Fort Ragathiel

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While today it stands as a beacon of the faith and a shining example of a people’s resilience, the history of Fort Ragathiel has been tumultuous and strife ridden. Originally a Dwarven stronghold with close bonds to Dun Holvar, the warrior cult therein developed many fantastical works of warfare in dedication to the General of Vengeance, and plied its trade with all of the fervor and zealotry one would expect from a fortress monastery.

Beyond just the blacksmithing and forging of artifacts, the Fortress also produced some of the finest strategists and soldiers the continent had enjoyed up till then. Prior to the rise of the Verk Empire, Fort Ragathiel had garnered a reputation for conceiving captains and commanders of such refined quality, that many a rumor developed that each one was heaven-inspired. This aptitude for stratagem likewise extended into the construction of the Fort itself, which was built with all of the refinement that could be expected from the followers of an Empyreal Lord that specializes in warfare.

Unfortunately, despite all of this expertise and fortification, Fort Ragathiel was consumed by the Verk Empire’s war machine much like the rest of Etera, though it took nearly a decade for the Emperor’s forces to successfully siege the mountaintop bastion. When at last the fortress fell, the punishment for its rebellious denizens was severe. Those that weren’t executed were enslaved and sentenced to the cruelest mines in the Empire, the artifacts and works of wonder scattered, included a sacred blade that was precious to the faithful. The Fort was renamed to Fort Maddox in honor of Verk’s Emperor, and the structure was utilized as a staging point for future conquests.

It wouldn’t be until many years later when the Rebellion was successful in overthrowing the Empire that the Fort was granted to a new generation of inheritors. Zealous survivors one and all, these brave believers had trekked to the treacherous peaks of the Merovingian Mountains, and with the assistance of adventurers, reclaimed the sacred blade and reestablished the Fort as one dedicated to the General of Vengeance.

While conflicts have continued to arise since its reclamation, from the Bloodzerkers to the Fifth Horseman, the warrior cult of Ragathiel has weathered every incursion upon its walls. A solemn vow to never again let the flame of faith sputter and die.


Despite being composed of soldiers and an accompanying warrior-tradition, Fort Ragathiel remains as much a place of rest and living as a structure built for war. Houses and taverns coincide with barracks and mess halls, leading to a lively section of the Fort composed for commercial activities and respite. These locations, strategically placed towards the interior of the city-state, are to ensure that key resources and civilian lives are secure in the event of a siege.

To note, while the overall atmosphere of the Fort has begun to steadily shift away from the paranoid wariness of outsiders, the warrior cult has remained steadfast in its traditions, especially its martial roots. This is say, that while those who do not exalt Ragathiel are still allowed within its walls, and may find abode there (with exception), for the longest time they were forbidden from pursuing either matters of state or the military. When Fort Ragathiel joined the larger Nation of Aetveris, this policy was lessened, allowing a growing number of non-worshipers to begin pursuing fields in the military, though bias still remains in many circles.


Like any sort of structure built by Dwarves, Fort Ragathiel was made to last; and like any structure built by Dwarven followers of the General of Vengeance, it was built to outlast anything. Many of the old brick and mortar still remains from the Fort’s conflict with Verk, and has been worked into the improvements that have been added as both a sign of respect, and a measure of pragmatism.

Tri-blessed walls stand ever watchful and high like the mountains that surround it, giving off a palpable aura that notifies all of the seemingly holy quality that has been laced into the stonework. A rebuking defense against profane weaponry and grotesque armaments.

Noticeable right from the onset, the structure of the citadel is designed with warfare first and foremost, with each district becoming more and defensible as one ventures farther back into the structure’s interior. This is so that if the walls are breached, the entirety of the fort is not compromised and allows for the sectioning off of the various sectors.

Of course, within the Fort itself, harbors a wealth of movement and organization that is befitting of a realm of soldiers. Far from its desperate days of barely scraping by following the Empire’s defeat, Fort Ragathiel’s numbers continue to grow day by day. In part this is due to notable contributions by the Fort during the Crusade into the Ghostlands, with its success at the Battle of the Western Wastes increasing the military’s reputation and attracting a flurry of new recruits and hopefuls.

Furthermore, thanks to the alliance with the Republic of Alzhak Reger, and most recently (and contentiously) with the Setlaar, the weaponry that is to be found within the Fort is more advanced than what would normally be found on Etera. While this movement into advanced armaments and equipment has been met with some resistance, the overall reaction has been met with approval, as a number view it as a way of keeping the Fort relevant in continental affairs.


Fort Ragathiel is located directly west of the City of Babel, and is nestled within the cold domain of the Merovingian Mountains. The Mountains themselves are rather treacherous, with steep cliffs and uneven terrain making travel difficult for the unitiated. This provides a strategic boon to the Fort, but also makes the potential for bandit and monster ambushes higher.


More than just a conglomeration of veterans and priests, The Ember Synod represents the combined authority of Ragathiel’s mortal leadership upon the continent of Etera, and perhaps Chronus itself. Unto like a military council, every member holds at least some degree of prowess in the art of warfare, for the General of Vengeance eschews those who do not understand the importance of war rooms as a holy place.

It is this group of men and women, whose chamber resides in The Ashen Stronghold, that determine the actions of the faithful. How the recruiting process will be conducted, how the military will be organized, who will be the Champion to carry the sacred Sword into battle, etcetera. As a matter of established tradition and pragmatism, the number of council members is always of an odd number. This is to assure that a decision is always made, regardless of circumstance.

Those on the Ember Synod are known as Ecclesiarchs, and since the Fort's reclamation there has only been seven seated at any one time.

Recently, the balance of power shifted dramatically with the sudden appearance of the General of Vengeance during one particularly heated debate by the assembled Synod members. Proclaiming that the Knight-Commander should have full control over the Fort, and that it should fall in line behind the newly ordained 'King of Etera,' the Ember Synod has since stepped more into the advisory role, still holding a great amount of influence in the Fort while also having lost much of its original authority.

Notable Figures of the Fort

From blacksmiths to knights of yore, the followers of the General of Vengeance vary greatly.

Knight-Commander Euriel Saintsoul

Knight-Commander Euriel Saintsoul holds the general command of the forces stationed at Fort Ragathiel, and by leave of The Ember Synod has continued to train and set order to those who flock to the banner of Ragathiel each day. A veteran of the Verk War, Saintsoul has dedicated his life to safeguarding the cause of the General of Vengeance and his faithful, much to the neglect of many things. One of the things he has not neglected in however, is his swordplay. Known as The Lion Who Holds the Fort as His Den, Euriel uses very little actual holy magic when facing his opponents, opting to overwhelm them with his superior martial techniques.

Exuding an aura of stoic menace, those who do not know him make quick haste to avoid his path. And those who do know him, move doubly so. Despite this, Euriel cares deeply for the men and women under his command; and being a stout meritocrat, gives everyone equal hell: lowborn and noble alike.

Recently, by word of the General of Vengeance, Saintsoul's authority has become paramount in the Fort, and by his decree has the stronghold begun to not only expand but also become a bastion of support for the King of Etera to draw soldiers from.

Knight-Captain Horationus Erafell

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One of the older members of the Fort, Erafell maintains a stalwart and stoic disposition that mimics that of the Knight-Commander that he has served loyally for many years. Said to have gained his almost bleached skin from chemical attacks that the Verk Empire launched upon his homeland many years ago, the Tiefling's pale exterior has garnered him an almost ghost-like visage and intimidating presence.

Having been appointed by the Knight-Commander to oversee the Fort's operations in the Ghostlands, Horationus distinguished himself during the Battle of the Western Wastes, earning much glory and prestige upon his return following the conclusion of the Crusade.

Knight-Lieutenant Illinore Reylis

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One of the many of the younger generation of Ragathiel’s followers, Reylis found her beginnings with the faithful in the midst of the Verk Empire’s takeover of the continent of Etera. Being found amongst the war-torn and the orphaned with her brother, Illinore was quick to show her exemplary discipline in the chaos of battle and her quality as a soldier during the Rebellion.

Of a strong moral countenance and a spitfire soul, Reylis eventually rose to the rank of Knight-Lieutenant following the Horseman War, a promotion which was acknowledged by many as a noble choice.

In recent years, with the Second War of Blood ongoing, Illinore has taken on more responsibilities within the confines of Fort Ragathiel proper. While still under the command of Knight-Captain Erafell, she has been more directly answering to the Knight-Commander himself.

Knight-Lieutenant Teris Bale

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A half-orc with a ‘devil may care’ attitude, many in the Fort found his promotion to the position of Knight-Lieutenant following the Horseman War to be a poor choice. Having been rescued by the faithful from the grasp of overenthusiastic warlocks, Bale has dedicated his life to the cause of the General of Vengeance with a stride filled with positivity and gratitude.

Having earned appreciation and notice during the Rebellion, Bale’s acumen came not from any sort of discipline or specific characteristic that makes a good soldier, but in his ability to rally and keep up morale. With an indefatigable enthusiasm and jester-like demeanor, it was a surprise to many when Teris was chosen by the leadership of Aetveris to undergo the Setlaar's world-renowned Operator training program, the result of a cooperation between the Crown and the Ministry. Now the first and only Eteran to become an Operator, the Fort has wasted no time in placing Bale on the frontlines of the most hazardous locales, and on the most elite of missions.

Not bad for a bastard.

Knight Boagrius


A bulwark in every sense of the word, Boagrius is as thick-headed as he is big-hearted. Determined to expunge the roughshod reputation that minotaurs typically have, the titan with horns exudes an aura of knightly virtue both on and off the field of battle.

For as long as he has been with the Fort, one would think he would have been promoted by now, and indeed there have been attempts in the past. Each one has been denied by the bull, who believes that his uses are best served where the fighting is thickest and not in the giving of commands.

Loved by comrades, and tolerated by commanders, all can agree that almost nowhere is safer than beneath the shelter of this minotaur’s tower shield.

Forgemaster Gunrin Ragnarokson

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One of the original inhabitants of Fort Ragathiel before it fell to Verk’s forces alongside Dun Holvar, Gunrin is a figure who has lost many things and endured much. As a survivor of the Dwarven Purge conducted by the authorization of the Emperor, Ragnarokson may come off as rude and abrasive, but has a deeply empathetic conscious for those who have been through similar struggles. As such, for many of the younger generation who are largely composed of orphans, the old Dwarf has been looked to for advice and counsel; so much so that he has fondly been referred to as “Grandfather Soot,” on behalf of the amount of time he spends at the forges, and for the large quantity of pipe smoke the elder burns through.

Though he seems to grumble and chafe at the nickname on his face, he has yet to outright dissuade its usage.

Ecclesiarch Hariaen Olthorn


One of the members of the venerable Ember Synod, Hariaen Olthorn is one of the comparatively oldest servants of the General of Vengeance still left on Etera. Despite this, he moves with a vigor unusual for his age, and often channels this energy into soul-stirring and profound sermons that have often been utilized to galvanize the population of the Fort in times of need.

Having been one of the loudest proponents of the Crimson Aspirant program, Olthorn has overseen many of the rituals and activities that seek to turn prospective members of the Crimson Templars, into mighty holy warriors without peer. Or mercy.

With recent changes in leadership, Olthorn has been one of the most active in the Ember Synod in providing advice and guidance to the Knight-Commander, and seems to be one of the loudest proponents in favor of the King of Etera's rise to prominence. Whether this is because of a genuine believe or some tactical political maneuvering is known only to him.

Ecclesiarch Borelia Quinceps

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A rather enigmatic member of the Ember Synod, Quinceps has kept her beliefs mostly to herself. An unusual trait when surrounded by what is supposed to be the faithful, but anyone who knows anything about cults might yet be able to understand with her supposed caution.