Akasidhrassa, The Twin Boughs of Reincarnation

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Doc rose in the level of quantity needed to form a divine source of his own, through the slow accumulation of other 'hims' from the other worlds, as they collapsed to this one. He's reincarnated through the ages, across worlds, civilizations, intergalactic federations, and forgotten more than most living creatures would ever encounter, let alone learn. With the inevitable collapse of worlds, timelines, and otherwise, all falling towards the world of Chronus, slowly, so too has all of the incarnations of him been overlapping, which is slowly pushing him towards being a  representative of Will that surpasses death and the grind of ages of reincarnation.

He doesn't desire to become a god, but the build-up of divine-sourced belief and power over time, has pushed his soul to a more god-like qualitative change, which he has come to accept, as time has passed.


The residence of Doc, the name the tree goes by, is the heart of the forests of Járnviðr Grove, where his followers and co-workers congregate. Doc's role in the kingdom is that of a ruler, guiding those within as he can, to give them a fulfilling life of tranquility, and balance, when possible.


His original state was that of a human, but as other versions of him collapsed into this reality, he stabilized himself within a Dragon Line (leyline, basically, but distinct differences in lore). This made him adapt, similar to his surroundings, taking on the aspects of Plant and Dragon from the world's essence. For the most part he remains similar in appearance, but some of the plantlife comes from him, rather than stuck to him, and what looks like wrinkles, may be faint scaling.

Holy Symbol

Tree img.webp

A tree, expanding to infinity, even upon itself. Mathematical, and yet natural, as is nature's beauty. This symbol would be etched, likely, in some form of un-processed substance. Be it wood, stone, or raw material, with the option to ebbed shaped bits of gold and silver, that has not been forged, in with the symbol, to mark it as the tree's patron colors.




Doc has various natural allies, among the woods, that he may summon or convince, to act out his will, or carry messages.

Church of Akasidhrassa

The church, much like its patron, maintains its resillience and unwavering tradition. This belief, allows for equal output of miracles, and unwavering faith in its followers. Although lacking in actual power, it is quite difficult to enact any manipulations upon them, short of destruction.


Druids, Nature-oriented individuals, Samsarans, reincarnated individuals, "isekai'd" weebs, shifters, and so on, are among the worshipers.


Druids mainly, but any with sufficient belief, and use of divine magic, could work.

Temples and shrines

Mainly hollows and trees 'sung' into shape, across the Grove.

Favored animals

Trees, and those that dwell among them.


By spending an hour a day, tending to nature, ridding it of any 'defilement', or some other task devoted to this purpose, the benefits below may be obtained from the patronage of the one whom they devote themselves to.

Gain as either a sacred or profane bonus: +2 to attack and damage with natural weapons against those opposed to nature.


  1. Nature's Gifts (Sp) goodberry 3/day, tree shape 2/day, or haste 1/day
  2. Twin Boughs (Ex) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon an exact double of your animal companion. The double acts and thinks like your animal companion in every way, and obeys your commands just as the original would. Your original animal companion and its double understand and trust each other perfectly. The double remains for 1 round for every Hit Die you possess, and then vanishes. If you don’t have an animal companion, you instead gain the ability to use summon nature’s ally V as a spell-like ability once per day, limited to plants, including the contents of the feat Summon Plant Ally.
  3. Time Heals All Wounds (Ex) Your flesh regrows like that of the forest after a fire, slowly but surely, as the damage provides sustenance to fuel the process. You gain regeneration 5(Negative Energy Damage from edgelords will emotionally kill you). If you already have regeneration, take the better one, and add the two values together.

Divine Gift

To allow the rare few individuals to earn a true gift, they may have their spells/powers/effects as if ones CL/ML or whichever count as 2 higher for the effect of categories pertaining to his areas of concern, or domain (this does not allow accessing anything sooner for pre-reqs):

  • A valid descriptor or effect of 'Nature'
  • Time (once he gets the domain at tier 6)
  • effects that restores life to a dead target in some way
  • effects involving the Akashic (including the spells mentioning it)