Platinum Guard

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Symbol of the Platinum Guard

Platinum Guard (Chaotic Good)

"If our enemies wish to confront us from beyond the stars, then two can play that game. It matters not how advanced they are. We have the power to acquire technological knowledge from any future. It's about time we used it to even the scales." ~ General Harrison Storm of the Time Knights.

"Victory is achieved through the fires of war. The champions of Chronus have fought long and hard to keep our world safe, and yet they are constantly faced with numbers and might beyond the imagining of most mortals. Chronus is our home too, and it's our job to stand side by side with our brethren to keep our world safe." ~ Valus Oakheart of the Riftstalkers.

"The capacity for good or evil lies within all creatures. It doesn't matter if you hail from the surface of Kandra, the underground network, or anywhere else... it won't change what you are at your core. As such, we as allies all share like-minded ideals and goals to ensure that our unity is unbroken." ~ Princess Linka of the Twilight Order.

The Platinum Guard is a combined fusion of Elite Riftstalkers, Time Knights, and Twilight Samurai to merge together into a unified and powerful force that specializes in high magitech siege warfare. It is led by three grandmasters, with each representing one of the core factions that are aspects of the Platinum Guard. Valus Oakheart of the Riftstalkers, General Harrison Storm of the Time Knights, and Princess Linka of the Twilight Order.

While each individual faction lack the numbers to wage war on a massive scale due to being specialized elites, together when merged, they have created a deadly army that is capable of combating a myriad of evils on many different fronts, regardless of terrain or location. Each member of the Platinum Guard is an Elite member from the faction they originate from, and only the most rugged, battle hardened warriors qualify to become part of the Platinum Guard.

As a faction, they serve primarily as the quintessential allied siege force to aid adventurers throughout many different campaigns to protect Chronus from evil.


Dark threats have risen and festered on the continent of Kandra (During the Echoes of Twilight Campaign). The menacing Thii led by a mastermind who appears to have hailed from another dimension, has been responsible for much chaos, despair and misery on the entire continent. Meanwhile, other threats that spell certain doom for Chronus have appeared from other timelines, keeping the world busy on several fronts. If that wasn't enough, the towers of Etera are also in danger from numerous dark forces, including the Thii.

During the war against the Thii, Princess Linka and her Twilight Order have been keeping the Thii infestation at bay in the underground network. She has been aided by adventurers, Riftstalkers and Time Knights alike, but they are unable to truly push against the Thii to gain the upper hand, due to numerous threats spread across Chronus that has divided the attention of many forces (especially the adventurers). This has prompted a drastic change in tactics, and aggression. General Harrison Storm, a member of the Time Knight Order, has been keeping tabs on the fluctuation of disturbances from across time, that constantly oppresses Chronus. Realizing that most threats that approach Chronus often come equipped with technology that far exceeds most kingdoms currently present, he has called the leaders of the Riftstalkers and the Twilight Order to bring forth a bold new plan.

General Harrison Storm proposed the creation of the Platinum Guard, which merges the Time Knight Order's inexhaustible knowledge of any future's technology, combined with the refinement of the Riftstalkers' alchemical magitech, in addition to the Twilight Order's unique disciplines and techniques among the legendary Samurai. Harrison Storm believed that if their enemies are adapting from future advantages, then so should they in order to even the odds. Valus Oakheart also added that the Champions of Chronus are the key individuals that keep their world intact in the first place, and brought forth the suggestion that this new plan that Harrison proposed, should be geared towards aiding the adventurers as a priority.

Princess Linka agreed. Simply assigning adventurers to target key objectives won't be enough to win the war against the Thii and other threats beyond that. They must all come together and fight as one. As such, all three factions would fuse their concepts, creating the unique and powerful force of siege warfare specialists called the Platinum Guard.


  • Grandmaster : There are three Grandmasters of the Platinum Guard. Valus Oakheart of the Riftstalkers, General Harrison Storm of the Time Knights, and Princess Linka of the Twilight Order.
  • Platinum Guard Executioner: The Platinum Guard Executioners are powerful warriors in the organization that specialize in the use of unique, highly advanced mechs that combine the knowledge and ingenuity of the Riftstalkers' alchemical technology, the Time Knights' knowledge of any future's magitech, and the craftsmanship of samurai weaponry from the Twilight Order that has been outfitted and adjusted for their mechs.
  • Platinum Guard Vindicator: The Platinum Guard Vindicators are powerful warriors in the organization that are focused on grounded combat, war and tactics. They appear as men and women equipped in highly advanced magitechnology, harnessing the one-man-army nature of Elite Riftstalkers, combined with the futuristic knowledge of Time Knight tech, while also being sharpened and refined for war by the Samurai disciplines of the Twilight Order. They are the signature unit of the organization.
  • Platinum Guard: The standard rank for a Platinum Guard. They are typically transferred Elites from the Riftstalkers, Time Knights, or the Twilight Order that have proven themselves qualified and capable to be a Platinum Guard.

Platinum Guard Magitech

Platinum Guard Mobile Teleporter/Tactical Communications Base Asset

The Platinum Guard's magitech is extremely advanced, easily surpassing even the technology of the Setlaar regions, due to the direct involvement of the Time Knights who are able to access knowledge from any future from any timeline, using that to their full advantage to harness any level of magitechnology that is needed in the current point of time on Chronus, though they are mindful to use that technological advantage carefully as to not draw unwanted attention. As such, no form of technology from any other force can surprise or overwhelm the Platinum Guard. Combined with the Riftstalkers' unique applications of alchemical magitech, with ancient and powerful samurai disciplines from the Twilight Order, they are equipped to handle any force from any timeline in any environment.

Due to this fusion of multiple organizations bringing together their ideas and skills, the Platinum Guard has become one of the defining masters of magitech that exists in the multiverse. As they specialize in Siege Warfare, they often work in close connection with adventurers of Chronus. They supply adventurers with deployable mobile bases, allowing adventurers to set up a fully functional assault base that includes a core generator that powers all main functions, tactical communications for easy contact among all forces, a vehicle bay that can spawn a variety of high magitech machines of death, teleporters, support bunkers, sentry defense cannons, shield generators, and a flag room that harnesses a Platinum Guard flag, which is a major artifact that greatly empowers the morale of all Platinum Guard forces (and adventurers) on the battlefield.

They are able to fight at full efficiency on land, sea, air, outer space, or even a void.

Notable Members

  • Valus Oakheart: Grandmaster representing the aspect of the Riftstalkers.
  • General Harrison Storm : Grandmaster representing the aspect of the Time Knights.
  • Princess Linka : Grandmaster representing the aspect of the Twilight Order.
  • Sera Sage: Platinum Guard Vindicator (Riftstalker Division)
  • Loana Kis: Platinum Guard Vindicator (Time Knight Division)
  • Sasha Dessex: Platinum Guard Vindicator (Time Knight Division)
  • Elite Riftstalkers
  • Elite Time Knights
  • Elite Twilight Samurai