The Guardian of the Timeline

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"Time for...Time Knights!"

Rhea has served as both the White and Red Time Knights, acting as both a healer for the organization, and their captain. Having devoted herself to the cause for so long and having fought countless powerful beings to protect the timeline, Rhea has ascended as a lesser deity, worshipped by the Time Knights and continuing to fight for the cause of protecting the flow of time from those who would seek to alter its flow or corrupt it for their own ambitions.


Before ascending, Rhea was one of many beings brought to Chronus, despite being born in another universe. Rhea had been brought to Chronus due to the actions of the being known as Dingo, who was hoping to separate her from her mother as an act of revenge. Rhea spent most of her life on Chronus, and was found soon after arriving in the world by the Time Knights, who detected the rift that was torn through time and space by Dingo. While many Time Knights were wary of the child, Rhea was shown mercy and allowed to join their order.

Rhea's magical potential allowed her to start in the role of the White Time Knight, using her powers to heal her allies from the backlines. When the Red Time Knight was slain through another one of Dingo's plots, it was Rhea who soon assumed the role, rising through the ranks to the role of captain. She continued to lead the Time Knights and served as the guardian of the Tower of Time. She was also instrumental in the fight against her mother upon her reveal as a Demon Lord.

There is power in devotion, and Rhea has served the Time Knights and their cause for so long that she has come to represent their ideals, continuing to grow in power to the point where she could no longer be called a mere mortal.


Much like her fellow Time Knights, Rhea remains devoted to the never-ending battle against malevolent users of time magic. However, Rhea's church is particularly merciless, believing that the only appropriate way to deal with such beings is with cleansing fire.

It is said that the Guardian of the Timeline's presence and their extreme response to evil users of Time Magic is part of why time time travel has not been used often on Chronus.


As a lesser deity, Rhea retains her Time Knight armor, now bound to her very soul and her essence even after ascending. The armor of the Time Knights is an artifact made from technology that cannot be duplicated in any current timeline. The armor of the Red Time Knights strikes fear into all those who use time magic for evil reasons, and reminds them of the fiery fate that awaits.

Holy Symbol

The Pocketwatch that serves as the "badge" for most Time Knights.

Though not all Time Knights follow Rhea, they all carry a silver pocket watch, representing their devotion to the cause and their desire to protect the timeline. The Time Knights guard the watch with their life, viewing it as a symbolic representation of the timeline itself.


Those Time Knights who do elect to follow Rhea follow similar guidelines as their brethren, but have a more merciless view towards those who abuse time magic and their necessary response. Despite the existence of the Time Knights, the timeline continues to be under threat, and they believe that they must steel their resolves and use force to impose their ideals.

Worship Mechanics


To show their devotion, the followers of the Guardian of the Timeline must wind their watch. Even those who are not Time Knights generally carry a watch of some variety, even if it is not the symbolic silver pocket watch of their order. The Time Knights themselves, meanwhile, say a prayer and utter "Time for...Time Knights!" before donning their armor.


  1. Sacred Time Magic: One Track Mind 3/day, Sands of Time 2/day, Haste 1/day
  2. Accelerated Form (Su): Once per day, the user can accelerate their bodies against the flow of time, gaining one extra move action that must be used before the end of the user's turn.
  3. Resist the Flow (Ex): A devoted follower of the Guardian of the Timeline becomes immortal and ceases aging.