Loana Kis

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Symbol of the Volcanic Iron Fist

Loana Kis, aka The Volcanic Iron Fist, is an Aquatic Elven Martial Arts Grandmaster. She is a godling of Yamatsumi. Originally, Loana hailed from another world, but was gripped by a supernatural phenomenon that propelled her into Chronus. She has adapted to the new world's environment after some time, and has become one of its elven residents. She is currently active.

She is part of the Time Knight order division within the Platinum Guard as a Vindicator.


The Humble Journey

Loana was born on another world from the union between Yamatsumi, the volcano god, and a sea elven maiden, Shanira. However, the circumstances surrounding her birth remained a secret to her, in hopes that she would grow and learn in a humble manner without becoming blinded by arrogance through her divine heritage. As such, she was raised by foster parents in an aquatic elven city known as 'Aquellion' from her original world.

Innately as she grew, she, like many other elves, had a strong affinity for nature, and as such, she embraced a very outdoorsy, nomadic lifestyle. She became a steward of the sea in addition to the land, living a life of curiosity, adventure, and learning. Becoming an adventurer in her own right, she witnessed events both wondrous and terrifying, and met many other heroes and villains alike. Some comrades, notably Ronda, became those Loana would stick with throughout the remainder of the old world's adventures.

Sometime long after the creation of Chronus and the universe it was in, Loana was pulled by the strange cosmic phenomenon that drew the attention of so many others across worlds. Confused and concerned, Loana sought to make sense of the new environment, and aimed to trace signs of any of her comrades. Luckily, she discovered Ronda was also present on Chronus, along with her daughter, Rhea, who became one of Loana's good friends.

Since then, Loana has aided many organizations, from the Riftstalkers, to even the Time Knight Order (which she became a full member of for many years). However, she steadily began to experience signs of her true origin, drawn towards volcanoes. She realized that while she was able to forge a life of her own, she felt as if she didn't quite reach a comfortable understanding of her true nature. That was until Yamatsumi began to make his presence a bit clearer to her overtime...

Divine Heritage

Once the time was right, Yamatsumi and Loana's mother, Shanira would reach out to Loana through visions she would experience. These visions would guide Loana towards the Kanaloa volcano, near Lalotai. It was there that Loana would slowly learn the truth, being put through trials that tested her wisdom, strength, perseverance and good will by a mysterious force. Once her trials were completed, Yamatsumi and Shanira would reveal themselves to Loana, and finally revealed the truth as to why she was separated from them for so long. At first, Loana was concerned and confused, but thanks to her journey, growth and development into a gentle spirit, she came to understand why her true heritage was kept a secret for so long.

With this, Loana came to a full circle, bonding with her true parents, and fully unlocking the power of divine blood that coursed through her veins. Kanaloa volcano became somewhat of a makeshift home for her, typically settling at an old shrine there. In her free time away from duties as a Time Knight, she'd meditate, train and hone her skills to new heights, while becoming more familiar with her inherent gifts.

Time Knight Adventures

As a time knight, Loana served the order honorably, thwarting a variety of time-related criminals and threats on a daily basis. Most of her duties revolved around her stabilizing the timeways, though her journey as an adventurer of Chronus would also be a prominent role in her life. Loana has been present on Chronus since the fall of the Verk Empire, and she has faced many challenges, whether it be on Chronus itself, or another dimension through the timeways. Along the way she would meet other adventurers who would become close comrades of hers. These included Jovra, Zolin, Helena, Alion, Yuki, Voradale, Cormick Thale, and Aurelius.

In time, Aurelius would become closer to her, and the two would eventually fall in love. The bond they shared would be strong, leading into marriage, but fate would play a cruel joke upon both of them, with Aurelius' past haunting him. Aurelius is descended from one of the vessels who became the Horseman of War, and after Aurelius' father (as the Horseman of War) was defeated and freed, a generational curse would afflict him, which forced him to separate from Loana after their infant daughter was conceived, who would be known as Jia Kis.

Aurelius, not wanting to risk losing control of himself while he was cursed to risk putting harm to his family, would disappear to face his own demons. It left Loana to raise the child alone...

Warrior Mother, Leader of the Tidal Rebellion

While Loana was raising the newborn Jia (whose identity was kept a secret to almost everyone except Aurelius at the time), a terrible threat would be unleashed upon the Tidal Empire, which was ruled by Loana's close friend, Ronda the Merfolk. A cunning Demon Lord by the name of Dagoff would seek to bring forth an era of darkness across the seas, and it was up to the Tidal Empire, being the primary defenders suited for aquatic combat, to deal with the incursion. To keep Jia safe, Loana had to bring her to the First World for shelter, and there, Loana would introduce Jia to an old comrade of hers, who also hailed from the old world that Loana originally came from. This individual was Saria Kal, who was not only pulled into Chronus like Loana was, but she had settled in the First World comfortably, as if it were second nature to her. Saria would become Jia's guardian while Loana was dealing with critical matters in the prime material plane.

Meanwhile, The conflict against Dagoff led to a war that would put the Tidal Empire to the test, one that was costly to lives close to Loana and Ronda. Eventually, the Tidal Empire would fight its way to the ultimate confrontation against the Demon Lord himself, but something wasn't quite right. Even though he was defeated, his essence was not destroyed. To solve this, Ronda chose to absorb his essence into her own, and thus, Ronda became a Demon Lord herself. Loana was present to watch this transition happen, and while she trusted Ronda, having known her for a long time, this particular act had her unsettled.

At first, Ronda seemed to maintain full control of her former self. However, overtime, subtle hints of a darker nature would come to surface, far more malicious than what Loana was used to from Ronda. The once firm trust she had in her old friend would turn into mild concern, which would degrade into full worry. Loana's worries were proven to be valid, as she would witness a sharp turn in Ronda's behavior. Ronda would initiate an expedition into the plane of earth, where hybrid elemental humanoids would be located at a kingdom with an abundance of gold. It turns out that these elementals in particular bleed gold, and Ronda expressed great interest in this.

Loana, along with allies to the Tidal Empire, Ellie Shadeflare and Elyn, would join the expedition. Loana found familiarity with the elemental beings, as Loana was strongly attuned to elemental energies herself, and also registered as having traces of elemental traits herself, thanks to her influence from Yamatsumi.


Rise of the Volcanic Iron Fist


The Path to Godhood Begins



Loana is an aquatic elf with features that can pass for a surface elf, and can often be mistaken for a surface elf. She stands at 5'7 feet tall, with a healthy, perfectly proportionate physique that is typical for elven women. She has moderately tanned skin, strawberry blonde colored hair with a hint of red, and striking amber eyes that can glow with blessed life, hinting her divine heritage. She often favors the colors of black and gold for her garments. Otherwise, she has gentle, soft features, which match her usual calm persona.


Loana is able to tap into her inner spirit to transform into a visage that resembles her father's qualities. Her hair becomes a fiery gold, and her eyes are set ablaze with a fiery light. Surges of volcanic energy course through her form with a constant flow of elemental ki. A wispy, blazing aura shrouds her body with red light around the outline of her body, with periodic sparks of red flame and lightning that crackle off her body. She is much more powerful and significantly faster in this state, able to harness the full extent of her capabilities.

Loana Kis, the Volcanic Iron Monk


Loana is a serene, gentle spirit. She has elven etiquette, is extremely patient, and harbors kindness with a warm heart. There's a certain elegance about her that matches her elven grace, though she is not without a temper. Like a volcano, Loana can also demonstrate furious, bold traits if deeply angered or upset, though this aggression is mainly aimed towards sources of evil.

She can be both casual and professional in behavior, often having a somewhat firm and disciplined approach as a Grandmaster. Otherwise, she can be witty, playful, and she knows how to have fun and enjoy herself. She's also very brave, often doing everything she can to ensure that countless lives, including her own daughter, would have a chance at experiencing life.


Cormick, Ellie, Solomon, Lady Bosu, Shirudo, Hekko, Rhea, Ronda, Gwen, Alloces, Terra, Aurelius* (husband), Jia* (half-elf daughter), Claire, Aldric, Akhutai, the Riftstalkers, the Time Knight Order.


Evil Timebreakers, and evil foes who threaten Chronus.


To be a guiding flame that serves as a light in darkened worlds.