The Crusader's Council

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The Crusader's Council

The Crusader's Council is a widescale conglomerate of various individuals and organizations across Chronus that hold the collective agreement of opposing the efforts of Fifth Horseman. By extension, the current goal of this gathering is the invasion of the Ghostlands and the removal of the endless scourge of undeath that has existed since the fall of the Verk Empire, and which currently act as the unintentional shield of the Fifth. Currently the organization is defunct, as the ultimate goal of the Council has been completed, though the collective struggle has resulted in some groups growing closer as a result.


The forming of the Council cannot be denoted to one singular event, but many. Over the course of the Five Years of Rest, differing powers across Chronus came to acquire substantial power in one form or another. New nations rose, organizations formed, and orders established; and with the rise of these great powers, came the tide of calamity that sought to test them all.

The conflict against Rushari Vastri, the Godfall, the emergence of the Fifth, and many, many more events large and small brought attention to the vulnerabilities of the realm first thought to be nonexistent. Anubis himself, brought low by the collapse of the divine, sought to unify the greater world, ultimately settling upon Fort Ragathiel as the place where such unity would begin.

Other events across the pond of Etera's seas likewise garnered much attention from an unlikely ally. The Setlaar. Often either dismissive or wary of the troubles that at many times assailed the conglomerate of city-states and tribes, the Alinibal Court would garner a fearsome understanding of the sheer reach that the Fifth could invoke. During the most recent Congress of Lords, Theo Yung, a champion of the Fifth Horseman, would assault the compound the Congress was being housed in. In an effort to preserve the lives of those in attendance, Operator Xerxes Al'Ahkir sacrificed his life in a last act of service, and thereafter was made a martyr. Spurred on by this action, the Setlaar military was mobilized immediately and an invasion force was prepared and sent forth.

This all culminated with the total annihilation of the 1st Abroad Fleet of the Setlaar by the Endbringer Cult in 54IA. An organization proclaimed to be in service to the Fifth Horseman, the Endbringers, and other beings called ‘Hollows’ launched attacks far beyond the passive territories of the Ghostlands, utilizing the indefatigable tide of undead to shield themselves from retaliation.

These attacks, as well as other reasons, ultimately lead to the agreed upon formation of the Crusader's Council, and the pulling together of resources by these originally disparate factions. Instilled with the fervor only a crusade could form, time will only tell if the unified front will be enough to turn back the tide of annihilation.


While ultimately striving towards the same goal, the varied agents, agencies, and organizations who compose the Council could not be more different. With so many different beliefs and ideas of stratagem, it is both the common enemy that they face, as well as the aura of balance and gravitas of Anubis that keeps the Council in equilibrium:

Anubis, Guardian of the Tomb, representative of the Church of Anubis

The god Anubis is the head of the Crusader's Council by vote of its initial members, and has remained unchallenged in any meaningful sense in that position. As not merely a deity, but a deity of judgment, Anubis is widely considered fair and impartial in his leadership, able to make reasoned decisions no matter how intricate or complex a discussion may become. He also holds veto power over new admissions to the council, which he exercises to reject any applicants who would unduly seek to influence the its activities or turn it aside from its main purpose. However, while Anubis is a leader, he generally does not act as commander. Instead, he considers the needs and petitions of the less-divine on the council and helps ensure that free will is maintained instead of trying to impose his will on the discussions. Some suspect that Anubis knows the truth of the Ghostlands, but for reasons of his own has decided that it is not worth sharing. (Notably, no other deity contacted has provided answers, either. Why they maintain such a silence - if indeed they know the truth - is a mystery, but one the rest of the Crusader's Council has decided to accept as there's no real way of forcing the issue.)

Knight-Commander Saintsoul, representative of Fort Ragathiel

The Knight-Commander stands as an ironically mundane figure amongst the demigods and distinctly powerful figures of the Council. Despite this, his personality remains steadfast and unwavering, built upon his fierce stoicism and his lengthy veteran perspective. Often advocating for somewhat bold strategies in the face of the endless tide of the undead, Saintsoul's resoluteness has contributed to a number of the Council's strategies.

So far, he has yet to find any distinct disagreement with any of the other members of the Council, despite the altogether alien perspectives that some of them sometimes bring to the table.

Riftstalker Elite Watson, representative of the Riftstalkers

Watson Valtier is the main representative of the Riftstalkers organization with the Crusader's council. All Riftstalker forces present in the Ghostlands are mainly supervised by him. He actively focuses on annihilating the undead threat itself at every turn possible (including hollow threats), and will coordinate with the adventurers accordingly.

Commanders X and Zero, representatives of the Time Knights

Commander X and Zero work on behalf of the Time Knight Order in the Ghostlands. All Time Knight members present are mainly supervised by these two. The Time Knights take priority in studying any temporal anamolies present, as well as finding any weaknesses from enemy forces and exploiting them. They are also keeping tabs on studying Hollow magic, so that the Crusade can be better prepared to face the actual hollow threat itself when the time comes.

The Duke of Thin Ice, representative of the Wild Hunt

The Duke of Thin Ice is more of a passive influence than anything else, assessing individual threats and the danger they pose to the crusade. He doesn't tend to give advice, merely laying out the facts, but he is intensely disapproving of anyone he thinks careless. He also invites journeying fey of the Wild Hunt into the material, as long as they swear to act in support of the crusade.

While he hasn't acted in such a capacity yet, he has offered to help adventurers in an especially tight spot, although for a price.

Magrim, representative of Dun Holvar

Due to a deal achieved through Cormick Thale and Torag, the All-Father of the Dwarves enlisted the help of his older brother to be the acting representative of Dun Holvar. His position has been noted to be the overseer of the armaments and metalwork of the Crusade. With a trusted team of Dun Holvar's finest blacksmiths taught underneath the tutelage and faith of Torag, he and his team provide masterwork or higher quality equipment to help those in the Crusade to fight with little fear in regards to their armor and weaponry.  As a special reward to those participating in the Ghostlands, some may secure special discounts for high quality items, or even artifacts hand-crafted by the likes of Magrim or Torag.

In regards to the Ghostlands themselves, Magrim views its existence as an atrocity against the law of the universe. The adversities of the Ghostlands do little to deter the steadfast dwarven deity, who believes every undead should be purged and is usually an advocate for the Crusade to hold no hesitation in cleansing the land to allow the souls remaining to reach their afterlife.

General Samaud, representative of Setlaar