Clan Snekrit

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Clan Snekrit is a primarily ratfolk guild of assassins, smugglers, saboteurs, spies, and traffickers of arms, drugs, monsters, and occasionally even people. No job is too dirty, no task is too depraved, no method is too mad, as long as the price is right.

Just remember, no Gnomish.


Clan Snekrit is extremely new, founded only in the last few years and emerging from the ruins of the gnomish city of Fizzlekrank, now known as Ratholm. It is rumoured that the city's downfall is a direct result of the infestation of ratfolk clan originating from a small alchemist's shop near the Waterfront, just on the other side of the wall from The Riot. Whatever the truth of the matter, the clan now inhabits the under tunnels of the city, stretching down into the dark lands and around into the surrounding countryside.


Ratholm (Pronounced Rat Home, often mispronounced Wrath Olm) and it's under scape is the primary headquarters of the Clan, and it is here that the ratfolk train their assassins, build their weapons, breed their monstrosities, warehouse their illicit goods, and detain their prisoners. The tunnels are constantly being expanded to extend farther out to other major cities and ports as part of their ongoing expansion of a smuggling network. The underscape also links into the darklands and excavation is underway to a dedicated line to the deep vaults. Very little is illegal in Ratholm, but what few laws exist are policed by hidden assassins, and the sentence is always death.

Command Structure

Clan Snekrit operates on a cell structure, each individual cell having it's own mandate and area of coverage so they can maintain operation effectiveness and secrecy even if other cells become compromised. Cell members operating outside of Ratholm rarely meet anyone outside their cell, and depending on local law enforcement's efforts may even only ever meet one other member of their cell to ensure that they can only give up one person if captured.

In Ratholm, the various cells congeal into divisions based on geography, with each area being controlled by an Underseer. The underseers co-ordinate with each other for information and contracts, reporting directly to the Overseer, whom may or may not be multiple ratfolk and often appears to the Undercouncil exclusively in dreams(or nightmares, should the Underseer in question have failed in some catastrophic way). Infighting amongst the Undercouncil is not tolerated openly, but as always in the rat-eat-rat world of organized crime, coups and consolidation of power though underhanded maneuvers is bound to happen, and once successful can even be bragged about openly as a show of how devious and therefore dangerous a particular Underseer may be.

Clan Snekrit "Rat Sign"

The following sigils are carved into walls, ceilings, and hidden places around Clan Snekrit holdings to identify key locations to other clan members.