Empyreal Raven Solutions

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Finding optimal resolutions for partners in order to ensure a pleasant and secure operations environment.


Empyreal Raven Solutions is a security contractor, specializing in counter-Spark defense measures. Founded by Seona Echosong in 55 IA, ERS seeks to expand its influence throughout Etera, and eventually the whole of Chronus, using their thus far secretive technologies as a guarantee of safety. Thus far, they have yet to fail a client.

Recently, the organization has massively shrunk, it's presence being reduced to only a few agents provided for contracts outside of Aetveris. Rumor has it that they now serve as a shell company for the entity known as OSRA, but such claims are hard to prove and are regularly denounced as unfounded conspiracy.


Members of the Council. May I present to you why Empyreal Raven Solutions should be your first and foremost contact for security of any nature. These are, of course, just a handful of the measures we will take to ensure your safety. As per standard procedure, we reserve the right to withhold certain information for the sake of operational security.

ERS uses a combination of many moving parts to assert security for clients. First and foremost is a large team of plainclothes operatives. These are agents that blend in with the environment, keeping cover and acting like any other member of the crowd, while making reports to headquarters when able. These allow ERS to immediately know where any potential problems lie, often before the offender has even acted.

Second, the brawn. ERS does not keep all of its assets under cover. Sometimes the best protection is deterrence. For that, we offer two strategies. First, for more subtle security, we offer suited agents. These agents undergo intense training over the course of many years, and are picked exclusively from high-stress special forces units post retirement. These men and women have already proven themselves to be the best, and now they are at your side. However, sometimes you need a stronger show of force.

And so I introduce to you, the M.D.A.R.T. System. Mobile Defensive Automated Retaliation Technology. MDARTS serve a variety of purposes, but the primary purpose is to provide an immediate point defense system that can operate faster than any human can. While the variety of models we have are classified, the primary MDART holds a TSL:A 50 Plasma Rifle, along with state of the art Automatic Target Acquisition.

With this combination of technology and manpower, we create an adamantine shell around your event, ensuring both you, and your employees' safety.


Despite being advertised as an Anti-Spark defense contractor, ERS recognizes that usually, the best way to put down a sparked individual, is another sparked individual. And so ERS goes to great lengths to hire and subcontract adventurers for various jobs, in particularly those it would rather not risk its own assets on.

Command Center Muninn

A ship designed and built by Seona Echosong herself, the CC Muninn is a monstrosity of an airship. Technically not all one ship, the Muninn is instead comprised of a number of components, each running its own subsystems. These sections are all headed by the central AI system "HUNINN" which Seona affectionately refers to as "Huey". Working in unison, taking on the CC Muninn is a daunting task. Fighting the ship itself is like fighting a small army, with a multitude of subsystems operating different weapons, defense systems, and repair systems. Furthermore, the ship is continuously crewed by any number of technological and magical specialists who treat the ship as a second home. Every crew member is equipped with a special talisman, which can, in times of crisis, be activated to pull every member of Empyreal Raven Solutions back home to defend the command center. It is from this veritable fortress that Seona and ERS head up their operations, keeping an eye in the sky on the land below, and even occasionally offering advance warning to nations below if a significant threat is spotted on the ground.


Chronus World Faire