Járnviðr Grove

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Járnviðr Grove is a verdant and mystical region nestled in the northwest corner of Siacros. Known for its profound connection to nature and the harmonious coexistence of its diverse inhabitants, Járnviðr Grove is a sanctuary where flora, fauna, and elemental forces thrive in unity. The region is anchored by three major cities: Yirngordil, Nirndavàl, and Boejarsker, each reflecting a distinct aspect of nature—plants, animals, and elements/energy, respectively.


Járnviðr Grove was founded by a renowned druid named Doc, who, along with a circle of druids and the funding of Inevitability, established the region as a sanctuary for nature with the intention to tend, protect, and live with the land.. Over time, this druidic circle evolved into a council governing the three cities. The region is steeped in mysticism, with myths and legends about the druids' connection to the land, their ability to communicate with nature, and their role in maintaining the balance of the world.


Járnviðr Grove's society is deeply rooted in druidic principles and a profound respect for nature. The inhabitants live in harmony with their surroundings, utilizing woodshaping and treesinging to integrate their infrastructure seamlessly with the environment. The community places a strong emphasis on cooperation, mutual support, and the preservation of natural beauty.

Cultural Practices

  • Druidic Influence: The region's culture is heavily influenced by druidic traditions, with rituals, festivals, and daily practices centered around nature.
  • Community and Cooperation: The cities of Járnviðr Grove work together in a cooperative partnership, supporting each other’s specialties.


The three cities of Járnviðr Grove have specialized roles that encourage commerce and cooperation among them:

Plant Industry (Yirngordil)

  • Magical Produce: Cultivation of magical berries, such as healing berries and wild magic berries.
  • Plant Materials: Production of livingwood, raw living steel, greenwood, and whipwood.

Animal Industry (Nirndavàl)

  • Animal Products: Provision of meat, hides, and other animal products.
  • Warrior Tradition: Training grounds and hunting lodges for warriors and hunters.

Elemental Industry (Boejarsker)

  • Elemental Goods: Weather control, material collection, and elemental shaping.

Nature Tower: A significant structure that powers the Cryptwoods and other elemental infrastructures.


Járnviðr Grove maintains a peaceful and harmonious environment but is well-prepared for defense against external threats. The region’s warriors, druids, and elemental mages are always ready to defend their home. The military structure relies on the natural strength of its inhabitants, with the warrior-like animal people leading the defense, followed by plant and elemental beings.


Járnviðr Grove takes an uncompromising stance against technology and artifice, rendering them entirely unusable within the borders of their kingdom. The inhabitants of the Grove, deeply influenced by druidic principles, believe that any form of technological advancement poses a significant threat to the natural balance they strive to protect. This includes any machinery, industrial tools, or artificial constructs that could disrupt the harmony of their environment.

The leadership of Járnviðr Grove has enacted strict policies to ensure that technology and artifice do not infiltrate their lands. These measures are supported by the region’s druids and other nature-oriented beings, who utilize magical means to detect and neutralize any technological devices. The Grove's infrastructure, agriculture, and daily practices are all rooted in druidic and natural methods, emphasizing sustainability and ecological harmony.

By maintaining this hardline stance, Járnviðr Grove ensures the preservation of their natural surroundings, protecting sacred sites like the Cryptwoods and supporting the region’s unique biodiversity. This policy also reflects the Grove’s broader philosophy of living in symbiosis with nature, prioritizing the health and growth of the environment over technological progress.


Járnviðr Grove is an oligarchy, originally starting as an actual druid circle. It has since evolved into a council of three rings, representing the three cities. Each ring consists of three representatives, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of nature and the community.

Notable People

Doc (Ruler/Magister)

Doc is the founding druid of Járnviðr Grove. A visionary leader, Doc established the region as a sanctuary for nature and guided its development into a thriving community deeply connected to the natural world. His legacy continues to influence the governance and cultural practices of Járnviðr Grove.


Pyria serves as the spymaster of Járnviðr Grove, leveraging her skills as a ranger to scout and gather intelligence. She is instrumental in identifying threats and guiding teams to address various issues that arise within and around the Grove. Pyria's keen perception and strategic mind ensure the safety and security of the Grove's inhabitants.


Ragnhild Adisàdattir is a key figure within the militant faction of Nirndavàl. Ragnhild is a staunch enforcer of Járnviðr Grove's anti-technology stance, often leading efforts to root out and eliminate technological intrusions within their borders. Her leadership and combat prowess make her a formidable protector of the Grove's natural sanctity.


Yirngordil (Haven of Flora)

  • Inhabitants: Dryads, druids, elves.
  • Key Features: Extensive gardens, medicinal herb farms, sanctuaries, magical produce cultivation.

Nirndavàl (Haven of Fauna)

  • Inhabitants: Were-kin, lycanthropes, bestial races.
  • Key Features: Training grounds, hunting lodges, communal areas, strong warrior tradition.

Boejarsker (Haven of Elementa)

  • Inhabitants: Elemental beings, elemental magic practitioners.

Key Features: Nature Tower, districts for different elemental affinities, zoetic geomancy practices.

Allies and Enemies

Járnviðr Grove maintains strong alliances with other nature-oriented regions and organizations.

Starlight Union

The Grove has a healthy trade route exporting fresh produce to the Union.


Taiyo is a prominent figure in Yirngordil, known for his expertise in growing magical produce. He has played a crucial role in cultivating healing berries and wild magic berries, contributing significantly to the city's economy and the well-being of its inhabitants.

Cathair Na Stoirme

The Grove maintains friendly relations toward the floating city of Cathair Na Stoirme, although this friendship is sometimes questioned by more hardline anti-tech activists. The City of Storms’ use of technology, even if used in a “harmonious” manner, is questionable to some. However, this has not changed official policy, and the two consider themselves allies.

Significant Events

The Forging of the Spear

The Grove contributed the heartslivers of cryptwoods across Chronus, to make up the haft of the Spear that killed the 5th horsemen.

Let it Grow

A great gathering of new species of plants from across the world

Harvest Time in the Grove

A peaceful cooperation of adventurers in a great Harvest for the Grove