The Feuermin Clan

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The Feuermin clan


Basic Information

The Feuermin clan is a small clan plagued by misfortune. After the village caught fire, they lost hundreds which lead them to became more religious, taking the burning of their village as a sacred day. As mostly blacksmiths, other occupations are available, though not as valued. As the members grow older, they are encouraged to expand their experiences before choosing their life long occupations. They are of an Aasimar bloodline (Emberkin) and are normally red haired and green eyed as their blood burns of passion.


Feuermin's are blacksmiths, so are very comfortable with warring tribes. They are essentially arms dealers for anyone with the money to pay for their extremely well crafted goods. Orcs, humans, tieflings, and halflings are common customers.

Civilians and Non-combatants:

Feuermin's are a very proud race and believe all action lead to reactions and consequences. They will argue for hours over minimal ground of a debate. They will also settle things with fisticuffs resulting in a trip to the bar to settle the outcome. A small percentage of these people also develop addiction to alcohol or other drugs as they have only recently been exposed to them.


As a proud race, weakness is refocused into a strength through thorough training and schooling. Physically weak children are placed into physical roles, and mentally weak children are put into alternative education and encouraged to use their strengths to push through their weaknesses. Anyone who excels in their roles are immediately pulled aside and trained by the best in their respective fields.

As a whole, the village sees everyone as a potential leader, so even the weakest are taught to be proud, strong, and unforgiving.

View of Undead:

The undead are an abomination and burn their dead to ash as soon as possible to avoid any sacrilegious practices. Once the gods have taken you, your fate is sealed, if the gods return you, then they have chosen your second chance. Because of this, clerics, paladins, and shamans are the second most popular classes.


"Long live the prepared traveler for he has no weakness"

Hard work and steady hands are the most important thing. As tradition, parents prepare their children for their rumspringa, no matter their goal. Either by creating a home, weapon, armor, or helping them to practice some basic magic. As it is their final act as their caretaker, the child equipped with their "gift" is considered the parent's greatest creation.