Euriel Saintsoul

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Knight-Commander Euriel Saintsoul holds firm command of the forces stationed at Fort Ragathiel, and as such has continued to train and set order to those who flock to the banner of Ragathiel each day. A veteran of the Verk War, Saintsoul has dedicated his life to safeguarding the cause of the General of Vengeance and his faithful, much to the neglect of many things. One of the things he has not neglected in however, is his swordplay. Known as The Lion Who Holds the Fort as His Den, Euriel uses very little actual holy magic when facing his opponents, opting to overwhelm them with his superior martial techniques.

Exuding an aura of stoic menace, those who do not know him make quick haste to avoid his path. And those who do know him, move doubly so. Despite this, Euriel cares deeply for the men and women under his command; and being a stout meritocrat, gives everyone equal hell: lowborn and noble alike.


A skilled figure upon the field of battlefield, Saintsoul has held a long history of warfare and conflict that records say stretch back before the Verk War. A far gone son of a distant land yet claimed by the Verk Empire during its rise to power, tragedy has become the marker of the Knight-Commander's familial relationships.

Though he speaks nothing of this time, it has often been rumored that he used to have a wife and a son, and that both were lost due to the strife that has long engulfed the continent. Whether it is this reason that has led to his cold stoicism or merely a marker of good training, it is common knowledge that Euriel's surname has become more the equivalent of a pseudonym of his knighthood than one of true birthright, the original lost to history.


With the success of the Ghostlands Crusade and the dissolving of the Crusader's Council, Euriel has returned to his duties with Fort Ragathiel. Widely praised for his strategic initiative during the Crusade, Saintsoul now holds firm authority over the Fort, especially in the wake of his appointment by the General of Vengeance.