Morcourt Wight

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The product of cruel experimentation on the once-living people of Greater Morley, The Morcourt Wight is a superior form of the common, and often feral, wight created to serve as the backbone to Countess Erika Morley's military. Morcourt Wights are notable for their more sturdy and complete appearance, as well as the ease with which they are controlled, conditioned and drilled while maintaining their intellect and capability for independent thought. This is owed primarily to their dulled hunger for life force, indirectly leading to a weaker ability to drain it. Similarly the spawn they might create through feasting on life essence are incredibly short lived and often fall dead within an hour. It is said that some Wights, those of specialised training and ability, can empower these abilities even beyond that of the more common wights.

The method of their creation is a closely guarded secret of the Morley family, though it is known that not just any humanoid can successfully be turned, leading to an interesting and varied selection process for candidates. The vast majority are former humans, the most numerous mortals in Old Scarlet, though the occasional elf, orc or dwarf finds its way into their number. They awaken in a fog when created, most of their living memory gone or beyond reach, after which they are usually taken and pressed into service as guards, soldiers and retainers for the vampire nobles of Greater Morley in The Wightguard. Some, however, have awakened alone and without guidance in the wilderness of Old Scarlet, bearing their fatal wounds and among the dead. Quite how is a mystery yet unsolved, but these wights make up the few instances of truly independent Morcourt Wights.

Physical Description

While gaunt and grey skinned they tend to lack the protruding bones or ragged flesh of the standard wight, appearing pretty much intact unless recently wounded. Their hair tends to lose all colour as part of the resurrection process, falling into a dull grey, black or white that is often kept short. Interestingly, while it does not tend to simply fall out, it does not grow back, leading to interesting cultural developments. Their eyes also dim, becoming a cloudy white or grey, devoid of emotion for the most part. Finally, depending on their role, Morcourt Wights may be almost athletic in build, though even this belies their true strength in most cases.


This varies significantly from those pressed into service to those rarities spawned on the battlefield.

Greater Morley

A typical Morcourt Wight of their noble's retinue.

Often occupying the role of guards, soldiers and retainers, Morcourt Wights are not all that social, even if they can hold conversations without all too much trouble. Seen, not heard is the operative phrase therefore. Positioned at the entrance to a room, flanking their charge on a day out, marching in formation through the streets, these are your typical sightings. Between themselves is a slightly different affair, though not a terribly exciting one, with status leaning pretty much on their rank within the Wightguard or whatever other retinue they serve. What little conversation they have is typically related to their work or their master's will. A will they serve without question, even if they do display their own unique traits and approaches. More experienced, older Wights tend to exhibit far more personality, particularly if they get a lot of attention from their masters. This often manifests in arrogant streaks and violent tendencies, mostly directed at their enemy.

They do not care all too much for matters of appearance, though the reason for this is rather odd. Within Greater Morley's vampiric nobility it is common practice to take pride in one's Wightguard, with nobles going out of their way to 'dress them up' in uniforms and styles they like. This even goes so far as to furnish them with wigs or have their hair magically/surgically replaced. Porcelain masks are also rather common, though for what reason they caught on is anyone's guess. Favorite Wights are usually given unique appearances and shown off to their master's peers in a bizarre display of social competition.


Those that awaken alone tend to have a varied experience, hinging much on where they gravitate first. Ending up in Greater Morley pretty much always results in much of the above, while those that don't find some form of society to speak of either go feral anyway or are slain. The more fortunate might make it to County Shelburgh, where they are welcomed much as any outcast. From there it's really a matter of choice. Independent Wights never receive any of the conditioning given to their Morley brethren and are thusly far more capable of conversation and other social interactions.


As a fairly common sight in the more civilised areas of Old Scarlet they tend to be paid little mind, even more so the case in Greater Morley with the notable exception of those favoured Wights. Peasants and living civilians naturally regard them with fear and loathing as the iron hand of the vampiric nobles that rule over them.

Outside of Old Scarlet the attitude varies with culture. As undead they are generally shunned or regarded with suspicion, but more open minded cultures leave them be.

Alignment and Religion

Most Morcourt Wights are of Lawful Evil alignment, sworn the service of their vampiric nobles. As such they are either dissuaded from worship or follow along with their master's beliefs.

Independent Wights vary though. They tend towards selfish, evil alignments but are by no means beholden to them. Without direction from others they choose to worship who they wish, though naturally they avoid those gods that despise the undead.

Racial Traits

All Morcourt Wights gain the following racial traits:

Name Effect
Type: Undead Darkvision 60 feet, Undead traits.
Size Medium
Base Speed Morcourt Wights have a base movement speed of 30 feet.
Ability Scores Morcourt Wights are physically strong and host to more powerful life force than the common wight, but have a dulled will. They gain the following adjustments to their ability scores: +2 Strength, +2 Cha, -2 Wisdom
Language Linguistic: All Morcourt Wights begin play knowing common and necril.  Furthermore, members of this race with high intelligence scores can learn any languages they want (except Druidic and other secret languages), though these are usually the languages they knew in life.
Natural Armor Morcourt Wights have dulled sensation and tougher skin than they did in life, granting a +1 Natural Armour bonus.
Unnatural Scent These Wights suffer a -4 penalty to Handle Animal checks and creatures of the Animal type start at one step lower for the purpose of such checks.
Energy Drain, Lesser A Morcourt Wight's unarmed and natural attacks sap the life energy from living creatures. On a successful hit with an unarmed or natural attack, the target must make a fortitude (DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha modifier) or suffer 1 temporary negative level. On a failed save the Morcourt Wight gains 5 temporary hit points that stack with with all sources of temporary hit points, including itself. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour. Negative levels bestowed this way never become permanent and fade from the target after 24 hours have passed. Targets who receive negative levels equal to or in excess of their hit die are slain instantly. The Morcourt Wight can only successfully inflict energy drain this way once per round.
Create Spawn, Lesser Much like their feral cousins, the Morcourt Wight can bestow a dismal, if potentially fleeting, fate on those it slays. Any humanoid creature slain by a Morcourt Wight's Energy Drain, Lesser becomes a Morcourt Wight itself in a mere 1d4 rounds. Spawn so created are less powerful than even typical wights, suffer a –2 penalty on all d20 rolls and checks, –2 hp per HD and persist in this state for 1 hour before being released from undeath. Spawn are under the command of the wight that created them and remain enslaved until its death or their expiry.
Dormancy Unlike typical undead, a Morcourt Wight requires some measure of reprieve from waking, one of the many by-products of their otherwise more suitable nature. For 4 hours every day a Morcourt Wight must enter a state of Dormancy, effectively the same as sleeping with all of the benefits thereof. They may be standing while in this state, even appearing awake with eyes open though a DC 20 perception or sense motive check will reveal their dormant nature. This period may be reduced in the same way as required sleep can be. Reducing the required time to 0 or otherwise removing the requirement to sleep entirely instead requires them to spend a mere 1 minute a day in this state. Morcourt Wights may enter a state of Dormancy at any time, for as long or as little as they wish, without delay as a standard action though they only gain the benefits of this rest once every 24 hours.
Reanimation A destroyed Morcourt Wight can, curiously, be restored to unlife, though normal resurrections have interesting and adverse effects as well.

Standard means of resurrection, such as Raise Dead, Resurrection or True Resurrection do not affect a destroyed Morcourt Wight and do nothing to resurrect the original, living victim. If cast on an undead Morcourt Wight they lose all Temporary Hit Points gained via their Energy Drain, Lesser racial ability and must make a will save or be afflicted with the Shaken condition, bypassing all immunities.

A destroyed Morcourt Wight can be restored to unlife with the spells Animate Dead, Create Undead and Greater Create Undead, replicating the effects of Raise Dead, Resurrection and True Resurrection respectively.

Subrace Ability Each Morcourt Wight gains a unique special ability as detained in their subrace information.



The most common variation, making up the bulk of The Wightguard and independently raised both, with the selection process and criteria being far less rigorous. Only physical fitness in life really matters, the rest can be drilled after raising.

  • Sturdy 'essence' and physically strong, but lacking in innate will. Knightborne Wights possess +2 Str, +2 Cha and -2 Wis.
  • Knightborne Wights are intended for rigorous physical activity, gaining their choice of +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics, Climb or Swim checks.
  • Either drilled in with training or recollections from their former life, Knightborne Wights may select either 1 exotic weapon, 2 martial weapons, 1 martial and 2 simple weapons or 3 simple weapons. They gain proficiency in the chosen weapon(s). This racial ability counts as equipment sphere talent for prerequisite purposes.


Finding a suitable 'warm body' for these more magically inclined Wights is quite the task in Old Scarlet, most of the peasant population magically dull. What Mageborne are created tend to exhibit a proclivity for the darker magics, a hallmark of their tainted creation.

  • The rare few that make the cut are often raised from from the more intellectually sound at the cost of physical prowess. Mageborne Wights possess +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Str.
  • Some flicker of knowledge remains from life. Mageborne Wights may select one Knowledge skill, gaining a +2 racial bonus to the selected skill.
  • Necromantic energy suffuses these already magically inclined Wights. These Wights may select the Dark Spere Death Spere, Destruction Spere, Necromancy School or Evocation schools, allowing them to treat their effective caster level as 1 higher when casting spells from those spheres or schools. This does not count for pre-requisites, only for the power and scaling of the effect.


Might and magic is all well and good, but guile too will serve, especially among the nobles of Greater Morley. The aptly named Shadeborne are often the tools of subterfuge in deadly games with fellow nobles. Their selection is usually the most cruel with unlucky thieves and assassins from the living populace being forced into unlife as a Shadeborne after being caught.

  • Usually made from less suitable candidates, the Shadeborne are lighter on their feet and possessed of stronger, almost defiant will at the cost of a weaker essence. Shadeborne Wights possess +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha.
  • Stealth and subterfuge make up for their generally less sturdy frame. These Wights gain their choice of +2 racial bonus to either Bluff, Stealth or Sleight of hand.
  • Shadeborne opt for surgical strikes rather than force of arms, adding +1 damage per sneak attack or precision damage (Deadly Thrust from Fencing Sphere for example) die.

Alternate Racial Traits

Wight Rider: Some Wights, particularly Knightborne, have an unnatural affinity with similarly raised steeds. They gain a +2 racial bonus to ride checks when mounted on an undead creature. This replaces any other racial skill bonus they possess.

Guardian: As bodyguards these Wights are expected to have eyes and ears trained for any threat to their masters, or themselves. They gain a +2 racial bonus to perception and sense motive checks. This replaces any other racial skill bonus they possess.

Mortal Guise: Either as a fashion statement or out of necessity some nobles wish for their Wights to appear as human as possible. They gain a +4 racial bonus to disguise as the person they were in life, masking their undead traits from the casual observer. This places any other racial skill bonus they possess.

Independent: Those Wights that are not the product of Greater Morley are never subject to their conditioning. Knightborne may exchange one of their racial bonuses to an ability score to remove their racial penalty to Wisdom. Mageborne may exchange one of their racial bonuses to an ability score for a +2 racial bonus to Wisdom. Shadeborne may exchange one of their racial bonuses to an ability score to remove their racial penalty to Charisma. This modifies the subrace specific ability scores.

Kinship in Death: While animals may fear them, those similarly afflicted may find kinship. These Wights may treat undead creatures raised from creatures of the animal type as though they were animals for the purpose of Animal Handling, Animal Empathy and Beastmastery Sphere talents. In addition they suffer no penalty to Handle Animal when dealing with such creatures and do not start at a lower disposition with them. At the GM's discretion some undead animals may not attack a Wight with this ability. This replaces the third subrace specific feature of each subrace.

Favored Class Options

  • Alchemist Add +10 minutes to the duration of the alchemist’s mutagens.
  • Cleric Add +1 to the caster level of any channeling feat used to affect undead.
  • Fighter Add a +2 bonus on rolls to stabilize when dying.
  • Inquisitor Add a +1/2 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize humanoids.
  • Oracle Add +1/2 point of negative energy damage to spells that deal negative energy damage.
  • Rogue Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks and Perception checks made in dim light or darkness.
  • Wizard Add +1/4 to the wizard’s caster level when casting spells of the necromancy school.
  • Barbarian Add +1/4 to the damage of a bite attack.
  • Bard Add a +1/3 bonus to the DC of the fascinate ability.
  • Cavalier Add +1/4 to the damage to one of the mount’s natural weapon attacks.
  • Gunslinger Add +1/3 on critical hit confirmation rolls made with firearms (maximum bonus of +5). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.
  • Magus Add +1/3 on critical hit confirmation rolls when using spell combat (maximum bonus of +5). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.
  • Monk Add +1/4 to the damage of an unarmed strike.
  • Oracle Add +1 on concentration checks made when casting oracle spells with the curse descriptor.
  • Paladin: Add a +1/3 bonus on saving throws against death effects.
  • Ranger Add +1/4 to the damage of one of the animal companion’s natural weapon attacks.
  • Summoner Add +1/4 point to the damage of one of the eidolon’s natural weapon attacks.
  • Witch Add +1/4 to the witch’s caster level when casting spells of the necromancy school.

Racial Feats

The following feats are available to a Morcourt Wight character who meets the prerequisites.

Energy Drain, Improved

Your draining touch can be honed with practice.

Prerequisites: Character Level 5, Lesser Energy Drain racial ability, Morcourt Wight.

Benefit: Your Energy Drain, Lesser may be used on any melee weapon attack. In addition you may successfully affect creatures with your Energy Drain, Lesser racial ability a number of times equal to 1 + 1 per 5 character levels per round.

Normal: You may only use Energy Drain, Lesser on unarmed strikes and natural attacks. You may only successfully inflict Energy Drain, Lesser once per round.

Drain Life

You sap more substantial energy from your foes, restoring your own necrotic vitality far more efficiently.

Prerequisites: Lesser Energy Drain racial ability, Morcourt Wight.

Benefit: When successfully inflicting a creature with negative levels via your Energy Drain, Lesser you may instead recover a number of hit points equal to either your practitioner modifier, casting modifier or charisma modifier, chosen when first selecting this feat. If this recovery would go beyond your maximum hit points you instead gain temporary hit points up to a maximum of your total hit points that last for 1 hour. This feat only functions on targets with a CR equal to or greater than your Character Level and may only be used 1 + 1 per 10 character levels per round.

Normal: When successfully inflicting a creature with negative levels via your Energy Drain, Lesser you gain 5 temporary hit points that last 1 hour.


Your dead eyes see well in the dim and dark and hone in on the recently passed.

Prerequisites: Darkvision 60ft., Morcourt Wight.

Benefit: You gain low-light vision in a sepia tone and your darkvision improves to 120 ft.

You can also detect the lingering essence of life upon the recently deceased, granting you a +5 to perception checks to notice corpses, denoted by an ever-so faint glow. The corpses of mundane, non-mythic creatures are highlighted in this manner for 1 hour after death. The corpses of mythic creatures are highlighted for hours equal to their tier in life. The corpses of sparked creatures are highlighted until they have resurrected.

Normal: You possess 60 ft darkvision as per undead traits. You gain no bonuses to detect corpses of the recently deceased.