The Storm Siren

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Once a simple Dryad that wanted to explore the world, the Storm Siren has found herself rapidly increasing in strength. Now aware of the power she has acquired, she travels the world, encouraging those trapped by circumstance to cast off their chains.


The Storm Siren began life as Autumn, a Dryad of the Forgotten Vale, a particularly insular community of dryads who took advantage of the Vale's more dangerous energies to ward off visitors. After escaping this cult-like community, Autumn spent time in the world learning of its ways before she started a small community of her own, made up of those that wished to improve their station in life

An indeterminate time later, Autumn was struck by a freak storm, one that did not heed her commands. Scholars believe this to have potentially been a manifestation of The Primordial Storm. Regardless of its origins, it was at this point that she found herself no longer a dryad in form; but a living storm herself, able to grant aspects of her power to others.


Uncertain of the implications of this new power, The Storm Siren currently is on pilgrimage that leads her throughout the world of Chronus. As she travels, she continues to free others of unwanted burdens, offering them a chance to make whatever it is they wish of themselves. In doing so, she unwittingly grows her following, as she travels aimlessly from place to place, a storm ever in her wake.


The Storm Siren's symbol has been made inadvertently, in the form of the staff she carries with her. Due to how she often channels the power of her storms through it, it has been dubbed "The Lightning Tree" and is the symbol of her power.

Another symbol is that of her companion, Prism, the Rainbow Serpent, who is occasionally seen after particularly violent storms, frolicking in the clouds and calming the skies with his presence.



Prism: As an awakened animal, Prism is free to leave Autumn should he choose, but he has opted to stay with her as thanks for his newfound intelligence and strength.


The Vale Mother: A mysterious figure not well known, the Vale Mother opposes the departure of any of her children, and has forbidden Autumn's return.


Autumn has two forms that she uses regularly

Autumn Storm Goddess.png

Her first form, is her deific form, a living storm that swirls angrily in what could barely be described as a humanoid form.

Autumn Human.png

Her other form is reminiscent of her old form, a redhead, dressed in greens and browns of the forest, with piecing blue eyes. This is the form she typically uses to interact with the world about her and help others fulfill their dreams.


Autumn's church is largely self-organized for now. She is aware vaguely that it exists, but as her power is still waxing she has yet to learn the full extent of its reach.


Priests of The Storm Siren largely seek to emulate what she does, growing their own wealth and influence to the point where they can help others free themselves to grow their own and pass it on.


Autumn has only one temple, though she does not yet know of it. It is back with her initial community of those she helped free, a shrine to the Storm Siren in the middle of the forest. She would be mortified to learn of its existence.

Favored Animals

Vipers are a favored beast due to Prism's origins as a simple grass viper.

Hawks are an additional favored animal, due to their mastery of air and storm.


The Storm Siren is a fickle being, drifting from place to place, and leaving just as swiftly as the storms she spawns. However, even as she does she teaches those that will listen to seek self-sufficiency. The Storm has no need for those that must beg for mercy at every turn, though it does grant boons to those who are willing to fight for themselves. Seek self-sufficiency, and even the most violent storm will merely put wind in your sail, rather than sinking you to the depths.


The Storm Siren is not yet strong enough to grant boons for completing an obedience.