Tirion-o Nohl

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Tirion-o Nohl is one of the many byproducts of the period of peace on Etera, a tower created to teach willing students the pseudoscientific art of Chygaish. Created by Tecinyas Elanthros, it nestles itself in snowy mountains north of Dun Holvar, biting cold driving off all but the most devoted magicians seeking tutelage.


The students and teachers in the tower generally adorn themselves in whatever clothes they desire, but in important situations (such as advancement up a tier, the creation of a student's tenth new spell, or their first), those in celebration are requested to be in pure white robes with a small brown belt.


There are 5 fundamental laws taught about reality here to every member, and these shape every student and teacher's entire mindset when it comes to learning and teaching respectively.

  • 1 - The world is formulated by 21 different fundamental forces of reality, divided into 4 spheres: no thing, deity or mortal, ethereal or material, infernal or celestial, is formed of something more than a combination of fundamental forces.
  • 2 - Magic is the most common reaction of these 21 fundamental forces, with things such as life, geography, the elements, and all else being more extraordinary happenings, and mages are weavers of the forces.
  • 3 - When one dies, their soul is dissipated into its core 6 forces, and the life around you takes these forces, thus meaning you never truly die unless you lacked a soul to begin with.
  • 4 - Your confidence is key, as without it, no force would listen. However, ego should be kept in line, less you seek to imbalance the forces with ones that embody your personality purely.
  • 5 - There are two types of magic: Holisi (Caring Magic) and Infrifsi (Uncaring Magic). Every practitioner should aim for the first, as the forces shall appreciate your kindness. Using Infrifsi requires you to torture the forces into doing your bidding, the suffering driving them away, alongside tainting your mind and soul. However, the second shouldn't be forgotten, instead, it should be compensated by letting the forces act freely, creating bizarre Chygaishic phenomena, if you direly require the increased magical potential.

Membership Benefits

None, yet. Though, with more leadership, rewards may soon come.


69 IA, a year mostly without strife on Etera, a time of reflection and peace. A time which Tecinyas took to figure out how he could give to the world in a way more than purely just adventuring. With the assistance of many workers provided by The Urnov Corporation due to Tecinyas and Jack's previous encounters, he was able to create this tower, thus beginning his career as the Lead Arcane Philosopher of Tirion-o Nohl.


Tirion-o Nohl in its infancy has a rather lower membership rate, with the only staff being Tecinyas himself.


Leader (Lead Arcane Philosopher) - Tecinyas Elanthros

Support Magister (Dean of The Folayeth Sphere) - N/A

Head Magical Researcher (Study-Mage of The Nithindray Sphere) - N/A

Professor of Magic (Arcanatrix of The Giragrad Sphere) - N/A

Chief Alchemist (Chymist of The Bialogifoth Sphere) - N/A

Recruitment Officer (Potential-Seeker) - N/A

Craftsmaster (Artisan-Magos) - N/A

Discipline Instructor (Bladespell Tutor) - N/A

Ritualist (Master of Rites) - N/A

Formulator (Experimental Chymist) - N/A

Notable Members

Tecinyas Elanthros - The leader and former of Tirion-o Nohl, and an adventurer who, despite never updating his rank beyond D, assists in keeping Etera, Kandra, and maybe even Chronus as a whole, safe from the constant dangers that arise alongside his fellow adventurers.

Notable Possessions

There are no notable magical artefacts belonging to Tirion-o Nohl as a whole.

Fundamental Forces and Spheres

As mentioned earlier, a core teaching in Tirion-o Nohl is the 21 fundamental forces, which are separated into 4 spheres. Each one of these forces is referred to with extreme care, as disrespect of them is damning for any user of Chygaishic magic.

Folayeth (The Sphere of Safety, Change, and Positive Energy)

  • 1 - Talranmothel: The force of change, entropy, and advancement. It is what created the school of transmutation in standard magical theory, and the polymorphing school. It is one of the 6 core components of every soul.
  • 2 - Wichalag: The force of self-perfection, artistry, and boons. One of the most important forces for mages, it enhances, but excessive Wichalag creates emotional imbalance and an overload of magical energies.
  • 3 - Detehtrek: The force of confidence, the future, and destiny. A force which moulds fate, in a world without a predestined destiny for those in it, it is more of a prediction based on the most likely occurrence rather than seeing into the future itself.
  • 4 - Vetfogdil: The force of positive energy, birth, and rebirth. What the plane of positive energy is formed of, and always in the air. Without, or with too much, it can destroy life, yet in perfect balance it serves to maintain and bring life back.
  • 5 - Bulharath: The force of sanctuary, hardness, and complacency. The force which keeps the cold from immediately gangrening all limbs, and a small fire from scorching flesh by its emanations, it is not a force inside of creatures. Instead, it targets specifically the source of a threat and dampens it.

Nithindray (The Sphere of Learning, Sentience, and Modification)

  • 1 - Forsaginath: The force of foresight, vision, and light. Senses as a whole, from sight and smell to trueseeing, require Forasginath to create the patterns in the minds of creatures to process the information.
  • 2 - Lyafsil: The force of the mind. The second of the 6 core components, Lyafsil is thought itself, and free will. Without it, fate would reign over all.
  • 3 - Xalax: The force of lies, confusion, and mistrust. All falsities, from white lies to constructed fake lives, to invisible cities, are governed by Xalax.
  • 4 - Chronofalash: The force of the fae, time, and stagnation. The fae's perception of reality is tied with time itself: a constantly marching progression until the eventual end, instead of an intentional and scouring search. Despite this, the force also covers the opposite of this with the halting of this march.
  • 5 - Moeathirin: The force of translocation, space, and location. Without Moaethirin, the world would simply be concepts too alien for even the greatest minds to glimpse into, non-geometrical waves of nothing being the most noticeable landmark.

Giragrad (The Sphere of Destruction, Negative Energy, and Force)

  • 1 - Icholarath: The force of the first and last stain of blood. The end of all, and the start of it, is innately tied with blood itself. Groetus himself is seen to be as a bloodstain to Chygaishic mages, his conflict ending and starting with its shedding.
  • 2 - Netkiril: The force of negative energy, vengeance, and plague. Seemingly a purely bad and wrong force, it is actually necessary for existence, as it balances out Vetfogdil, slowly improving the positive energy with dangers that its sickening diseases pose.
  • 3 - Aor: The force of competition, war, and hatred. Even among those lacking a mind, there always remains the idea to kill and destroy in order to accomplish a goal. For those with one, it grants an easy reason with bitter hatred seeding commonly.
  • 4 - Yigasfoh: The force of nothing and dust. This force goes over the absence of matter, or the replacement of it with just dust, pure destruction lying due to its existence.
  • 5 - Cvryt: The force of force, motion, and impact. Unlike Moeathirin, Cvryt focuses on the being itself and its movement, not the space they move in. It is also the third of the 6 core components.

Bialogifoth (The Sphere of Creation and Natural Order)

  • 1 - Sumaraig: The force of artificial life. When there is not all 6 of the required forces to create true life, sometimes the world will create facsimiles of life, with the unknown manner being due to Sumaraig.
  • 2 - Exil: The force of things and matter. The opposite of Yigasfoh, and the fourth of the 6 core components, it exists to cause existence of both nonliving and living matter.
  • 3 - Gzerat: The force of shadows, things which are hidden, and ignorance. Lack of what normally is plenty, such as light, vision, and knowledge, is Gzerat. If something exists, Gzerat allows for it to be taken away.
  • 4 - Specitaloy: The force of chance, natural phenomena, and the elemental planes. It causes not only the elements to exist, not only serving as the fifth core component, but it also causes all bizarre happenings in the world, from dry lighting to the unlocking of psychic potential.
  • 5 - Beturavos: The force of roiling. From the feeling of an approaching storm to the emotional turmoil building up in a man, that sensation is cracking and intimidating Beturavos.

There is one final force, Nul, which is the background and fabric of existence, and the final component for life to be created. It belongs to no sphere, simply existing outside in a pure and raw state, untouched by concepts outside of just purely existence.

Public Services

Students in the school are expected to have practical experience with all the spells they create, and thus are commonly sent out into Etera and potentially beyond to try and help people in their struggles using their magics.



The Urnov Corporation is considered an ally in the eyes of Tirion-o Nohl.


No known enemies of Tirion-o Nohl, however Bloodzerkers are a common issue alongside the native Giant and Troll population.