Daughter of Revolt is depicted in various ways, never faceless, but with each representation giving her very different appearances, although the common parts are usually depictions of her in battle ready gear, her greatsword Chainbreaker slicing through a chain, with a peaceful face or apparently in the middle of a converstion.

Relationships :

As of now, She Who Breaks Chains has no known personal deific allies, being a new deity, but shares enemies and allies with her mother.

Church of Edenlal :

Just as her mother's church, the Daughter of Revolt does not build a strong hierarchy, instead rellying on smaller cults communicating together to plan actions. Due to the spread of commoners in the wilderness, her congregations outside cities are usually traveling missionaries, while in cities it easily becomes bigger congregations.

Worshipers :

The most devout of her followers consider any form of oppression, whether applied to them or anyone, to be an unbearable weight weighting on them. As such, few tolerate association with any form of oppressive figure, and are usually extremely wary of self proclaimed saviors. Her followers usually count quite a number of creatures that would be considered monstrous, freed from slavery and service under the reins of overlords shaping them to their whims.

Clergy :

Edenlal's priests are a various bunch, from former slaves that managed to keep hope among other slaves until they broke out, to simple workers that helps their neighbors and colleagues organise. There is no official ceremonial garb, and in most cases priesthood is informal, anyone being allowed to preach, which also means anyone can answer as well. For that purpose most congregations use the same simple hand gesture to indicate approbation, answers, or utter rejection of the messages spoken.

Temples and churches :

Besides her cathedral in Babel, few shrines look as such, most gatherings being held in the homes of worshipers, but some temples exist, usually as a way to easily reach other congregations, holding a few permanent priests.

Holy texts :

A good part of the clergy usually focuses on explaining arduous theory to the newcomers, a good part written by a barely known half elf erudite named Xhanfaerd, with, as usual in most texts associated with Edenlal or Milani, contains very few mentions of both, usually focused on materialistic analysis of society and giving possibilities of action.

Holidays :

In a rather grim way, She Who Breaks Chains sets no holiday, instead suggesting that each congregation celebrates their own small victories, although most congregations celebrates the fall of the Verk Empire, usually chanting songs with lyrics akin to "That's a start, let's not stop here !".

Sacred animals :

The Wrath of the Meek favors owls and ants, symbolizing patience and collective work.

Teachings :

Despite Edenlal's first focus on slavery, her teachings are now focused on all form of exploitations and oppression. As such, there is no real hierarchy in her cult, most acting on whatever is deemed the most urgent.

Just as her mother, Edenlal is a goddess of revolt. But she is focused on how to organise people before that, how to break them out of their preconstructed ideals that acts as their chains.

The Wrath of the Meek preaches that taking hold of industrialisation is primordial, in order to make it accessible to everyone. As such, usage of technology cannot be forsworn.

Obedience :

Discuss tactics and theory with friends and close relationships, focusing on the parts that are related to the suffering of the presents, or to a suffering someone present grossly overlooks. In time of uprising, instead, focus on revising riot tactics and organising the protection of the most fragile members of your community. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff.

Boons :

Evangelist :

  • 1: Preparation (Sp) anticipate peril 3/day, anticipate thoughts 2/day, or magic circle against evil 1/day
  • 2: Liberating Surge (Su) When your allies are threatened, you have the tools to alleviate them of their imposed limitations. Once per day as a standard action, you can cast either break enchantment or freedom of movement as a spell-like ability targeting one of your allies within 300 feet whom you can perceive. The spell has a caster level equal to your character level.
  • 3: Invoke Uprising (Sp) Even shackles of the mind do not escape your notice, and you can use an inspiring word from the teachings of Edenlal to help others find the strength to break those shackles. You are automatically aware of any creature within 10 feet of you that is currently under the effects of a charm, compulsion, or possession effect. Three times per day as a swift action, you can inspire such a creature to throw off the influence, granting that creature a new saving throw to immediately end the effect. If the effect does not normally allow a saving throw, calculate the save DC as normal if it is a spell; if it’s not a spell, the DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the source’s Hit Dice + the source’s Charisma modifier. The creature gains a sacred bonus on this saving throw equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum +1). This bonus is doubled if you include a physical touch as part of your invocation to rise up against the effect. In either case, this is a language-dependent effect.

Exalted :

  • 1: Liberation (Sp) liberating commandUC 3/day, knock 2/day, or dispel magic 1/day
  • 2: Alleyport (Sp) She Who Breaks Chains grants you the power to appear wherever in a settlement, dungeon, or other tight space you are most needed, or to escape to fight another day. Once per day as a swift action, you can teleport as per dimension door, but only when you are in an area no wider than your space, and you can arrive in only an area of similar width.
  • 3: Break the Anvil (Su) You don’t believe it is enough to shame your enemies by relieving them of their weapons—if possible, you must shatter those weapons so they can never again stand against you. Once per day, you can perform a disarm or sunder combat maneuver with a +4 competence bonus against an adjacent creature and a weapon it holds. If you succeed, the creature’s weapon is simultaneously damaged and disarmed, as though you had succeeded at both combat maneuvers simultaneously. If you exceed the target’s Combat Maneuver Defense by 10 or more, the target drops the items it is carrying in both hands, but you only sunder the weapon you initially targeted. If you don’t have either the Improved Disarm or Improved Sunder feat or a similar ability, this attempt provokes attacks of opportunity as normal; however, if you have one of the feats or a similar ability, this attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Sentinel :

  • 1: Shared Burden (Sp) protection from evil 3/day, shield other 2/day, or magic circle against evil 1/day
  • 2: Heart of the struggle (Ex) Inspired by Edenlal’s valor and steadfastness, you refuse to let magic corrupt your thoughts and deny fear any hold on your actions. You are immune to fear and charm effects, and gain a +4 sacred bonus on all saving throws against compulsion effects.
  • 3: Critical Luck (Ex) Keep a record of every time you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, to a maximum number equal to your Charisma bonus. Anytime you roll a critical threat on an attack roll, you can trade in one of your tallied natural 1s to automatically confirm the critical hit. This tally resets to 0 every day, and any tallied natural 1s from the day before are lost.

Divine Gift :

When the character is affected by an effect that freedom can prevent, he can immediately avoid that effect. He must choose to use this gift the instant the effect occurs; if he opts not to use the gift to avoid such a fate, he can save it for use against a future immobilization effect, but he cannot use it to escape the ongoing effect he chose not to avoid.