The Knights of the Realm

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The Knights of the Realm

Formed a number of years after the establishment of Nation of Aetveris, The Knights of the Realm (also known as the 'Realm Knights') is the country’s response to the threats that the ordinary soldier cannot hope to face. Taking advantage of Etera’s higher than average Sparkholder population, the Knights are the elite of Aetveris and among the most dangerous combatants that the Crown can field in battle.

Command Structure

On the outside The Knights of the Realm fall beyond the usual military structure of Aetveris, instead answering directly to the King. This grants a level of autonomy to a Realm Knight, allowing he or she to act on his or her own initiative and take actions contradictory to other agents of the Crown.

While this may seem like a substantial allowance of freedom for the vaunted warriors, Realm Knights are always keen to understand that such freedoms can and will be revoked by the reigning monarch should this privilege be abused too much.

On the inside the Knights of the Realm typically operate off the veteran status of its members. While one Realm Knight might not have any more authority than another, it is encouraged that those newly joining the order adhere to the advice and authority of those senior to them.

Equipment and Retinue

Given that The Knights of the Realm is an order dedicated to fielding the best that Aetveris can offer, it comes as no surprise that the equipment provided is top of the line. Either manufactured by IETA or acquired through foreign-sourced contractors, Knights of the Realm receive only the best in armor, gadgets, and weapons magical, technological, and occasionally Magitek-oriented.

Beyond this each Knight of the Realm is bestowed with a personal retinue of soldiers for whom is sworn loyalty to both the Knight and the Crown. Usually drawn from the followers of the Knight of the Realm, these individuals make up a reliable contingent that varies in size depending on the experience of the Knight in reference.


The current location of the Knights of the Realm is in the capital city of Setrent. Specifically, within the Reylis District of the city because of their connection to the military and availability of training facilities on the premises.

Requirement to Join

Those seeking to become a Knight of the Realm must be of the utmost level of power, required to be of great strength and capable of holding their own against some of the most dangerous and profane foes in all of the multiverse (What this ultimately translates to in game terms is a character level requirement of 16+ for one to be considered for Knighthood).

The vetting process for those of quality does not end there however, with those with the potential of joining being sent on an exceptionally dangerous mission to not only further test their capabilities in combat, but also their intelligence, morals, and their loyalty to the Crown.

The choice of this mission varies greatly and is ultimately determined by the currently reigning monarch of Aetveris. The monarch might likewise choose to eschew the mission requirement altogether if he feels that the aspiring Knight is of a sufficient quality and loyalty to join the organization outright. Regardless, completion of this mission to a satisfactory degree grants the individual entrance into the ranks of Realm Knights and all of the boons so contained.

Failure to Join

Supposing that either the individual is not powerful enough to be inducted into the order (below 16+ in character level), or an aspiring knight fails in his or her mission, then the individual may still have a chance of joining as a Squire of the Realm. Squires are those who seek the honor of a Knight but through failure or inability have fallen short of the distinction. At the leisure and instruction of a Realm Knight a Squire may be claimed and placed into service. This service has the Squire assisting the Knight of the Realm in their duty while simultaneously being trained under them in the hopes of one day being able to ascend the to the rank of Realm Knight.

Oath and Ceremony

The official details of the ceremony involved in the anointing of a new Knight of the Realm is shrouded in a certain level of secrecy, though the Oath taken is something that is known. This is because the Oath itself is done again before the general citizenry of Aetveris in order to give proper honors to the new Realm Knight.

The Oath

Question: “Do you swear that you will not waver in the face of your enemy? That if you must retreat it is only to deliver a greater vengeance upon those that oppose you?”

Response: “Steady is the grip upon my weapon when my foes darken the land. I am a Knight of the Realm.”

Question: “Do you swear to never betray your sovereign? That by his command will your blade be guided?”

Response: “Unshakeable is my faith in a battlefield of treachery. I am a Knight of the Realm.”

Question: “Do you swear that you shall protect the innocents of the nation to your utmost capability? That by your title you become a shepherd of your sovereign’s flock?”

Response: “Unbroken is my will when faced with the madness and wickedness of the world. I am a Knight of the Realm.”