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The enigmatic leader of the rogue's gallery known as the Fox Council, Kai boasts incredible skills with magic that allow her to effortlessly steal the hearts and minds of any who would stand in the Council's way.


Born into one of the branch families of the Cassius Clan, Kai's oracular abilities were clear from a young age and her innate talents with said magic were carefully nurtured by her parents. By the time that she had reached the age of 14 her magical skills had already made sure she was well placed in line to become another high-ranking member of the main family.

Unfortunately for her however there was another family member who's own innate talent far surpassed even her own, her cousin Yuudai who never seemed to struggle or fail regardless of what they attempted. When it became clear that she had no chance of attaining the role of head of the family at the rate she was progressing, Kai made a rash decision in a bid to secure her position as the best caster among her family members.

Her plan first began with courting another Kitsune noble, one of the members of the nearby Brus clan, known for their exceedingly close relations with the local fey nobility. With honeyed words and whispered enchantments, Kai twisted the poor boy around her finger until eventually his will caved and he became little more than a puppet to use as she pleased. With the help of her new toy, she gained an audience with one of the members of the local fey court, and from there was able to negotiate a deal for incredible arcane powers with the whimsical creature.

For a short time, she was able to bask in the ill-gotten gains of her ruse. But when it shortly became known that the Brus boy was missing the current head of the family stepped in and began to investigate Kai more closely. One day, she was brought before the family's head, Sho, and told to answer for herself. Sho had discovered the mentally twisted Brus boy and even the most honeyed of Kai's words and the most powerful of her charms were effortlessly deflected by the more-powerful mage. Kai's punishment for her transgression was banishment from the main family, being returned to the branch from which she was born. In the night she instead took the Brus boy and fled her home entirely, travelling out into the wider world beyond Laniden in search of recognition to sate her ego.


Kai is a woman who enjoys nothing more than getting what she wants, when she wants it. When she has her eye on a particular goal, there is very little that Kai will allow to get in her way when it comes to accomplishing that goal. Despite her sometimes reckless disregard for the people she affects during her heists, Kai usually shows remarkably little actual malice towards her victims. She often leaves them blissfully unaware that their minds have even been tampered with, instead allowing them to go about their normal lives when she does not actively need their use.


As a master of theurgic magic, Kai's flexibility when faced with a problem is considerable. The most notable of her abilities however, is her mastery of mind-affecting magic. Kai's mental manipulations are the work of a master who has a deep connection to her craft, and indeed are the preferred magical solution she resorts to when faced with an applicable problem.