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The newest member of the Fox Council, Mikan acts as a spy and saboteur to ensure that the response to the other's presence is never too organized for the rest of the group to handle.


Mikan was born to a family of kitsune hidden out in the town of Flaria shortly before the Verk Empire began to truly begin spiraling out of control. When the town was put under the control of the Solaris, Mikan was one of many rebellious youth who joined the Eclipse, learning arts of stealth and infiltration further bolstered by her mastery of shapeshifting and mental charms. Mikan acted as a member of the Eclipse for months working to loosen the grip of the Solaris upon the town until the Rebellion's eventual success in freeing the town shortly before the Empire began to crumble.

By the time the rebellion had succeeded and the Verk Empire was no more, Mikan was left with skills that nobody had use for in a time of peace, and for a time found herself struggling to get by. When she caught wind of the Fox Council's growing infamy, she saw her opportunity. During the middle of a heist she confronted Kai and Jorgon directly after slipping past Ramsay and Killian. Impressed by her skills, Kai agreed to let her join the group, and together they made out like the bandits they were.


Out of the Fox Council, Mikan is the most idealistic of the group. Her time with the Rebellion taught her the skills needed to be a master of disguise and deception, but did little to blunt her good nature. Her moral aversion to killing leads to frequent spats with Killian when they disagree about efficiency vs. the value of life during their heists, but fortunately for Mikan the rest of the Council generally prefers to perform their work bloodlessly.


Mikan is a master of both mind and body, endlessly versatile and able to fit into nearly any mold she needs to in order to complete the mission at hand. She often uses her mental magics to reinforce her skills while relying on her shapechanging abilities to shield her from suspicion, though she isn't above using mental magic to charm others to her side of things when pushed.