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Jorgon is the indomitable muscle of the Fox Council. He acts as Kai's very strong right hand wherever she needs assistance with carrying out their heists.


Born to the Brus clan of the Sinnoach Isles, Jorgon's childhood was uneventful and even boring one could say until he met Kai. She breezed into his life like a flame carried on the wind, and like that same flame he found her every movement mesmerizing. For weeks the two courted one another in secret, her presence being the only thing that gave color to Jorgon's otherwise uneventful life. He had it in his mind that he wanted to marry this wonderful girl until she sprung an entirely different request upon him.

When Kai asked him to treat with a high ranking fey noble on her behalf, he knew he wasn't nearly important enough to do what she asked. He knew he'd be facing banishment or worse if it was discovered, and that would only be if the fey didn't get to him first. Kai didn't find this answer satisfactory however, and despite his fears he quickly found himself under a potent mental charm that found him with little ability or desire to refuse her request.

Despite the risk of the following events, and the resulting fallout from both of their families when they were found to have escaped in the night, Jorgon found that he actually enjoyed himself throughout the affair. Over time the charm that Kai had bound him with initially grew weaker and weaker as they traveled across Etera together leaving a spree of petty larceny in their wake as a duo. It wasn't until weeks after the spell had fully worn off that he realized that it wasn't affecting him anymore, and he found that he still enjoyed every moment by her side regardless.


Jorgon is direct, with his skills he doesn't have much choice of anything else to be. He generally tends to defer to Kai in most matters, both because of his personal feelings for her and because she tends to be the one leading their plans. Like Kai, Jorgon does his best to generally avoid causing harm to people in the course of their heists, instead using his massive strength to tear apart any physical barriers that stand in the Council's way.


Jorgon's most notable ability is his incredible strength, but in addition to that he is also a master craftsman. Jorgon's knowledge allows him to exploit weak points in objects to leverage his immense strength even further, making shattering weapons and barriers alike near effortless for the muscular kitsune.