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Ramsay acts as a guardian and secondary set of muscle for the Fox Council in the event that they encounter situations that can't be settled by Jorgon alone. His unique fighting style makes him very adept at holding opponents attention so that he can grant the other members of the council the time needed to escape in a pinch.


A native of the Eteran coast facing the Laniden Archipelago, Ramsay was raised in a monastery of warrior-monks situated on the coastline of the sea. Ramsay's natural skill with both blade and fist made him a rising star of his class of students, quickly outshining many of his peers. But it was Ramsay's skills of stealth that truly won him the support of his fellows, for he often would swipe them food from the kitchens when they were being punished with hunger or were prevented from attending the mealtime.

When Ramsay came of age to strike out on his own he was sent on a long mission of self-discovery, told to travel the land and return when he had learned something of value or honed his skills. Ramsay traveled across western-central Etera for many years, honing his skills against the great whetstone of life as he traveled to locales from northern Elaría to Kazorith to far southern Grey Hollow. Everywhere the ronin traveled he encountered the cruelty and callousness of the Verk Empire. When finally he had seen enough and judged his skills worthy of returning to show his teachers, Ramsay found that in his absence the monastery had been burned to the ground by Verk soldiers. It was in this moment that Ramsay made himself a vow that he would avenge his lost family, and it was in this state that Kai found the broken monk easy to sway.

Stoking his hatred of the Empire, Kai convinced Ramsay to join in the Fox Council's thievery against the Empire, playing to his desire for vengeance. For a long time this trend continued, as Ramsay continued to steal in the name of bringing down the Empire that had ruined his home and killed the only family he had ever known. Over time Ramsay found a new family in the other members of the Council and indeed by the time that the Empire had fallen to the hands of the rebellion, there was nothing but the ashes of his old family to return to. Instead Ramsay chose to remain with Kai and the others, vowing to protect his new adopted family so that they would not face the same destruction that had taken his old one.


Ramsay is very outwardly stoic, rarely showing excitement save for the prospect of a worthy opponent to battle. This outward stoicism masks a deeply protective undercurrent to his nature, treating the other members of the Council as his adoptive family. Losing the other members of the Council is the closest thing to a true fear that Ramsay has, and it can be seen in the fervor with which he defends them by drawing attention to himself even at risk of his own life.


Ramsay's skills lie in his mastery of combat both armed and empty-handed. His style of fighting is most effective against a singular opponent, against whom he can challenge in order to focus their attention on himself and inflict crippling blows with either blade or bare fist.