The Urnov Corporation

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General Information

Focused on information gathering and freelance contracts, The Urnov Corporation sets out to allow all, regardless of origins, wealth, or other factors, to access their services. The Urnov Corporation is based in Setrent, nestled at the center of the Lambert District, and is founded and led by Jack Urnov.


Founded in the year 56 IA, The Urnov Corporation started a massive project in both the construction of a new district, the Lambert District, as well as its own headquarters directly in the middle of said district, eventually named Urnov Tower. In its early years, the company focused heavily on expanding its operations and name throughout the land that would soon be called The Nation of Aetveris. Since then, it has gained some measure of success, with offices placed in notable towns and stations along the roads.

In the year 63 IA, The Urnov Corporation was participant to the first trial against a Sparkholder since the founding of The Nation of Aetveris. The victim of burglary and theft, the company was successful in apprehending the criminal before they were able to make their daring escape.


Under Urnov's meticulous management, the organization had grown considerably since the first few months of its creation. The lobby is often filled with a constant stream of adventurers, businessmen, and even common citizens, all seeking the same thing: information. This is not the only service provided, but it is by far the most sought after of them.


Information is a commodity, and as with any commodity it can be sold. It is the sole purpose of the company. Starting from the counter at the lobby, one is able to schedule a meeting with the correct personnel qualified to handle their request, whether that is to buy or sell information, set up a contract to be completed by a 'moral mercenary', or for meetings with others with utmost peace and discretion. None are turned away, within reason of course, as long as they keep to the rule: No killing on company ground.

As part of agreements made with nations, The Urnov Corporation is to not investigate governmental affairs, side with or against in wars (certain outliers excluded), sabotage, hamper, halt, assist, or otherwise to interfere with matters related to governments. As of the moment, The Urnov Corporation has entered into agreements with The Nation of Aetveris, The Ministry of Setlaar, Aleumdaum, Kandra, Thunderhome, and Alzhak Rehger.


[Clearance not authorized]


Provided one is able to pay for both the services of an adventurer, as well as a small fee to the Urnov Corporation for middle-management, one is able to set up any contract they desire. Employees will verify the information provided, as well as perform additional investigation, before posting a job on the board to be completed. If the client is wishing to, they may request adventurers by name, to which the corporation will attempt to get into contact with and inform said adventurers. It is not a necessity for these adventurers to answer the call, but highly encouraged.

Once the sufficient number of adventurers are gathered, they are then provided a briefing of the details and advised on the necessary or recommended gear to complete the task. After that, it is up to the contract takers to complete the contract. Once they return, they will be debriefed and provided the funds, items, and anything else that was agreed upon.

Rules For Employees

We at The Urnov Corporation take our business, and yours, very seriously. As such, we follow these rules to demonstrate our devotion to the professional manner one would expect of our company. If any are found in violation, do make sure to contact one of our staff so we may perform corrective procedures. Thank you and please come back soon.

Rule 1: No Discrimination

Rule 1: No racism, sexism, or any other form of discrimination in any matter. We accept all who do business here unless they perform an act against our people and our organization. The same applies to those who seek employment.

Rule 2: Privacy Above All Else

We pride ourselves in our discreetness, and we expect all members to not disclose the dealings that go on.

Rule 3: The Mission Over Personal Feelings

Do not let your personal opinions interfere with the mission. There will undoubtedly be exceptions to the rule, but attempt contact with HQ before you make a hasty decision.

Rule 4: Be Professional

This does not mean you can not tell jokes or engage in light conversation. This means that you are not to be too crass, or thuggish, or in any other shape acting in a way that damages the corporation's reputation.

Rule 5: No Blood On Company Grounds

This applies to everyone, not just employees. Unless you are given permission, do not kill within the company. If a customer or otherwise threat enters the facilities, attempt to pacify or subdue before taking extreme measures.