Crimson Templars

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Known as "Ragathiel's Assassins," the Crimson Templars are an order that has followed in the footsteps of the faith since the General of Vengeance first took his place amongst the Heavens. Veiled in a level of secrecy, these cloaked-knights pursue the never-ending charge of defending the call of their religion by hunting down the unchained demon, the abominable daemon, the tyrannical devil, and the unforgivable apostate. While often looked to with suspicion by those of a more merciful nature for the order's often ruthless tactics, one cannot deny the dedication the Templars display in pursuing their targets.


It is said that when Ragathiel was granted the rank of Empyreal Lord, his most loyal mortal followers adorned themselves in cloaks of pure red to symbolize the sixth wing that the General lost when he fought his father, Dispater. The cloak, originally meant as a demonstration of piousness and sacrifice, has now come to embody the vengeful nature of the order in their pursuit of the forces of evil, and is the first thing a new initiate receives when he completes his training.

The process of becoming a Crimson Templar is a difficult one, and often takes an extended period of time to achieve, primarily because of the skill set the order requires of their Templars. Agents of the order are often deployed into some of the most dangerous regions on Chronus, where contact with allies or proper supplies is extremely limited. Therefore, a Crimson Templar is expected to be self-sufficient and capable of some degree of stealth.

Moreover though, Crimson Templars are trained to be the most lethal of holy warriors, and the combat experience trainees go through is nothing short of brutal. This is to ensure that the Templar is not only capable of handling himself in the presence of the foulest of monstrosities, but that he is also mentally and spiritually stalwart as well. While this produces some of the finest warriors around, it has also lead to some criticism by other orders, citing the often cold and ruthless nature displayed by some Crimson Templars as a byproduct of this mistreatment.

Fort Ragathiel

When Fort Ragathiel was reclaimed by the Rebellion during the Verk War, and later handed over to the faithful, Crimson Templars were among the first to flock to the banner of the General of Vengeance. The Fort is currently where the Crimson Templars of Etera operate, their base of operation largely being found in a quarter located in The Ashen Stronghold.

Command Structure

With an emphasis on discipline, it may come somewhat as a surprise that Crimson Templars generally have a level of autonomy granted to them. Operating as the protectors of the faith, the Crimson Templars have a certain amount of leeway granted to how they complete their missions or what missions they deign to be notable of their time.

Before 70IA, the organization lacked any formalized structure, with Crimson Templars usually denoting command of squads or inductions to the most experienced (and or aged) member of the order on hand.

This does not mean that they are free to do as they will however, and at least in Etera, it was common knowledge that the Crimson Templars obeyed the will of the Ember Synod, a council of the faith's former and current military officials. With the formation of the Nation of Aetveris however they have been utilized most liberally by Knight-Commander Euriel Saintsoul in his efforts to expand the territories of the Fort to the rest of the Merovingian Mountains, causing most to argue that they might be under his sway more than even the Synod's.

Perhaps in an effort to counteract this influence, the Ember Synod has introduced a previously unheard of protocol of canon law. That being the appointment of an official leader for the Crimson Templars, also known as 'The Shroud of the General.' This title, as of 70IA, has been held by Kasperis Zhail also known as the 'Ghost of Kazorith.'