Cormick Thale

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Character Info

A living legend of Chronus, Thale is a representation of how far one can climb in the 'land of opportunity' that is his homeland of Etera. Gaining renown because of his heroics in the Horseman War in 47 IA, Cormick has gone on to defend the continent of his birth and his world on more than one occasion from all sorts of abominations, demigods, and even outer deities. Though his participation in the frontline of combat has been reduced in recent years, opting instead for a delegatory role in geopolitical affairs, individuals of all stripes know well enough to make way when the red cloak appears on the horizon.


At the time of Emperor Darrien Maddox Verk’s ascension to his father’s throne in the year 311 IR, the continent of Etera was composed of numerous nations, all smaller than the Empire which now began to stretch its wings and extend its shadow to engulf the light of sovereignty. In the blitzkrieg of battle that engulfed the realm, many nations bent the knee to spare its citizens the threats of carnage and military overtake that befell those who did not surrender. But not all.

Names elude the history books, so scrubbed of any scrap of literature that could potentially inspire defiance that the faces of those affected are unto that of a blank canvas. No one remembers the name of the city-state which held a meager family of three, too insignificant to change the mind of the nation’s leaders who believed that valor and strong walls would win the day. Too weak to turn the tide of what was to come. Certainly not Cormick Thale, whose mind is a blur of the time when he was a boy, with only the color of a crimson cloak to fill much of the void.

Growing up with a sword in his hand and a guide of military warfare in the other, Thale progressed in his training alongside many such orphans of Verk’s conquest in the sparse training grounds of the warrior cult of Ragathiel. Brought under the watchful tutelage of one Euriel Saintsoul, a Paladin of the General of Vengeance, Thale would be moved from place to place, town to town, city to city, ever on the move as the banner of the Verk Empire continued to wave higher and higher. In a realm consumed by the fire of conquest, perhaps it was only appropriate that the boy try to take some measure of comfort in the Empyreal Lord’s own flame.

After Fort Ragathiel fell to the Verk Empire, the group had to remain relatively secretive during the persecution that followed, and while operating in favor of the Rebellion, it primarily kept sequestered away from the war as much as possible. When it was the Rebellion who reclaimed Fort Ragathiel (then named Fort Maddox), it was Saintsoul, among fellow leaders and survivors of the faith that swore an alliance with the rebels, promising to hold the Merovingian Mountains from any that would threaten them. All the time, Thale was there, obeying the orders given to him and steadily rising at his post.

Dedicated entirely to the will of Ragathiel (and the Fort by extension), Thale continued to apply himself in the conflicts that came. Eventually becoming a Paladin, it was not long after that then Knight-Commander Saintsoul recommended for the young upstart to be inducted into the Crimson Templar order. It was the proudest moment of his life.

One that would not last long as the Bloodzerkers emerged in the Merovingian Mountains.


As one of a military background, Cormick generally has a stalwart soul, leaving him to not be easily shaken when presented with difficult opponents or fearful opposition. Unlike many of his brothers and sisters in the Crimson Templars, he is rather reserved in his zealotry, and attempts at most times to extend a compassionate hand within the confines of his own oaths.

Despite this, his composure has faltered from time to time, primarily when it comes to the pressure of responsibility or the threat of numerous lives weighing upon his shoulders. Often the multitude of threats that assail Etera strain even his determination. Beyond that, while he is not typically regarded as a particularly hateful or easily angered individual, as a Crimson Templar whose order is devoted to the ideals of vengeance, he is called to walk a fine line between righteous indignation and rage. More so than most.

Combat Style

Focusing on speed and precision over brute force, Thale’s efforts in combat are usually for the purpose of ending engagements as quickly and as neatly as possible. A shudder on the battlefield, Cormick’s combative efforts are best described as ‘conservative’ as he attempts to waste as little energy as possible, foregoing the over the top and dramatic displays of his peers for professional demonstrations of bladed prowess.

Coupled with this martial technique is an attitude that many might describe as ‘paranoid.’ Centered and with a limited tolerance for braggart behavior, the Templar never takes opponents lightly no matter their stature, opting for a ‘respectful’ disposition that sees him treating every opponent with at least some semblance of his best. Whether this is truly out of acknowledgment for his opponent’s skills or a result of enough combatants surprising him is unknown.

Reputation (Etera)

Though beginning as a mere soldier in the militaristic theocracy that is Fort Ragathiel, Cormick has since risen to become something far more. Even before being chosen by the General of Vengeance to unite the continent, Thale held a reputation as being a headstrong leader of men and a valiant individual with a morality that could not be compromised.

Nowadays as he continues to pursue the throne of Etera and piece the disparate factions of his homeland together Cormick’s outstanding public reputation has encouraged many to join his side and support his claim. Sparkholders and average citizenry alike have begun to see in the Templar something of a ‘chosen one’ or ‘savior’ willing to right the wrongs of the past and lead Etera into a golden age, and as such have flocked en masse to the growing Nation of Aetveris. Seeking safety, security, and opportunity.

Still others remain nervous about the young man’s sudden rise in power, concerned both about the possibility of corruption, and also about the past being repeated. The continent barely survived one ruler’s authority after all. Could it survive another?

Reputation (The Setlaar)

Known amongst the populace of the Setlaar as 'The Crimson,' on account of his red cloak and heroic demeanor, Cormick has garnered a superstar reputation amongst the States for his numerous deeds, propensity to bump shoulders with the upper echelons of society, and for being perhaps Chronus' most popular bachelor.

His most famous escapade has by far been his involvement in the Swarming Eyes event in the City of Aleumdaum, where he along with his best friend Ashley Naramoore, Inquisitor Jacob de Dupont, Riftstalker Sera Sage, and the Battle Dancer Astire, all faced against the gestalt consciousness SICC and thwarted their plans for the destruction of non-artificial life.

Beyond all of that however, Thale has been engaged in a double existence. One in which he is the noble King, the perfect exemplar of the righteous avenger. A hero.

With the other however, Cormick has found himself in a position with his best friend Benedict DeChance as one of the commanders of Tribulation March, an infamous terrorist organization formerly led by the Hyena. Entrusted with the immense resources of the group by the Hyena (now going as ‘Solomon’), Thale and DeChance have been working to reform both the image of the March and the March itself into an organization dedicated to the protection of Chronus.

Unable to express this duality to anyone but a few, it has been a constant position of stress that has caused the Templar to develop somewhat of a careful paranoia. Fearful as he is of his secret being revealed before the March’s reputation has been repaired.

The Five Years of Rest

Much had changed about Thale during the five years of peace that followed the Horseman War, but most notably his home. Fort Ragathiel had become something of a furnace which now sought to usher in a new era of warfare. So small in number compared to the veritable armies all around them, desperate measures would have to be taken to assure the survival of the Fort itself and the sanctity of the faithful. Verk's former conquest and persecution of the cult had bred an unstable paranoia in the minds of the Fort's leaders, The Ember Synod. Arguments broke out, insults hurtled, with much blame being thrown about as to why the Fort had not acted more boldly in the face of the Daemonic scourge, while noble Paladins of Sarenrae and Iomedae had taken to the field.

In spite of this cacophony of noise that rang out in the Synod's chambers, a few clerics and priests held a firm stance. Rather than looking upon the failures of the past, they looked towards the future; and in this future were mighty warriors, capable of competing if not outright repelling such powerful entities like the Horsemen.

So Thale, and many like him of the Crimson Templar order were put through a crucible of power. A blast furnace that would strengthen or crack the steel that was their body, their mind, and their very souls. From this, Crimson Aspirants were borne, so named because while incredibly powerful, they were unsatisfactory to the ultimate goals of survival. That lay, with the Five-Winged Trial.

From this large swathe of training however, Cormick would be forced to forgo much his Paladin training in exchange for a more ruthless fighting style. He still held to his oaths, his beliefs, and his mannerisms would still reflect the upbringing he had known throughout all of his life. But for his people, he would walk down the path of the Templar in more than just name.