Far-Born Paladins

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The Far-Born Paladins are a unique group of warriors who fight on behalf of the Stag Lord, the empyreal lord Cernunnos, and everything He represents as a god of nature's balance. Traveling across the planes of reality, the Paladins are the ultimate protectors of the natural, holding high authority and power in their domains.

Savage justice, red in tooth and claw


Preying Gardens

The Far-Born first emerged during the Preying Gardens adventure on the distant green island of Jarko, a haven of Cernunnos' power and His main connection to the world of Chronus. Centuries ago, the Stag Lord ruled the island as a distant sovereign, content to let nature run itself as intended. The native humans, who called themselves the Shabh, worshiped Him under the title of The Horned One. In time however his highest priests and shamans were corrupted by temptation into the service of Mal The Forgotten One, an ancient evil imprisoned in a distant plane that managed to eke some influence into Jarko. The turned shamans eventually spread their corruption to the rest of the Shabh, who began to practice blood sacrifices and under savage rituals in Mal's name. Soon Mal gained control over Jarko when it challenged Cernunnos and won over the Stag Lord through trickery and deceit. The only thing that saved Chronus from being taken over was when Cernunnos tricked Mal in turn, goading the mutative deity into putting so much of its power into the swamps and jungles and forests of Jarko that it became trapped.

For many years Mal twisted the land of Jarko, spreading its corruption further through the use of its own crystallized blood in the form of a volatile ore known as mutanite. In time, a group of prisoners under the direction of The Hyena were sent to Jarko with the Setlaar's 66th Repentance Battalion, who were attempting to tame Jarko for the confederacy's use. Traveling through the Shabh's temples, the group came into possession of the Blackblood Amulet, a cursed bauble that was capable of absorbing Mal's power from the land, cleansing it but returning the evil deity's might. Through the many terrains of Jarko, the prisoners returned Mal's power to the amulet, bringing both it and Cernunnos back to power in a 're-do' of that ancient conflict. Through Shabh savages and ravenous monsters the prisoners cleaved, aided by the veteran Setlaar Operator Freyja, known more widely as The Valkyrie. When Mal's power was fully returned, Freyja sacrificed herself to give the prisoners the chance to become the Far-Born Paladins, a prophecy written at the time of Cernunnos' fall that predicted the rise of mighty warriors from a distant land who would take the mantle of the Stag Lord's champions.

The prisoners succeeded in the ritual and arose as demigods in and of themselves and, after saving the 66th from a siege of beasts and tribals, challenged Mal's own champion; the corrupted Freyja. The Far-Born won the duel, regretfully slaying their former ally, and gave Cernunnos the chance He needed to destroy Mal entirely, tearing the evil deity to pieces when it attempted to flee the Stag Lord. Some of the Far-Born stayed with Jarko and Cernunnos, while others chose to retire or pursue other goals, blessed by the gratefulness of a god.

War Against Oblivion

When the threat of the Fifth Horseman of Final Death loomed, the Far-Born were sought as allies by a group of Eteran gathered by Bolodenka of Tribulation March. At first they were refused in Jarko by Mirath and Cassandra, but when the Volshebnik's narcotics multiplied their already semi-divine perceptions, the Far-Born saw just how much the shadowy taint of Thane had spread, much further out than simply Chronus, as they expected. Instead, The Fifth's evil touched numerous planes, inspired tragedy further out like ripples. With this revelation, the Paladins agreed to help in the fight against oblivion.

To aid in the battlefronts in Etera, the Far-Born Paladins visited the temple-golem of Cernunnos known as Root, in the Setlaar state of Latreia, and gathered a small army of hundreds of savage berserkers dedicated to the Stag Lord, and thus to His champions. Raising a titanic land-bridge from the Setlaar to Etera, the army marched across ceaselessly until they finally reached shore, and set up camp in the northwest. When Thane's hurricane of Hollow magic came, the savage host joined the other armies in a final battle while a god-blessed party of adventurers confronted the Horseman himself.

When Thane was struck down, the Far-Born and their barbarians did not leave immediately, still too wary of other disaster coming to Etera and spreading to other lands. They almost came to the conclusion to bring order to Etera themselves when they met Cormick Thale, the then-arising King of Etera. Using his already-familiar relationship with Mirath, Thale was granted an audience and convinced the Far-Born to allow him to liberate Etera himself, with the Paladins agreeing to leave. Still, their experience with the barbarians of Root gave them an idea...

Order of The Stag

As time has passed, the Far-Born realized they appreciated having mortal aid, and soon enough came to the decision of creating a knightly brotherhood, the Order of The Stag. Founding their headquarters in Jarko, the Order went from a small but promising enclave into a powerful organization over the years, calling in warriors of nature from all about Chronus, especially as the influence of other old-gods waned with the supremacy of the Gods of Chronus, yet Cernnunos' still stood thanks to the care of Jarko as a sanctum for His dominion. While still retaining rank and general organization of typical knightly orders, Stag Knights have a somewhat looser, even wild nature to them appropriate for Cernunnos. Respect for one's superiors and other rigid principles exist, their training is not of drills and routine, but 'on the job' as it were. The life of a Stag Knight is a dangerous one, with many initiates dropping out as it becomes clear that their recruiters wish for predators, not prey, to hold a sword alongside them.

A knight of the Order of The Stag, complete with antlered headgear, the best marker for identifying one of their number.

While still acting in the Stag Lord's name across realms, the Far-Born, most especially Mirath and Cassandra, also act as grandmasters for the order, dictating their general direction as a group as well as approving changes to their organization and ensuring trainees are properly prepared for their trials. Renzone in particular seems to have taken to the task; Cassandra may not be one for raising a child, but the son of The Hyena treats his knights with a steely, paternalistic affection. The other original members fulfill other specialties in training the order, such as Arc's trademark animalistic fighting style and Temple's talents in reconnaissance. All in all, the knights of the Order of The Stag demand much, but pay it back in the sheer experience they have to offer in their teachings.

Theme: Svetovid - Jan J. Močnik: https://youtu.be/ktw5J4F367Q

Power of The Far-Born

The Far-Born are empowered by the might of Cernunnos, whose status as an empyreal lord spared Him from the effects of the Godfall. Each one is capable of wiping out an army single-handedly; together, they are a match for any foe, especially in their element. Jungles, forests, hills and plains. Wherever there is green, the Far-Born hold court as duly appointed representatives of the Stag Lord, speaking with His authority and power. Non-evil animals or plantlife must obey them, and the land itself follows their commands. While granted the powers of Cernunnos’ champions, one can activate, for five minutes a day, a direct link to Him that increases their abilities even further known as Far-Born Fury (FBF). When active, much of the user’s personality is changed to conform further with the Stag Lord. Harm to the balance of nature cannot be abided and must be punished with lethal force if necessary. Evil beings are also not tolerated, and if keeping company with them, the user must attack them immediately. If the user fails in these duties while FBF is active, they will lose their powers until they make amends with Cernunnos in Jarko. This can happen three times. A fourth infraction will result in permanent loss of these abilities and earn the ire of the deity.  

The powers of the Far-Born are described in Cernunnos' holy texts, following a chant spoken by the Stag Lord himself known as The Nine Boons of Cernunnos: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y4SOy3lccsiAxLNHsWV2JtX2GbG49PHmqtdsH2hIsKo/edit?usp=sharing

Far-Born Paladins: Current Members

Mirath Renzone

A dark legacy and a bright future

An elven man with an unusual history, Mirath Renzone came to Jarko for reasons unknown at first, hitching a ride on the prison ship that took the other Far-Born to the continent at the very beginning of their adventure. Claiming to be an oracle of sorts, he proved useful during the forays into the jungles and forests, a proficient caster with an odd preference to avoid being touched and a strange multi-eyed mask that helped him focus on the present reality. It was only late into the journey he was revealed to be the son of The Hyena, the infamous terrorist of the Setlaar and the very man who sent the party to Jarko. During his time with the group he and another member, the tiefling Cassandra Tolzen, commiserated over their shared familial woes and eventually fell in love with the assistance of Freyja. When meeting his father with the rest of the party during the last steps, he was rejected by the man, as his link with The Hyena caused the terrorist to share any injury the elf did when in proximity to each other, circumventing Hyena's seeming invincibility.

Years later to the present time, he continues to fight alongside the rest of the Far-Born, often acting as Jarko's caretaker. In time, he and his father mended fences at the behest of Solomon's lover Nikita and Cernunnos Himself, the deity perhaps sensing the pain one of his chosen champions felt at their cratered relationship. Still, being abandoned since birth by Solomon means there may always be a distance between them that cannot be fully bridged.


Nature and technology, striking the balance

The creature known as Temple is quite the odd individual. A cyborg canine serving a deity of nature as a paladin. Acting as a sort of mascot for the team, but just as much a lethal fighter that uses his forcefield projector to protect his fellows and bludgeon his foes, along with the usual talents of his order. Initially seeming to be a member of the Setlaar Armed Forces' canine squads, his true nature was revealed towards the end of events of Preying Gardens.

In actuality, Temple was a spy for The Hyena, a soldier of Tribulation March that volunteered to have his mind placed in the shell of a cyberdog and go undercover to assist the prisoners sent to the 'Sinful' 66th in Jarko. But when Temple underwent the ritual to help his fellows ascend as Far-Born, his original body was burnt out by the surge of power, leaving him stranded in the dog's half-mechanical self. At the end of the journey when The Hyena confronted the paladins, Temple chose to stay with his comrades.

Cassandra Tolzen



Of two minds on everything...

A blood alchemist from the Setlaar Wildlands, Arkandos was afflicted with a disease of the mind that no magic or medicine could seemingly cure, which didn't stop him from trying, funded by a shady medical practice that harmed his patients as often as he helped. Eventually the mage was caught and sent to the 66th Repentance Battalion with the rest of the destined Far-Born, where he made fast friends with Zigek, Cassandra, and the legion's own off-kilter mad scientist/doctor.

The secret the man bears is the specifics of his affliction, which in fact created 'Drippy', a much more extroverted and happy-go-lucky, if unhinged, alternate personality. As a result, his relationship with Cernunnos is somewhat unbalanced, much like the man's own mind. Arkandos holds much respect for the deity, and respects his patrons wishes, which is paid in kind with the Stag Lord's trust and power as the Far-Born. Drippy however, often irks Cernunnos for his willingness to interfere with nature's balance for the simple sake of experimentation. Still to this day, Arkandos remains cursed, with even the power of the empyreal lord unable to cure him. He makes the best of it however, his expertise in alchemy and blood magic making him one of the most feared of the paladins, with the Stag Lord sending him after those he deems needing to suffer especially gruesome fates...


Unyielding in strength and principle

Kailani was born among the islander people of Lalotai, the second child of a fire giant mother and a human father. It was with her fellow islanders with whom she trained herself as a wrestler and acrobat, before heading out to the world at large. An excitable creature by nature, the giantess firmly believes in actions speaking louder than words, often leading her to rush ahead into situations. She holds herself to no higher authority other than her own, rejecting any attempts at having sway over her.

Kailani's attitude towards the people she allied with during her time in Jarko is an overall positive one, albeit not one that is unconditionally so; She had (and to a lesser degree, still has) some misgivings towards Cernunnos, whom in the battle against Mal, briefly reminded her of his adversary through his actions. Like the rest, Freyja held a valued place for her, having saved the giantess multiple times and in the end persuading her to give Cernunnos more of her time beyond the events in Jarko.

Through her travels with the Far-Born, she seemed closest to Terra, Arc, and Adecia, those with viewpoints different than her,which in the end strengthened her own convictions. She encountered a measure of disappointment with some of them at their willingness to leave one of their own to Cernunnos mercy (a notion she strongly fought against), but in the end after having gone through hell and back, cherishes her friendship with them. Now she serves as a brawny bruiser for the team with the unique approach of holding closer loyalty to Cernunnos' ideals than to the Stag Lord Himself. On rare occasions, she will even outright question the judgement of the deity, her more grounded perspective counterbalancing the harshness of the divine.

Far-Born Paladins: Former Members

Henry Jimsworth aka 'Jungle Jim'

Life, death, and back again

Chronus is no stranger to the concept of undeath, but the term 'dead man walking' could have been attributed to Henry Jimsworth in a much less literal sense in days before. Once a member of the 'Sinful' 66th Repentance Battalion long before the events of Preying Gardens, Henry was mentored by another soldier by the coincidental name of Jim, known to others as 'Jungle Jim' on account of his high lethality and survival in the Wildlands the 66th were deployed to clear. In one mission however, both Henry and Jim's luck ran out when they were captured and interrogated by hostile natives. Jim sacrificed his life to allow Henry to escape, and in return the man took up the mantle of 'Jungle Jim' and underwent an extremely violent one-man-war against the tribe, wiping them out to a man. When the 66th were transferred to Jarko, Jim went with them and continued to hunt down the Shabh and protect his fellow soldiers. Eventually, he joined the party of prisoners, with his past revealed to them during the ascension ritual.

Jim attempted suicide shortly after out of the sheer trauma and guilt of his past, but was shaken out of it by the paladins enough for him to assist in the final battle against Mal. In the end however, he broke off from the Far-Born, claiming to retire in the quieter regions of the Setlaar. Where he is now is something of a mystery, but in some parts of the confederation rumors persist of a village on the frontier Wildlands that no Bandit dares to near, lest they spot the glint of a scope in the distance moments before their demise...

Terra Azureleaf

Image was DMCA'd A curious addition to the ranks of the Far-Born, considering she never truly went through the ritual, Terra still assisted the paladins all throughout the events of Preying Gardens from the very beginning as a fellow prisoner, and is still counted as an associate close enough to kin by a few members of the order. Terra is the daughter of Ronda Azureleaf and Aurelius, who are known as a demon lord and War of the Four Horsemen respectively and a skilled fortune mage who is able to warp chance to her will, though it often just appears as if she does miraculous things completely by accident. Terra was jealous for some time of her allies who were chosen to be Far-Born Paladins while she was overlooked due to Mal's influence exacerbating her usual avarice. However, she has since come to terms with the fact that such titles carry with them responsibilities that she would rather not have.

Like many of the Far-Born, she grew close to Operator Freyja, the Valkyrie acting as the maternal figure the merfolk always desired. When Freyja's end came she was heartbroken and despite being offered a place in the Far-Born after Mal's defeat, she had become distrusting of the gods and their intentions, believing that fate and chance are the only true powers in this world and parted ways with her former comrades.

Zigek Rolmahn

Adecia Tamme

Ingenuity comes natural

Adecia was not born on Chronus, hailing from a world called Olympia where she was a member of a super science organization called the Illustrata Foundation. a skilled roboticist and medical practitioner, she found herself on Chronus after a teleporter malfunction. At first travelling this new world to aid those in need with her medical skills while searching for a way home, her skills both medical, mechanical, and general know-how would aid her in the trials of Jarko. After the events of Jarko, she would choose to give back the powers she had scarcely used to fight Mal, instead renewing her faith in the power of science as she returned to wandering with the hope of learning as much as she could about this strange and chaotic world before one day she returned home.

The others she found herself in Jarko with are individuals that while she might not agree with completely she would trust with her life, especially Kailani, Terra, Arc and Adecia. Her duties as a medic saw her aiding Kailani only to have this land her in prison, and from there a one way trip to Jarko. Out of all of the members of the Far-Born, she developed a sort of big sister mentality toward Terra, worried that the young woman was making decisions she would one day regret. Adecia was not particularly close with many of her comrades outside of those four, so the rage she felt at the corruption of the Valkyrie surprised even her, and aside from the fallen Operator, only Temple really sparked any sort of true camaraderie in her.