Coven of the Juggernaut

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The sacred arcane rune that is the "key" to power on the machines

A History of the Hidden Coven of Crafters

Chapter one.

The Coven of the Juggernaut worships pure corrupted power. Many whispers speak of their search for hidden golems and constructs they hijack using a profane ritual to revive the ancient weapons, bringing them to life for the mere joy of oppressing chaos with sheer force. Like an iron on a wrinkled shirt, they create order through destruction and normally appear after great moments of destruction to attempt to bring law into power, normally at the behest of the highest bidder.

They can be cruel and will play with their victims before taking them away, to vanish forever. To meet them is a death sentence.

Chapter two.

The coven dates back centuries, spanning generations of hidden contracts with lowly criminals and petty bandits for their first born female, in exchange for even the slightest power. No one knows what becomes of the children they take.

Their recent activities include joining arenas and quitting before being disqualified, or the tournament ending under mysterious circumstances. The last arena had a mysterious explosion before having to be rebuilt. No other information is available of their current whereabouts.

Chapter three.

The oldest recorded mention of the Coven has been found in ancient texts, long before the current civilization. They were familiars and summoned slaves, used by wizards and other casters to aid in the build of powerful weapons of foreign complexity and magical might. These collections colossi and golems are said to be indestructible and will last until Chronus' last days to aid in bringing the end times, though these are just unsubstantiated rumors.

Chapter four.

After the first generations of the coven were eventually forgotten or freed under mysterious circumstances, they began to congregate, taking over small clans of goblins or worshipped as totems by small gangs. They gave power to those who asked and help some rise to successful merchants or major gangs or warlords, where they were once again discarded. After many generations they reunited to form the first coven, "The Coven of the Lawful Eye", swearing to get revenge on those who did not fulfill their obligations.

Later they would change their name to the modern "Coven of the Juggernaut" that is known today.

Chapter five.

The first recorded head is a witch known as Errend the Kruul Heart, later shortened to Errend Kruul. No one knows where she is or any other affiliates, but is presumed dead. The current known head is Kerri the Savage Coin, named for her addiction to gambling and her devilish luck. She has never lost a session of gambling and has been known to win over even mayors and kings of small rural areas. The number of members is also unknown.

Chapter six.

As familiars, the coven are believed to be devils in disguise, birthed of the greatest of archdevils. Errend herself being rumored to be the spawn of Belial to help Asmodeus in his trivial matters, gifted to a great wizard for an unknown price only hell itself knows. She was bound to lock away her powers to be manageable by the wizard in question. This is common place in some contracts of specific requests. Kerri herself was said to be born of a powerful Pitdemon as payment from a bet, sold into the material realm.

These contracts are said to be kept by Asmodeus' greatest contract devils for safe keeping.

Chapter seven.

The true history of Errend Kruul is as long as it is complex. She was a great contract devil sold for her knowledge of magical law and exchange. She is a powerful alteration magic user and contract legalist. No contract she has written has ever been broken. Her main focus is the collection of the children earned from her contracts as payment to keep the coven strong as Kerri is the face of the coven. Her main goals seem to be getting revenge of the descendants of the coven's original keepers. She is constantly searching for the weapons she once helped make so that they may meet their masters one last time.

Errend is only tied to hell by her original contract. Destroying it is said to remove her bindings, releasing her true potential.