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The sharp-eyed lookout of the Fox Council, Killian is skilled at evaluating and eliminating potential threats to the Council's operations long before they come within visual range of the other members.


Born into the Conand Clan of the Sinnoach Isles, Killian's early life was spent learning how to wield weapons, how to target opponents vital points, and the skills needed for his eventual transition to the role of mercenary for hire at the age of 16. Killian's particular specialty was quickly discovered to be ranged weaponry, hitting targets from hundreds of paces away with a longbow even as a young teen.

When the Conand family began hiring out as mercenaries to the Verk Empire, Killian was one of several who were sent to the mainland to aid in the empire's conquering of the remaining pockets of resistance on the mainland. Killian mastered firearms just as well as the bows and crossbows he had trained with previously, and quickly saw the potential in such a potent weapon if it's range could be increased. The way the empire used magic to enhance their weaponry also caught his eye.

Unfortunately Killian's stint with the Empire was short-lived due to some brat from the Brus clan who convinced the Conands to sever ties, though he was not terribly disappointed when he had to leave. Even as he returned home though, he hadn't forgotten the techno-magical marvels that he had witnessed on the mainland.

His lust for the secret weaponry of the Verk Empire eventually lead him back to the main continent, where he fell into contact with Kai, who had already long since begun her spree of robberies across Etera. Kai offered Killian access to all the guns and weapons he could want, so long as he helped her steal them. Killian was all too happy to agree to this prospect for both the value of the rewards and because it gave him a new purpose to follow in the wake of his clan's relatively peaceful change of heart.


Killian is calm, collected, and cool at all times. His sniper training has taught him that accuracy comes from control, and the first and most important thing to be in control of is one's emotions. Despite his selfish reasons for joining initially, the camaraderie of the Council has cracked his capable outer shell, leaving him somewhat exposed to actually caring for his fellow thieves. This however, only reinforces the fact that he doesn't take chances, and indeed has no compunctions about taking out a civilian before they can break the groups cover, despite the fact that this offends the more delicate sensibilities of certain other members of the group. He does what he has to in order to make sure that the Council survives it's heists unscathed.


Killian is a master sniper, a unique skillset that he further enhances through the usage of arcane magic stolen from the Verk Empire during the Council's many heists over the years. Between his magical enhancements and natural skill with ranged weaponry of almost any type, it is said that he can hit a man from a mile away.