Derro-Fyr Foundries

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(Counts as the Warsmith Brotherhood for the Mangled Gear martial tradition. Forgot I apped for access to the tradition ages ago.)

Derro-Fyr Foundries, a primarily Dwarven company, originates under The Pickaxe of Siacros. Originally just covering the mining and smelting works of the capital of Alzhak Reger, Kal'Azgoroth, they expand in scope as the kingdom itself does. The company was founded by Delvar Starbreaker after The Merovingian Mountains of Etera were subsummed by shadow, years after Emperor Verk's purge and subsequent overthrowing. Their main purpose is Metals and Mining Operations, such as the general procurement and refinement of such resources, as well as development and discovery of more alloys, elements, and more. However, they also have continued to expand as the needs of the kingdom were able to support further markets. This includes Chemicals, Construction, Containers and Packaging, as well as a much more minor role in Paper and Forest products, as part of the overarching Materials Industries market. After a decade, they have since begun looking... outward... for these goals. Details are not yet available to the public, but massive amounts of resources, labor, and specialized research projects have been moving about Alzhak Reger.


The company remains, technically, under its founder, Delvar Starbreaker, however, just as with his kingdom, the dwarf's hands mainly keep out of the general operations of the company, which he leaves to trusted associates, including but not limited to one of his oldest companions, Pylon. Making use of his innate abilities as a multi-tasking construct-type lifeform, as well as his familiar connection to Delvar himself, Pylon is able to keep a firm grip of the major operations, splitting the day-to-day among the others.


Derro-Fyr Foundries operates all over Alzhak Reger, with a close business relationship with Naramoore Steelworks, built on the underlying cooperative relationship of their founders Delvar Starbreaker and Avalia Naramoore. Its more intellectual practices are concentrated primarily under Kal'Azgoroth itself.

Manufacture and Production

Much of the Foundries capabilities in the Materials industry come from the construction and mining equipment they regularly obtain through their contracts with Naramoore Steelworks within the capital. With this equipment, in addition to the dwarves proprietary forging techniques used within their traditional-style forges, they are able to produce much of the resources used as a foundation for the kingdom's economy. If one were to give a diagram of conversion of resources, there would be a chart between the two companies where raw materials mainly come from the Foundries, it is processed into alloys, general ingots, construction materials, chemicals, planks, etc. While The Steelworks would take a portion of these intermediary materials and refine them into equipment, technological devices, and production of more of their people. Then, a fair portion of equipment and technological devices would feed back into the Foundries, with the created people being able to make up a reliable workforce for both companies, and their many branches. Of course, the majority stay with The Steelworks themselves, while the majority of the Foundries is better known for its dwarven population.

The Foundries are especially proud of their variety of metals and alloys, which is deeply owed to the sheer variety of resources below Alzhak Reger, due to whatever strange confluence of events that caused so many unique opportunities and convergences of fate to produce them.

Research And Development

With the help of Pylon, much of their research and blueprints originate from reverse-engineering whatever obscenities are sent their way from Delvar Starbreaker, who seemingly almost always within his forge these days...Despite this, however, the Foundries themselves continue to do what they can to refine what insights they obtain from his works, streamlining for public use, lowering material costs even if for less potent results, how to better market their new products, and son on. As always, the focus of their research is maintained within Alzhak Reger and centers around rock and stone and metals. It is said more specific projects are being kept under wraps, but with time, news will reach the public as to what fruit these projects bear.


Derro-Fyr Agriculture and Refinement

Long story short, this division is mainly centered around the growth, usage, and refinement of alcohols. Yes, there are various kinds of food they produce that 'pair well with alcohol', but no mistake, this is mainly just the alcohol-focused branch. One of the 'Big Three' of Derro-Fyr simply by virtue of how integral it is to Dwarven society. These could be fermentations of vineyard grapes, copious fields of hops, mushroom farms, or otherwise. Logically speaking, if you can give them something, they can find a way to make alcohol with it. Obviously not by the one material by itself, but still. An amusing service is just that, going to a local representative, handing them something, and asking it be made into alcohol. They'll provide a time and cost estimate, and it is up to individuals whether they desire to do so. After all, alcohol is sacred, so you better not take it lightly, or you may lose your knees and hands. Their center lies in the heartlands of Aethr'thrim's cultivated fields.

Derro-Fyr Apprenticeships and Re-education

Tradition, a word very important to dwarvenkind, and those who live alongside them. Although operating at a loss, it is a vital business for the continuation of the kingdom, as well as providing a wonderful service for those who cannot afford or do not desire to 'have their very being rewritten like a badly written script' magically speaking. This division makes sure to compensate teachers and professionals in just about any field, to provide said expertise, in shaping the minds of those who wish to learn. Apprentices, of course, being a more hands-on type of learning generally for initial molding of a young mind for their desired trade. Re-education, instead, is a mixture of purely academic or hands-on options. Some, wish to make use of the notes and materials available on their 'off time' to work toward a goal of expanding their portfolio of capability, or if they made a new choice in their desired profession that is different enough to need re-adjustment. Others, who do not have, or cease their prior employment, usually are recommended toward the more hands-on approach, though additional materials can be provided for study when a given eductor is unavailable. Overall, these individuals work until they reach a point where they feel ready to complete a presentation of their knowledge and capability, and get a document of certification tendered to prove their successful learning in that field. This document is good anywhere in Alzhak Reger, at least. It is not a requirement by any means, but it essentially doubles as a respected 'introduction letter' for employment, due to the well known success of such programs within the nation. The main building is the original 'Crafting Center' of Kal'Azgoroth, but at least one structure exists in every city of Alzhak Reger, with multiple needs for re-education being in New Vienne.

Derro-Fyr Chemicals

Not everything extracted from above and below can be categorized as construction material, metal, stone, wood, or otherwise. Some things don't come in solid forms, come about from necessary interacting with other substances as byproducts, or simply were discovered by accident. This sub-branch handles such matters. Finding ways to make use of the strange materials, or even finding new ways to make use of existing materials in esoteric ways. This is the part of the company that finds new ways to make rubber, produce alchemical goods, industrial grade cleansing products for general use even in areas that do not rely on magical cleansing, and more. They are based mainly in Deephelm's Valley for operations, but smaller groupings exist at local sites of long-term known chemical usability.

Derro-Fyr Construction

Second of the 'Big Three', is one that is also very popular for contracting overseas. Through the traditional techniques of shaping stone, metal, and their deep history in building things 'to last', the dwarven construction division produces large quantities of materials from the raw resources obtained from the Metals and Mining division. These materials can be finished product meant directly for construction, or be a 'between stage' material, which is then sent over to more specialized groups. be it another subsidiary of Derro-Fyr Foundries, Naramoore Steelworks, The Setlaar, or otherwise. Due to its beginnings in the initial founding of Alzhak Reger, the headquarters is also in Kal'Azgoroth. Many works will be subcontracted outward, to perform construction throughout the kingdom. Often, custom jobs are performed, with the goal to be just as artisanal as it is practical, for a given structure. There are, of course, still plenty of pre-established options to choose from, with materials prepared for those specifications already on hand, for lower budgets. Places in which their work is outsourced to, include Dun Holvar, Etera, other nations of The Continent of Siacros as well, and whoever else may desire dwarven-tier construction.

Derro-Fyr Containers and Packaging

Albeit not the most profitable by any means, this branch makes up for greatly in recovery costs. Half domestic production and half outward, the company makes most of any kind of container one can think of. It could be as simple as alcohol storage, the most integral of storages of course, to specialized boxes to keep out unwanted elements or keep in dangerous materials, to the organization and serialization of all kinds of cargo for the Transportation and Logistics division to handle. Since they specialize in just that, storage, it allows them to provide a vast array of products for an even wider variety of situations, and how to make the operations more efficient by usage of proper storing techniques. Most likely, there will be at least one team dispatched at any given business under the umbrella of Derro-Fyr, to handle that group's storage expertise.

Derro-Fyr DeepEarth Initiative

Coupled with Steelworks Survey Corps, the DeepEarth Initiative is a subsidiary company whose main operations extend beyond Chronus. Details are not yet available to the public, due to various more secretive movements in regards to material sourcing, funding, etc., but as years pass, they have grown bolder in their projects. Like the other subsidiaries, it too still has its main headquarters with Alzhak Reger, although it remains in a more secluded section of The Pick, opening up its 'roof' periodically, to send out more of their works, hidden under rock and stone.

Derro-Fyr Paper and Forestry

One of the less popular parts of Derro-Fyr Foundries, is the one dedicated to wildlife, forests, and handling of paper products. Thanks to the blood mangroves, among other natural resources, from around the Barrows of Mizralgyos, there remains still a sizeable enough niche in the market for these miscellaneous luxury type goods, be it for desire for bloody-style decor, unique types of creatures hunted and harvested, or otherwise just the simple desire for a number of paper products for advertisement, disposable business cards, writing materials for education, or otherwise. To a lesser extent, mundane methods of erasing marks from such products is also sold, made from similarly natural resources. They focus more on minor holdings at the miscellaneous resource areas, prior to handling being then done by Containers and Packing, or Transportation and Logistics.

Derro-Fyr Metals and Mining

Last, but certainly not least of the 'Big Three', is another core part of Alzhak Reger. Again, headquartered in Kal'Azgoroth, is the general mining division of the nation. Most likely, the one that dwarves are most innately attuned to, in their blood and their magic, beyond tradition, beyond vice. Dwarves are not the only ones in them, by any means, for this particular division, as a large number of constructed, elemental, or otherwise earthly inclined creatures find themselves joining the employ. Said inclination not having to be innate, of course, as even humans can be seen, just usually those who enjoy their work need join. Due to the uniquely varied nature of the resources below Siacros, tapped mainly by this underground nation, countless metals, alloys, and new discoveries wait below for development of the continent, and enrichment of the lives of those upon Chronus. As mentioned prior, they focus mainly on procurement and refinement of metals and mining, in addition to development and discovery of more, while other divisions handle what other things may be performed from the raw materials and research.

Derro-Fyr Runes and Maintenance

Often not noticed as their own distinct branch, is the subsidiary that specializes in another old dwarven tradition, runecarving. More for those who are magically inclined, but not quite adept at application in real-world settings, they handle more theoretical matters around the tradition. This is not to be mistaken for magical research, which to an extent all of the subsidiaries do, but specifically runes. Additionally, a great quantity of short and long term enchantments, or even permanent ones, require maintenence and upgrades after some new breakthrough in Alzhak Reger somewhere. Yes, it is all well and good that others can make progress... but someone needs to handle doing all of the work involving replacing out-dated work. That is the main specialty of those in this group. Although Naramoore Steelworks is integral in such matters involving the technological parts of the nation, much of the magical or techno-magical works are handled by more than just Avalia Ceres Naramoore's children.

Derro-Fyr Transportation and Logistics

Not much on its own, those within this sub-branch have numerous projects of inter-cooperation with the other subsidiaries, to provide the logistics needed for different specialized fields, even DeepEarth, though those continue to be cordoned off from the rest behind greater levels of security. Based in Zulkaldun, these various projects take the form of trip scheduling for the apprentices and re-educators, load-bearing vehicles for raw or processed materials among the different branches, packaged goods to their respective destination, wherever that may be. Specialized manned or unmanned crafts for exploration, emergency response, etc. As well as handling general import and export.