Goddess Esha

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The Mistress of Hearts began life as a sorceress identifying herself only as Esha. The the events of her life preceding and sparking her ascension are known only to her.

Since her appearance on Etera she has amassed a small following as most adventurers do. However unlike most she has encouraged them to worship her.

Her efforts have only recently borne fruit, as she now empowers a small circle of clergy.


Being only a quasi-deity The Mistress of Hearts falls beneath the notice of the major divine powers. And although she remains lost in the anomaly that is adventurers within Babel she is seeking like minded desires to form a proper pantheon.


Esha's true form is that of a kitsune, however she is virtually never seen in this state. Her nature as a shapechanger often results in her taking the form of whatever is most desirable for those that have her attention.


The Mistress of Hearts has no realm of her own at this time, however grand rumors circulate among her clergy of something fabulous to come.


Worshipers earn Esha's favor when they knowingly inspire strong desire in another. Her favor is shown in brief moments of heightened euphoria, granting her follower a portion of the excitement they have sown.


Esha currently has no great servitors, but will often loan her familiar to the efforts of her few clerics.


Worshipers & Clergy

Most who follow The Mistress of Hearts are common folk praying for their fleeting, selfish, and dark desires to be fulfilled. While this pleases Esha her clergy better understand that the Mistress wants them to implant those desires in others.

Temples & Shrines

There are currently no temples or shrines dedicated to The Mistress of Hearts.

Holy texts

Another thing on her to list.



Favored animals

Esha favors any animal or magical beast with the ability to shapechange.


Eldunarya is a cult comprising all of Esha's current clerics. There works currently focus on establishing a base of operations and amassing funds.

Esha holy symbol.png




Divine Gift