Fox Council

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Little is known of the true motives of the Fox Council. Though this group of enigmatic thieves and criminals has been linked to dozens of cases of burglaries, robberies, and heists across the face of the continent of Etera, their true identities are completely unknown to any save for each other. The group hides their identities surprisingly well, and even some of the most skilled diviners in Babel have failed at identifying the members of the enigmatic group.


The earliest known records of heists matching the modus operandi of the Fox Council trace their spree of larceny back almost 10 years to the time of the Verk Empire, with some of the earliest recorded heists being on highly secure imperial facilities in the years 36-37 IA. From that moment going forward records show a consistent trend of burglaries every two to three months depending on the security of the facility they are breaking into. These robberies continue past the fall of the Verk Empire and into the modern day, with only a short gap of four months of inactivity immediately following the dissolution of the Empire.

Modus Operandi

Of the targets that the Council struck during the empire's reign, only a few noticeable trends were able to be identified before the fall to the rebellion a decade later. Continuing into the modern day these four patterns of action remain the only information that authorities have regarding the band of thieves:

  • Firstly the targets the Council chose for it's prey were high security, indeed as time progressed one can track a distinct curve of difficulty showing the Council moving to greater and greater challenges as their spree continued.
  • In every heist performed, evidence shows that the Council acted with a level of foreknowledge of the inner workings of the target that suggests they either have possession of a potent spy network capable of feeding them information, or advanced divinatory magic capable of bypassing any ward placed in their way.
  • Every target was chosen in such a manner as to spread the name of their organization far and wide. Targets with perhaps more value were disregarded in favor of targets that had more public recognition, such that when the heists were completed the news quickly spread of their actions.
  • Lastly, when given the opportunity they seem to prefer to avoid contact with creatures wherever possible, sometimes undertaking more difficult methods of infiltration if it means being able to avoid guards or bound outsiders that they would otherwise have to deal with directly.


While the true number of members of the council is unknown, a rough estimate of the skills required can be garnered by examining evidence left behind at previous crime scenes that point to at least a few skillsets at play. These theoretical criminals have been given codenames by the authorities so as to make the hunt for them simpler.

  • "Inari": Traces of divine and arcane magic found suggest a powerful theurgic spellcaster.
  • "Fennec": Improbable ranged attacks suggest a highly skilled sniper of some sort.
  • "Arctic": Records of slashed corpses interrogated by Speak With Dead speak of a skilled duelist.
  • "Red": Repeated reports of sudden inexplicable betrayals within the ranks.
  • "King": Several heists involved feats of strength far outside the range of an average person.