The Ascendants of Ki

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The Ascendants of Ki

The Ascendants of Ki is a warrior clan comprised of women who are strongly attuned to psychic and/or primal (ki) magic which compliments robust martial prowess. They are practitioners and explorers of psychic phenomenon, with each of them delving into their own aspects of ki discoveries that define their particular traits as psychic-attuned warriors. While all members contain similar methods in regards to a specific set of foundational techniques, they branch off into their own specialized set of talents that set them apart from the other.

The clan is a good-aligned group (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, and Chaotic Good).


The concept of the clan was created in the First World by Grandmasters Kattaris Veir (Elf) and Mika (Agathion-Blooded Aasimar), who are both martial artists and kineticists. Both Grandmasters initially hailed from mysterious origins beyond Chronus, and their respective journeys led them to settling into the First World. Both have trained a plethora of students in the past, with Kattaris Veir being prominent for training Nikita Lifetouch, Farah Tsun, and Jia Kis. However, while Kattaris and Mika trained their respective students in the deep arts of a Kineticist, other psychic warriors existed who they had ties with, whether from the same worlds they originally hailed from, or by meeting them on Chronus.

These individuals included Sera Sage, Selena Sage, Loana Kis, Saria Kal and Sasha Dessex. Each individual discovered different aspects of psychic phenomena which were all applicable in a practical sense. As such, to pool this knowledge together to be shared and passed down to generations who would embrace these powers, the women gathered would formally create the clan known as The Ascendants of Ki. Whether it be kinetic arts, martial techniques, or other methods of psychic magic, it would all be recorded and shared among the clan in order to spark new ideas, or improve upon old ones. This collective growth of knowledge and experience would play a key role into each member of the clan developing in a myriad of ways in order to perform their duties as adventurers, regardless of which organization they belonged to.

Foundational Techniques

While each member branches off in their own ways, they all share baseline techniques that serve as foundational skills from the clan, which has proven efficient and effective over the years in adapting to a variety of situations. These techniques in question are :

  • Psychic Magic (and/or Ki): The main pillar of the clan's techniques. Each member is gifted in wielding psychic magic, which is manifested primarily as the essence called 'Ki'. The reason for focusing on psychic magic is because it originates from the very heart of the multiverse. The potential of psychic magic (or Ki) echoes in all creatures, and harnessing the power of Ki comes from within. It is not a power that can be simply stripped or denied in its entirety, compared to one wielding divine magic, or in some other cases, arcane.
  • Transformations: Each member is familiar with elemental-infused transformations, though these can vary drastically in aesthetic, appearance, and function from individual to individual. Generally, this art involved infusing one with elemental traits to handle a variety of environments, with increasing mobility, defense, and enabling a customized set of properties that suits the user. For some, these 'transformations' are more passive and natural to their base forms, while others have multiple transformations that fulfill different situations.
  • Psychic Healing and Vitality: Every member of the clan has some degree of healing skill, though it varies among them in terms of potency and specialization. The basic foundation of psychic healing allows them to not only mend wounds in a naturalistic manner (aka, it counts as rested healing), but this controlled vitality and enhancement with psychic energy empowering one's life force can also be directed for magical efficiency as well (aka, the art of Soulfire).
  • Martial Arts: Martial prowess is another major pillar of the clan, and it is a crucial part of every member. Each individual is skilled with unarmed combat, though some specialize further into unarmed or natural weapon combat, while others focus in channeling their potential through other weapons.
