Sasha Dessex

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Sasha Dessex is a human female positive-charged Stellar Vampire, and is a Time Knight associated with the Platinum Guard. She is the daughter of Selena Sage and Ares Dessex. She is also one of Nocticula (Redeemer Queen)'s personal champions (Godling).

Sasha Dessex is currently active. Among the positive-charged Stellar Vampires that exist on Chronus, Sasha is the first of her kind to exist throughout Chronus' history, with her aunt, Sera Sage, becoming the second.


Cursed from Birth

Due to her Selena Sage's physiology as a positive-charged Dhampir (descended from a Stellar Vampire bloodline), Sasha's birth had unusual complications, as the curse of undeath from Selena passed on with unforeseen consequences. Selena was unaware of what would happen if her vampiric nature, altered by positive energy, would do to offspring, as that was uncharted territory she was entering with her husband, Ares Dessex. It was the first time such an event would ever happen throughout the history of Chronus, which made Sasha a distinct candidate to serve Nocticula the Redeemer Queen.

Nocticula the Redeemer Queen is strongly tied to typically evil creatures who manage to rise above their nature and become something more. In Nocticula's case, she was an evil aligned succubus, but overtime grew into a neutral entity. This has a strong parallel with Sasha, who carries the curse of undeath with dormant vampirism as an infant, but also had the surge of positive energy to balance an otherwise inherently evil entity's nature out.

As for where Sasha was born, she hails from the city of Aleumdaum among the Setlaar. This makes Sasha Dessex a Sparked native of the Setlaar, which is an uncommon occurrence of Sparked individuals compared to Etera. This is due to both Selena Sage and Ares Dessex (to a degree in his case) having the Spark as well.

Nocticula's Influence

With the potential that Sasha had as a Sparked individual, along with the capacity to have vampirism yet rise above that nature in a different way would have these qualities draw Nocticula's interest. As a result, Nocticula chose Sasha as one of her personal champions as a Godling. With that being said, Nocticula's influence upon Sasha is subtle, but it has nudged her towards a certain direction.

As a Godling, Sasha's curse would be reinforced. Vampirism in her early childhood would be dormant, not truly being prominent...yet the qualities of her vampiric nature would slowly manifest the more mature Sasha became. It started with Sasha's shadow slowly fading, becoming shadowless. Then her own reflection would fade, lacking a reflection in any mirror. Gradually, Sasha's vampirism would step into the forefront, though due to her being positive-charged like her mother, Sasha's development into a full blown vampire (as guided and constructed by Nocticula's influence) would lead to her becoming a rare type of fullblood vampire that stood out even among the Stellar breed of vampirism.

A Lady of Fate

Yet these vampiric developments would not deter Sasha's resolve. In fact, she had a knack for inventions, magic and science just like her mother, along with the martial aptitude of her father. While it was difficult for Sasha to try to live as a normal person the older she got, she would hear about the stories from her relatives (notably her aunt, Sera Sage) about major events that were taking place. One major topic in particular would be the situation involving vampiric refugees who settle in the Setlaar. They are typically shunned by the masses of the living, and several events have forced the blame onto these vampiric refugees, even if they did not commit the crimes that were being claimed. Sasha, being vampiric herself (albeit a much different breed), would sympathize with these refugees, and she wanted to find a way to try to help them, as they were her kin after all.

This would draw the attention of one of the Gods of Chronus, Augustus Bailey, who, like Nocticula, also recognized the potential that Sasha had among the newer generation coming into the world. Thanks to Nocticula's influence upon Sasha's curse of undeath, and carefully allowing Sasha to mature and develop into the vampire that she is, Sasha was in a very unique position in the Setlaar to actually make a difference for vampirekind.





