Lawyers of Sin

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Lawyers of Sin are contract lawyers that will come to your defense if you do ANYTHING that is unethical, but can be justified within the laws they are pleading in (They Read the Letter of the Law, not the Intent), Lawyers of Sin help even the most unethical creatures out of their legal problems so that they can damn the creature in the end. Every time they come to a Creature's Aid they learn 1/3 of the Creature's true name, spoken by the creature receiving the service so it is freely given. Upon the third use of their services they claim your soul upon death unless you can make a legal case (Must be RPed) against them to prove misconduct on the Lawyers of Sin's part. Alternatively if you can get a more powerful creature to damn their own soul in your place, you can go free then.


There is the receptionist desk where they check in and get scheduled with one of the Lawyers of Sin, from there they get a consultation for a fee of 5k gp to tide the Lawyers of Sin over until you choose to hire them and give up a part of your name to them. There are many consultation rooms beyond the receptionist's desk where they direct you to go to when checked in. Even further back is where the partners in the Lawyers of Sin firm offices are. They have contracts stored here both mundane and infernal, the Infernal ones being hidden in certain arrangements of different objects in the room so that they can not be found unless the habits of the Devils that work for Lawyers of Sin have been analyzed or watched firsthand enough.

Standard Practices

Important Lawyers

  • Baacer Reccab

He is the Lead of the Lawyers of Sin Firm. He specializes in keeping the other lawyers in check and encouraging them to do their work to the best of their ability.