Jack Urnov

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Early Life

Not much is known about Jack Urnov before arriving in Setrent. Few know or remember he was a refugee from Port Doom, and certain rumors surround him for it. Shortly after entering Setrent, Jack found work at the Lambert Library located in the now-called Moorcroft District. The good times only lasted so long before chaos sprung forth, and demons invaded the city. Among the casualties was a Victor Lambert, the head of the library. In his will, the ownership of said library was changed into Urnov's hands, and for the next few years he ran it as well he could. Eventually, overhearing rumors and discussing with the few more scholarly individuals, he decided to enter into a new line of business: Information gathering and adventuring.

Purchasing a very large plot of land on the outside of the city and founding a new company, The Urnov Corporation, Jack Urnov began building what is now known as the Lambert District, named after his former employer and good friend. On one of his first few big scale cases, he found himself in Fort Redoubt as part of a group consisting of Isabelle Zoradyne, Incrediblis, Ansel, Liyanna, and The Gladiator. These six would later be named The Splendid Six after their operation.

The Start of a Company

Purchasing a very large plot of land on the outside of the city and founding a new company, The Urnov Corporation, Jack Urnov began building what is now known as the Lambert District, named after his former employer and good friend. On one of his first few large scale job, he found himself in Fort Redoubt as part of a group consisting of Isabelle Zoradyne, Incrediblis, Ansel, Liyanna, and The Gladiator. These six would later be named The Splendid Six after their operation. Since then, thanks to the efforts of many more adventurers, The Urnov Corporation had begun to expand its operations all across the Nation of Aetveris, opening several offices and waystations along the roads (most notably the Crown Roads) and within villages and cities.



Ordinary in appearance, the only notable features Jack has is constant unkempt hair and a tired look in his eyes. It is evident in both his mannerisms and appearance that he is a workaholic, chronic worrier, and detached socially. He wears a finely made navy blue coat with worn elbows, marking that he spends much time huddled over a desk, writing papers and studying. Underneath the coat is an off-white office shirt and black pants as well as business shoes.


A workaholic, detached socially, and often worrying to the point of obsessively meticulous, Jack is often aloof in his settings around others. He is not one to forget where he comes from, however, and seems to be in jollier moods when he's out performing tasks for the downtrodden and average people.


Jack Urnov has no innate ability. What he lacks in inherent qualities that allows others to perform incomprehensible feats, he makes up for in his resolve and conscientious planning.