Golden Lion Company

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Golden Lion Company Symbol.jpg

The Golden Lion Company was formed by Tristran, a young man who has spent his life on the battlefield in service of various mercenary groups. They are a fairly new mercenary group that welcomes all members, though there is a trend for members to be more martial-orientated.


The Golden Lion Company is first and foremost concerned with obtaining gold and followers.

The company's core principles are...

  1. See all accepted contracts through to absolute completion.
  2. Follow the contract to the letter
  3. Once a contract is accepted, that contract cannot be bought out by an opposing party for more gold.
  4. Once a contract is completed, there is no special ties to the party that requested the contract...and the company is free to pursue future contracts with opposing parties.

Although its not one of the core tenets, the Golden Lions also promote loyalty and friendship among its own members almost as much as it promotes its search for gold and contracts. Actively promoting unity and helping those within their ranks with troubles they may have.

The Golden Lion Company is divided into Prides, which is how they establish their squads. Above the Prides is the Golden Council, often made up of former squad leaders.

Golden Council

The council is made up of 5 members, with one of the members always being the current leader of the Golden Lion Company.

The current members of the Golden Council are...

  • Tristran, captain of the Wild Raiders pride.
  • Heulwen Moorcroft, captain of the Feral Magi pride
  • Lethe, captain of the Outland Scouts pride
  • Sir Bearington III, captain of the Nemean Vanguards...(since temporarily renamed to the Nemean Bearguards)
  • ?

The members of the council vote on contracts the company takes, policies, and various day-to-day activities, with the Leader voting last to break potential ties.

The following is the list of Prides...

Wild Raiders

The Wild Raiders are the shock troops of the company, either being used to flank the enemy lines or conduct swift nightly raids on opposing forces.

Nemean Vanguards (Nemean Bearguards)

The Nemean Vanguards are the heavily armed and armored centerpiece that goes first into the frontlines in an attempt to protect the rest of the company.

Outland Scouts

The Outland Scouts are mastery of stealth and perception that find out and relay important information to the rest of the company.

Auric Archers

The Auric Archers are the ranged specialists, providing covering fire and artillery bombardment of critical areas.

Feral Magi

The Feral Magi are the companies spellcasters and magically inclined, they often provide magic defense to the rest of the company and counter-spell opposing spellcasters.


The day-to-day operations of the Golden Lion Company is fairly for contracts, fulfil contracts, and disperse the gained gold throughout the company.

All gold pieces gained from the company is split in half, with half of the gold going towards the daily operation and advancement of the company and the other half being split evenly amongst its members. No one person in the company makes more than another, no person does less labor, no one is exempt from the nightly watch or latrine duties. Even the Golden Council eats the same food and does the same jobs as every other member, as the combined brotherhood of the organization is one of the major draws for new members.

In addition, any member may requisition for magic items or other equipment they may need from the Company armory, returning the equipment at the end of the individuals adventure...there is no piece of equipment that is out of bounds of being requisitioned, though you are never guaranteed to get a specific piece of equipment. The decision of what leaves the Company's Armory is ultimately up to the Quartermaster.


Contracts are often mundane and do not require the combined forces of all elite members of the Company (Player characters) and are done passively during downtime, with the gold being split up as described above.

Advanced Contracts are in-game sessions played out by any number of Player Characters in the company and are played out as regular sessions run by whatever GM is willing to run it. The dispersion of any GP gains of the session will be discussed out of character with all those involved before starting the session, though it is advised to split the gold the same way as the downtime contracts as described above.