The Unfated Cycle

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(Mechanically, this faction is Chronus's version of the Lords of the Wheel)


The Unfated Cycle is a steadily growing organization of those who wish to protect Harmony. Not just the balance of the land, water, planet, or otherwise. Just... whatever lies before them, for they are people in the end. Who care about those before them. Originating from the wild lands of Jarko within Setlaar reach, they have since spread outward through various continents of Chronus, and beyond. They seek to restore what is broken, break what is made wrong, and try to fight against the end that comes when balance is broken for the last time.


The Unfated Cycle only really became known less than a decade ago, somewhere within the lands touched by The Setlaar. To those within the organization itself, this foundation is Jarko. A lush land ruled by Cernunnos for ages, until an ancient evil had corrupted the hearts of those who followed the Stag Lord. More of such details involving the land can be read in the annals of a group prophesied to restore the Stag Lord to his lost power. The Far-Born Paladins.

One such Paladin was unlike the others, not that they were not all different from each other in their own ways. Zigek Rolmahn, the Founder of The Unfated Cycle, made his rise to power alongside the others. After restoring the Stag Lord's power, some of the Paladins left, while the others remained, taking up the burden they chose to shoulder under Cernunnos's guidance. Although he had left, Zigek may have ceased being a Far-Born Paladin with the powers that came with it, but he never gave up the ideals he had instilled in him in Jarko.

The monk was one who swore against magic, however the form it took. His will was adamant enough, he refused even a god's blessings, for it was magic all the same. What the monk saw of the balance of nature, and the harmony of the land, and the bonds shared among those that survived those treacherous days, had touched his heart nonetheless. It was especially that of the fall of The Valkyrie, that has cemented the need for bringing back balance to the realm, within Zigek's heart. Even if it meant losing everything he had, he would find those who would help him.

Similar to the responsibilities the Paladins take up back on Jarko, Zigek expanded them further. Not just protecting the natural world, not just maintaining Nature's balance. Even if the monk is biased in some very specific regards, it was clear that as long as he had enough people to follow him, they could make up for that lack in perspective. To balance him, too. And so he did, from those who came with him from Jarko, back to the lands with which he called home, Eatash Alram. No longer a desert like he had known it for so much of his life prior to his redemption on Jarko, and protected by multiple individuals of great power, including even an actual deity... who he could've sworn he recognized, and yet didn't, at the same time. Thankfully, knowing his home was well protected at least, that lifted another stone upon Zigek's heart, allowing for dedication over the next few years to cultivate his organization. The Unfated Cycle, protecting with all that they are, beyond even Time.


The Unfated make sure that all within its ranks know by heart, the values by which they are meant to uphold. Tests, trivia, enrichment, or otherwise, are provided to best guide the path of those who wish to walk alongside them, against Fate itself. It is very important, to clarify what balance and harmony is, for those who wrongly believe good without evil, law without chaos, or otherwise, is the 'right' way. If there was not one without the other, then they would be empty and without meaning, until it is eventually corrupted beyond recognition in stagnancy. With each new member, a representative of each of the Five Virtues would acknowledge their induction, while having the member recite the oath they swear to for the rest of their time with The Unfated Cycle.
"I am not a monster, killing without goal. I am not a fool, blinded by the moment at hand. I am an Unfated, fighting my Fate with each and every breath. I bring an end to that which upsets the balance, those who would ruin the harmony of our world. To preserve all that is, against that which would destroy it. All things must have a chance, whether to use or squander. It is by this oath, that I dedicate my mind, my body, and my soul. The Cycle is without end or beginning, its churning force may not favor me, but let that not dissuade. For if such a thing as favor could break my will, it was not worth saving. And so, my fight continues, in this life, and however many after. Until The End. Unto Eternity."


An Unfated of The Cycle gains a +2 insight bonus on Bluff, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. In addition, an Unfated of The Cycle of 3rd level or higher gains Lurker in Darkness as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

An Unfated of The Cycle who violates his oath loses these bonuses and the benefit of the Lurker in Darkness feat (but not access to the Riven Hourglass discipline) until he atones for his transgression through one week of isolated meditation, without contact with other sapient beings. Alternatively, an Unfated of The Cycle can atone with a sacrifice of his own blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage to himself. Once this damage has healed naturally, his atonement is complete.


  • Wood/Spring: a period of growth, which generates abundant vitality, movement and wind.
  • Fire/Summer: a period of swelling, flowering, expanding with heat.
  • Earth can be seen as a transitional period between the other phases or seasons or when relating to transformative seasonal periods it can be seen as late Summer. This period is associated with stability, leveling and dampness.
  • Metal/Autumn: a period of harvesting, collecting and dryness.
  • Water/Winter: a period of retreat, stillness, contracting and coolness.

The "Five" Virtues

Virtue of Earth:
Alignment: Any Neutral
Perhaps the most mundane of the Virtues, but extrordinarily important all the same. For with Earth, there is stability. The largest of the factions, what the others do with great potency and quality of the situation demanded of them, the endless Earth does with quantity. Many with power and desire to right wrongs, correct mistakes, and more, find themselves ill suited for simpler day-to-day tasks. Or they risk unbalancing that which they wished to help, due to being too great of a force. The slowness and steadiness of Earth is where that comes in. When others would leave to find the next thing to solve, those of this Virtue would remain. To maintain and protect what is there, until the need arises for them to call another Virtue again. It could be said that it is the most transitory and supportive Virtue, and that is true. There is so much one can do without sheer quantity of even the most ordinary of individuals, to support a foundation unyielding enough to allow for their organization to thrive.

Virtue of Fire:
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sometimes, laws are meant to be broken. A law that goes against the needs of those it binds, will find those bindings shatter in the heat of Fire. They are the free spirits who overturn order to allow the will of the people to unfold as needed. However, they are not completely without temperament. Those of Fire, know when an uncontrolled fire brings only death and disruption, and thus cut off the inferno of chaos should the people go too far. The glory in the moment, can make the most potent of leaders in crisis, but more often than not, they are the axe to fell the overgrown and rotting ways of old.

Virtue of Metal:
Alignment: Neutral Evil
To allow the enemy mercy, is to invite weakness into the heart. Hands that cannot bear the filth of this world, is the weakest to disease and failure. Those who follow steel of Metal, take the roads less taken by the strong. Assassinations for those who know too much of what should not be, bribery and blackmail to allow for the movements of The Unfated to go unhindered, killing those who would trespass protected areas within The Unfated Cycle, and deals that would be less savory to any other Virtue. A necessary evil, for the balance cannot exist without evil to pair with good. Naturally, they too are also prone to falling to the evil and destructive tendencies they represent, and are thus often kept in check as needed. Those who understand the deadly bite of Metal, are known for being very realistic and unfettered by morality in their actions. This is not to be mistaken for being immoral, for they too are in the end, following the goal of preventing utter loss of harmony and minimizing the destruction brought about by their less evil compatriots.

Virtue of Wood:
Alignment: Neutral Good
An untended garden is one that is choked by weeds and parasites. So too, are places without the vibrancy of Wood, allowing corruptive forces to burrow and fester into a people's ecosystem. The hardy Wood, are those who are by not means soft hearted for all the good they see in the world. They know to recognize that which taints the happiness of those they care about, and excise it from their lands. Killing diabolists, corrupt politicians, or any other source of an unbalancing amount of evil. Should a domain cry for help, wallowing in despair, that is the time in which Wood grows in response. They bring new life and circulation to such places, be it through said killing, injecting money into the economy, providing goods and services for cheap, volunteering even for mundane tasks, and more.

Virtue of Water:
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Just as a thirst cannot be quenched without Water, so too need chaos be kept in check by law. Due to the delicate nature of law within "civilized" lands, those of Water must learn to flow around obstacles when needed, with diplomacy, observation, and understanding. This does not, however, mean that they are without bite. Even the hardiest of rock can crumble, the sharpest of blades to rust, and the driest of deserts to bloom, from the relentless surge of Water. When untimely death, or unwarranted rebellion, or daemonic incursions arrive, so too are the soldiers of law to stem the tide. When needed, they may influence the rise of new leaders, install better governing and business practices to allow for healthier livelihoods. But just as a wave may crash to shore, Water needs to know when to recede. To leave the places with which they influence, so they may not further risk over-correction, to warp things too far into the lawful direction.

The Cycle Breakers:
Alignment: True Neutral
Lastly, are the rumored sixth group within The Unfated Cycle, The Cycle Breakers. Almost entirely consisting of truly neutral individuals, with few exceptions under rare conditions, these individuals require an even greater bar for not only their character, but also competence and power. This group is said to be focused more upon internal resolution. Punishing traitors to silence them prior to exposure of the organization's secrets, determining if members threaten the balance they swore to maintain, making sure standards to not slip so that the faction's power does not wane, and more. It is said that at their head, is the power behind the organization, The Samsara Lord.

Available Services

The Unfated of The Cycle ask for loyalty that equals their dedication to their eternal task of maintaining the balance. Unfated can expect to have friendly relations with groups who are allied with their organization, access to items for purchase on or off the market, hiding places, libraries of information dedicated to their potential enemies, secrets discovered in their pursuit of the balance, and more. An Unfated is expected to be responsible with all that they do, so abandoning people who help them, wasting resources, or otherwise, is looked unfavorably upon and may result in decreased relations with that particular Unfated.