Ajna Majika

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The Spell Kingdom of Ajna Majika crystallized from below the bottom of the sea, erupting upwards in a protective dome of crystal.


The Spell Kingdom has been beneath the sea, not really directly interacting with folk for much of remembered history. Whether this is entirely accurate is unclear, as many historical documents have been lost with many of the lives of those who venture into the unknown depths of the sea. With the intention to live a life freed from bindings to other beings, those within don't really care for having the views of others casually pushed onto them, whether accurate or not. They try to be friendly when they can, but it is best to be prepared when asking service of any kind from beings that don't really have as much material needs as others, given their lack of actual physical form.


Within an undersea ravine, nestled between a couple of bright thermal vents, is an interconnected spider's web of bubble shapes made of crystal. Portions that lead off into the underground, although not suitable for housing, have many an area for harvesting materials both organic and inorganic, for their mana, to absorb and bring back to their core, sustaining the connection of power between all of the kingdom.


The central city, Essentia, is the home to a massive host of different spells, from various ages and functions. How the structure came about is unknown, but a glowing crystalline core is within the central towering structure.

Geode city.webp

Places of Interest

The Harmonic Forest, is one such tourist destination. The trees, also made of different types and colors of crystal, resonate with the magic in the air, producing melodious harmonies for all to hear. For those who rely on sound for the effects of their magic, this can be said to boost the effect. Crystal Forest.jpg


It is unclear if they really have a military, but any military grade magic could have potentially been given a life of its own here, so it would retain the level of power it had upon cast.


Spells of all kinds, generally taking a more peaceful approach, try to free even that which is thought to have no will, the mindless magics, creatures, and elements held onto by others. Many times this can be as simple as just... giving life to that which they are trying to free, as the previous owner has a lot more trouble stopping the thing that they were using to fight with, from just... leaving on its own.

Beyond that of living a life no longer bound to their respective creators, the need to empower their society and Crystalline Ruler through the mentioned mana connections, lends itself to a more collectivistic lifestyle.

The Leaders

The Crystal (Ruler/Magister)

Queen diamond.jpg

Prestidigia (Grand Diplomat/Viceroy)

Strider (Marshal/Spymaster)

Mendosa (Treasurer)

Feastus (High Priest/Councilor)

Dominatus (General/Warden)


Not much of an actual religion exists. Generally, the faith of its people will be directed to their source of what brought them to existence. Be it whatever magic ancestor they branched off from, or the direct crystal from which they are all sustained.