People of Siacros

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"Siacros is a mess, it's divided, everything is far too stretched out as if the people are worried their neighbours will war if not for a massive distance and I don't have time to document everything!" ~ Nead, Cartographer

The Continent of Siacros

Siacros Itself

The Continent of Siacros has been around and explored for over six years from the year 53 AI. The Cartographer Nead has been exploring and documenting everything they can for this time and is currently taking a well earned break in a paradise realm. From their writings, before the writings became near manic and unreadable, these are the people and places that have gone generally undiscovered until now.

Areas of Interest

Given the strange splits and biomes of the continent, Siacros has a massive range of climates and environments. Several of the smaller nations Nead found referred to the three major landmasses as Dragons. The south western landmass, made mostly of mountains and deserts is commonly called the Dune Dragon. The larger north eastern landmass, known for it's rolling fields and lush forests, is commonly called two names, the Winged Dragon or the Eyrie Borne by a few winged tribes. Lastly, the third landmass and the smallest of the three that nestles a smaller island, with it's snow tundra's and sharp mountain peaks, is frequently named the Maternal Dragon.

Beyond the landmasses themselves, the lands of Siacros are rather unique in many ways. With the Maternal Dragon's abundance of ice and it's unnatural frequency at which it thaws and freezes, sea levels around these areas generally fluctuate. How this works had the Cartographer Nead tearing out their hair, given that extra ice sheets melting into the ocean of the planet should raise the entire sea level as a whole, yet this never happens.

The deserts of Dune Dragon are strange as well, with oddities springing up as if by magic every now and then, the deserts aren't properly able to be truly mapped, and if one travels the same route several times, entire towns or ruins may seem to move or vanish. This caused the Cartographer Nead even more stress and a need to have a little lie down after every trip.

Not to be outdone in strangeness, Eyrie Borne is well known to have extremely unique ores under the ground and many sentient plants above. A unique mixture that isn't present in every part of the continent.

People of Eyrie Borne

Fishers of Middle Eyrie
Fishers of Middle Eyrie

Middle Eyrie, commonly used to lump together the shallow lakes and partial marshlands of Eyrie Borne. Although different types of races make these areas home, the Fishers are the most well known. Long legged humanoids with beaked heads, these people have an untranslatable language. The Cartographer Nead points to many small sources and draws the conclusion that the language is so difficult to learn and speak without their unique physiology, that outsiders would require special prosthetics and need to live in their communities for years to even come close to understanding the languages unique vocal and visual ticks. A unique thing also being that translation magics and truespeech do manage to translate words, frequently the abilities and spells will fail as meta context normally cannot be picked up and thus are still unable to be translated.

Favouring spears and bows as primary tools for survival, the Fishers live well enough on their own, having no need for advanced technology or weaponry. When threatened they can achieve great speeds on land and over shallow waters, and with their masterful skills with their tools are terrifying enemies to have. Given their passive way of life they aren't bothered too much by other peoples. For trade they normally have plenty of fish and other such produce, though not having a written language may cause issues for some traders.

Owl-folk of Above Eyrie
Above Eyrie Owl-Folk

The keepers of knowledge on Eyrie Borne are the Owl-folk of Above Eyrie. Above Eyrie is the collective word for the settlements and areas set up in the clouds and on the small floating rocks that are held aloft by strange magnetic ore, the people of which are almost always beings with wings. The Owl-folk have spent a long time watching from the skies, preferring only the document those below. They are said to have vast libraries hidden throughout the skies of Siacros, though given their slightly forgetfulness, the libraries are sometimes hidden even from their own.

The Owl-folk and their like, have no actual true trade or produce. They are known to keep small winged animals they train to hunt for them so that they can hole up in their villages to write what they observe, it's not uncommon for the elder Owl-folk to have moss growing on their feet and wings that have atrophied from underuse.

Those of Us, Under Eyrie
A member of Those of Us

A special sect of people who venerate the sun and it's power live in the area some know as Under Eyrie or Aviary. Located under the ground of Eyrie Borne, the sect never claims a specific name, but from a phrase they prefer to use when speaking of their kin, they have become known as Those of Us. Those of Us or the full title, Those of Us Under Her, are a sect made up of many beings. Like the Angel Outlaws from Dune Dragon, Those of Us have no specific race and don't always prefer those who can take up arms.

Venerating the sun by Those of Us is done rather differently than other sun worshipping cults or religions, Those of Us are known to stay far away from the sunbeams that find their ways into the caverns and tunnels of Under Eyrie, only ever looking upon their light under special occasions and never building camps or small villages near them as a sign of respect for the power the sun possesses. With their lifestyle comes a fascination with jewels and gems, though for Those of Us, the gems are seen as holy objects that bring new meaning from light beams, and are frequently found leaving well cut gems under their sacred light beams.

Tala-Garaf of Eyrie
Tala-Garaf, possible Progenitor of Eyrie Borne races

The notable people of Eyrie Borne are many, of different races and creeds, of sentient plants and animals. The more powerful of them all is known to be Tala-Garaf. An apparent immortal divine being, they are said to have traits from most of the beings on Eyrie Borne, above and below. Bird like feathers, Fisher like legs, and a fascination with minerals of the shiny variety, Tala-Garaf considers all the folk of Eyrie Borne as their people.

Able to wield powerful divine magic, it's said that the source form this draws from a powerful being on Dune Dragon, though nobody can properly confirm it and Tala-Garaf does not answer such questions. When the republic formerly known as Erebus fell, Tala-Garaf was said to watch and do nothing, wishing to simply observe how the newcomers react to such devastation. What their thoughts are on the sudden race to contest the sky city are unknown at this time.

People of Dune Dragon

Dragonkin of Dune Plateau
Fire based Dragonkin

Among the large mountains and plateaus of Dune Dragon, the Dragonkin set up large villages that stretch out into five distinct tribes. The Dragonkin are the ones who first named the landmasses of Siacros, or so they say. Being arrogant of their superiority and greedy for the relics of different races and cultures, the Dragonkin are hated by most others on the continent for their sticky claws. The physiology of the Dragonkin are as if Dragons but with a unique twist, instead of a way to produce elementals or other effects from their throats or special glands, Dragonkin have developed a way to focus this energy into their extremities, using the abilities to destroy unaware opponents in a melee clash.

The five tribes of the Dragonkin are split into the major elements they are able to harness, those being lightning, force, fire, and ice, then the fifth generally encompassing stranger or different elements that are normally unique to the wielder and not even to bloodline. It is said that a Dragonkin was once able to strike a person in such a way that they are thrown through time itself, although none of those kind can be found for comment on if this is true.

Angel Outlaws of Dune Plains
A Human Angel Outlaw

Across the many open plains and deserts of Dune Dragon, a faction or collective of a specific kind of Aasimar can be found. Seen as law keepers to many of the people of Dune Dragon and the south of Eyrie Borne, the Angel Outlaws are rather unique in ideology. The Angel Outlaws are known to wield pistols of varying designs and have unique fiery wings they have no proper control over. When injustice is nearby, the wings activate automatically and empower the Angel's weapons and abilities, the issue with this is that the Angel doesn't exactly define what 'injustice' means to them. Injustice is specified by an unnamed deity that grants these people their drive and abilities.

The Angel Outlaws gained their weaponry and common theme a while ago, but their true purpose is unable to be divined as there seems to be no true race these people belong to, notable Angels are made up of mostly humanoid races but sometimes even a small animal may develop the idea and abilities of an Angel Outlaw, seeking specific justice upon their own feelings.

Nedjima of Dune Dragon
Nedjima, in her usual appearance

In counterpart to the open and well written Owl-folk that observe from above, Nedjime and her divine observatory are a wonder and a terror of Dune Dragon. A Gynosphinx that is said to protect the divine observatory they were gifted by the Gods, Nedjima was once open to allowing people to roam through the massive collection of tomes that are kept within the library portion of the divine observatory. Only after narrowly managing to answer three riddles was Cartographer Nead even allowed to peruse for a short time the wonders kept inside. Under strict watch from the strange chimera that tend the divine observatory, Cartographer Nead found that the likely origin of this structure was to observe and catalogue the heavens and those that exist within it. In this vein it may have been cursed in the past and cause the issues that stressed Cartographer Nead so much with travelling across Dune Dragon.

Nedjima herself has grown a disdain for armed and armoured folks and those that bring undeath into her halls. She provides well mannered conversation for those who pass small trials for her, usually amounting to answering difficult riddles or seeking truthful answers about oneself. Her punishments are rarely lethal, but she has been known to possess the ability to adjust the physical age of those she wishes, using this ability to great effect for those who she may consider immature or not needing of a full life. Some rumours are also spread that she turns the dim-witted into the chimera that serve her.

People of Maternal Dragon

Streife, People of
A Streife leader, bearing axe and horn of old

Being the smallest of the landmasses, Maternal Dragon is home to only a handful of people, the largest group of which call themselves Streife, or Wanderers. A society and people that favour martial combat in open contest. Never ones for subterfuge or much planning, the Streife people are hearty and happy folk off the battlefield, and fierce warriors on it. Their people have not much in the way of trade or produce, they live generally from hunting and alcoholic drinks spiced with special flavourings that keep the body warm for days.

Known for special relics that their people craft when a new leader is chosen, the Streife people are able to use these relics to summon their ancestors to aid them in battle, making their rather small numbers something of a ploy in itself. Anyone, including Cartographer Nead, that spends time with the Streife will know that these people simply enjoy life, death being a last hurrah to lead them out of it. Merry folk who seem to have no qualms with their environment, even relishing in the challenge it brings.

Etera's Influence and Beyond

The people of Etera that came to Siacros, to expand further into building up impressive kingdoms, let word out over time of the lush and easily taken lands of the continent. This is frequently seem as a bad move as colonisation has so far only harmed many places of Siacros. Time and people move on however, and with this come four new factions that are staking a claim to Siacros territory. Considered at current more akin to bandits, these four factions will surely rise and fall with the aid of adventurers, Eteran and otherwise.

Tsurugi Yori in their demonic armour
The Tsurugi Shogunate

The Tsurugi Shogunate are a faction that clad themselves fully into armour of red and gold colouring and a demonic motif. Wielding oversized weapons with great cutting force, this faction are directly opposed to any Outsiders on the Material Plane. They have an extremely militaristic way of life and are never seen outside of their armour once it is donned. Said to be an offshoot of an outcast group from The Nebulous East, this faction are usually equipped with small magitech devices that they use to detect and destroy most Outsiders.

Their leader, Tsurugi Yori, is known for a rather ruthless demeanour towards even those that display Outsider tendencies and mannerisms. For Tsurugi Yori even the demonic appearance of their armour causes them trouble, and they have promised that if their people are defeated, or if they are close to their death, it shall be their own blade that takes their life. Cartographer Nead was unable to get further information from the Tsurugi Shogunate, and has spoken out against their backwards and brutalist methods, though also mentioned that attempting to document their lifestyle was a fascinating prospect.

A member of the Rogue's Gallery
The Rogue's Gallery

Comprised of the more covert types among the continents people, the Rogue's Gallery are a faction that attempts to stay under the radar whilst looting what they can from various battlefields, societies, and kingdoms. Known to train in the art of stealth and assassination, they also double as brilliant information gatherers if one pays highly enough for their services. The Rogue's Gallery employs an array of ninja tools, trapmaking, unique trick weaponry, and dabbling into tech from different continents to get what they want. After raids from the Rogue's Gallery, guards and police are usually found dead in sometimes comical ways, such as death by thumbtacks or a special gas that causes a person to laugh until they die.

Their leader, Misfit One, has no known features to identify them in the ranks of the Rogue's Gallery, it's speculated that they can take hold of the mind of any official member of the Rogue's Gallery and employ their techniques and abilities as if a natural.

A knight of Alexandra Rise, beware their swords
Alexandra Rise

A faction that has a very specific recruiting and naming method, Alexandra Rise, or the Rise faction, has grown slowly but surely on Siacros. Being a faction comprised solely of women warriors, this faction has seem some opposition from the other factions for it's more sickening practice of swordplay. The Rise faction coat their blades in a large amount of lead, that can lead to quick poisoning and death if not treated quickly. Prisoners of the Rise faction that have committed horrendous crimes are publicly shamed, each woman of the faction cutting at the prisoner with knives coated in their signature lead until they inevitably die without treatment. Some say that this practise comes from Alexandra's hatred of crime, others say the more likely reason is that she wishes to put forward a strict code of honours so that she be respected and understood as just.

Their buildings style focuses on gold trims, pillars, and white marble. Their naming scheme is to stick with names that start with the letter 'A'. And their leader is the one who rules over the faction and sets all laws, even if outwardly she is said to have a council she listens to for advice on where to lead the faction into the future. In private Alexandra is a quiet woman, often lost in thought and ideas, needing a few of her close friends to snap her out of this trance to get her back on track with meetings and the like.

An Iron Keeper in technological armour
The Iron Keepers

Possibly the strangest faction of the four that are growing on Siacros, the Iron Keepers are a special one. Having a taste for hoarding beyond that of the Dragonkin and above that in worship of Those of Us, the Iron Keepers despise those who consider technology as a trivial thing. This faction is very specific in their hatred for two entities specifically, Mother Omega and the Setlaar people. Considering that Mother Omega is hoarding advanced technology for herself to inevitably use it against the world, (rumours unfounded at this time) and the casual regard that the Setlaar have for the technology they possess, the Iron Keepers wish to wage a war on such and paradoxically with such.

The Iron Keepers are themselves users of advanced technology, using it in skirmishes and small scale battles so far, and employing a special doctrine that essentially reads that no other faction or people know how to properly use technology but them. Their leader has so far been unnamed and some speculate this is actually a branch of Setlaar itself that it is pretending to hate in an effort to easily distance themselves from potential blame (also unfounded rumours at this time).

Relics of Siacros

Amongst the societies and people of Siacros, there are tales of great and powerful relics that may be found in the lands, Cartographer Nead has listed several in their journals, and theorises that more are known. Some of these relics are held by specific people or factions of Siacros, others are simply lost or have unknown whereabouts.

Platinum Horn of Valhalla - Said to be the most powerful Horn of Valhalla that exists in the world, it was said to be gifted to the Streife for the end times and only able to be blown when the last of the Streife people exist to bring forth an army of the undead to wage one final battle upon the soil of Siacros. It is rumoured to belong to the people of Streife as of current.

EMP AI - A marvel of technology and a terrifying weapon in the hands of those who know how to use it, the EMP AI is said to be able to not just shut down technology but rewrite it and install a small sentient AI into tech to have it act against their owners. If this truly exists, and the Iron Keepers say it does and they have it, it could be used to turn Setlaar into even worse internal war.

Lens of Knowledge - A huge crystalline lens that can only be specially fitted into a unique build of telescope, it is said this relic can pierce the veil and spy on anyone without the ability to notice or resist it's effects. Something nobody should ever use with bad motives, this relic is kept and protected by Nedjima.

Great Sword Breaker - A weapon of an unknown metal, with properties that change on a whim, the Great Sword Breaker does exactly as it's name suggests, any weapon it comes into contact with is destroyed instantly. This weapon is currently unknown of where it is, but several factions are interested in it's location.