Cathran Lorekeeper, Goddess of Magic and Education

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Over the past couple decades, Cathran has been amassing power and followers. She doesn't involve herself with her followers unless they truly need her help. She also has been very involved in protecting Etera and the wider world of Chronus overall


Cathran is able to grant spells in reward for devotion to her, those with enough faith to gain spellcasting from her are typically those of a scholarly pursuit. She has been working to expand her influence across the world.


She takes the form most often of an idealized mix of Elven and Human features, taking the best ones of each for her form. She has a tattoo of her symbol on her right cheek


She has is in the process of studying and experimenting the way she is going to create a mindscape for her shades of her passed on followers to inhabit


Cathran's followers earn her favor when they set out on a quest to learn about a subject with fervor, not willing to stop their quest for knowledge relating to that subject until they no longer can learn more or until they have something that prevents them from learning anymore for the time being. Once her followers have mastered such a topic they have earned her favor, and it takes a lot for one of her followers to fall out of her favor. The main ways to have a follower fall out of her favor is for them to forcibly convert another to the faith, actively destroy knowledge, or hoard knowledge so no one else may gain it.


Cathran has no significant Servants of great renown


Worshipers & Clergy

Her main worshipers are the scholarly and magically inclined, Such as Wizards, Alchemists, Sages, Scholars, Sorcerers, and any other magic user.

Cathran's Clerics can be anyone that values knowledge and magic and has a partially neutral alignment. This is because while knowledge can be used for any purpose if you have it, it is more likely for the neutrally aligned to seek out further information to further whatever cause they dedicate themselves to by seeking out more information before acting

Temples & Shrines

She has no temples that are specifically dedicated to her but she accepts worship in any library, lab, or other place of learning as a fitting place of worship for the time being. When setting up the worship to her, she requires them to have a book that radiates light from the inside out be opened in the presence of them as they worship. The light could be from a light spell or any other magical or nonmagical effect, so long as it happens and is visible.

Holy Symbol

Her sacred symbol is a book that is radiating light from it. Her Clerics spell casting focus is a book that has magical theories contained in it.


Favored animals

Her favored animals are Ravens and Owls. The Raven because its understanding of how to overcome obstacles and it's great intelligence compared to other birds.

The Owl is also Sacred to her because it represents wisdom and knowledge. These are vital to have together because if you have wisdom without knowledge you can perceive but not understand. If you have knowledge without wisdom you know things but don't understand what they imply. Only when you have knowledge and wisdom together can you put knowledge to it's best use because you know what you need to know and know how to use it.
