Court of Morley

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Court of Morley

The ruling power in Morcourt and Greater Morley at large. This, the largest of the various vampiric courts, is led by Countess Erika Morley herself. A generally decadent lot, they cling with surprising strength to their power even in the wake of their mortal-chattel's emancipation. They are considered by many, if not necessarily their rivals, to be the diplomatic face of Old Scarlet, owing in no small part to the otherwise reclusive or hostile nature of their neighbours.


The history of the court is synonymous with that of the Morley family itself, a long line of once-minor nobles prior to  the rise of the now fallen Scarlet Kingdom. The old patriarch, one Lazarus Morley, threw his lot in with the original founding of the kingdom and enjoyed great success, using a combination of strange and scientific methods to expand the family while keeping it strictly blood-related in spite of his undeath.

The tight grip he had on the secret of this method and his status as a founding member of the kingdom allowed for the birth of the Morley Court, attracting many other vampires to conspire and influence things within the prosperous kingdom. At its height The Court controlled many other lesser courts in various regions of the kingdom and even some beyond.

It would be the coming of The Fifth Horseman that eventually brought ruin to both the kingdom and Lazarus’ fortunes, near all of his line given a final death by the hand of Kyros, Champion of The Fifth.

From the carnage there would emerge only one heir to The Court, the now Countess Erika Morley. Practically unheard of, it was through her efforts and those of her trusted generals that ruins of Morcourt would be rebuilt and some semblance of order restored. Since then it has been a tale of tough decisions and careful moves that eventually restored a no small amount of their lost power with the minor courts again paying tribute to the Morley name.


In modern times the hierarchy of The Morley Court is more on the flat side than in Scarlet’s glory days. All acknowledge the authority of Erika Morley, Countess of Greater Morley, and her lieutenants. Other, minor counts pay tribute and hold some level of influence though this is largely through their patron members in the main Court itself.

Of Countess Erika’s lieutenants, Viscount Theodore Larinov holds special powers and privileges as the great mind behind the creation of the Morcourt Wight. This allows him to act largely without reporting to Erika at all, leading potential rivals to her power to seek his ear rather fruitlessly.

All members are, themselves, vampires of the more traditional kind. The Court has no room for mortals or lesser undead.


The Court of Morley is served by its loyal Wightguard, information on which can be found here.


At this time The Court of Morley holds the following goals and objectives:

  • Maintain control of Morcourt and Greater Morley at large.
  • Expand their influence further into the otherwise wilderness lands yet to be reclaimed.
  • Develop further military technology, namely to either enhance or substitute the Morcourt Wight.
  • Maintain their tenuous relations with the neighbouring regions, for now.
  • Press their claim on County Shelburgh.
  • Expel and utterly defeat The Order of The Iron Stake.
  • Prepare for war with The Holy Kingdom of Sarent.


As the ruling body of Greater Morley, all that lies within it falls under their influence either directly or through the sycophantic efforts of those lesser courts beyond the walls of Morcourt itself. In Ansbhuel, a key economic region for Greater Morley, Baroness Cridhe rules on behalf of the Court, a member herself though otherwise largely independent.

Beyond Greater Morley they possess and put forth many claims, frequently in the region of County Shelburgh, though an inability to enforce such claims leaves them hollow and empty.


The factions below hold the listed relations with The Court of Morley. Typically, acts that earn favour with The Court will also earn at least some degree of favour with The Barony of Ansbhuel and The Wightguard while drawing the ire of The Bleak Legion and The Order of The Iron Stake.


Relations with The Druids of Blightgrove are Hostile. Neither faction know much of the other, but Blightgrove’s innately hostile nature means this state of affairs is unlikely to change.

Barony of Ansbhuel

The Morley Court considered the Barony of Ansbhuel to be a Revered partner, not least owing to Baroness Cridhe’s membership.

Body Snatchers

Relations with the Cabal of Body Snatchers are Neutral. Historically there has been business between them, but Great Morley has also experienced its fair share of ‘body snatching’ at their hands, especially in the cabal’s infancy.

Cimmerian Accord

The Cimmerian Accord is simply too new to the political landscape to be anything but Neutral with The Morley Court.

Shelburgh Town Council

The Court is deeply Suspicious of Shelburgh’s Town Council. The Court’s claim to County Shelburgh is an empty one, especially when so many of its residents being exiles from Greater Morley, self-imposed or otherwise.

The Bleak Legion

The Morley Court barely accepts their truce with The Bleak Legion of Izaaks and they are Rejected from Greater Morley. They work together only when needed and do not tolerate any military presence from the Death Knight on their land.

The Dread Circle

Things are distinctly Revered between Falghul’s Dread Circle and The Morley Court. The need to unify against outside threats and the Dread Lich’s surprisingly diplomatic approach have cemented an otherwise already amicable history.

The Order of The Iron Stake

The Nailknight Order is Hated throughout Old Scarlet. Words do not exist, not in common, necril or any other language, to adequately express how utterly detested The Order is.

The Wightguard

The Wightguard of Morcourt are Revered within The Court, not just for their service, but because they are considered to be unshakably loyal by design.