Selena Sage

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Selena's Time Knight Symbol

Selena Sage is a Dhampir female cryomancer and member of the Time Knights and a Lady of Winter. She originally hailed from another world called Oustomia, but she is now an official, native resident of Etera. She is currently active.


Part 1 : Prologue (Origin)

From the world of Oustomia, Selena's concept was conceived by her biological vampiric father, Jackson Kross, during his clash against Sera Sage, who is Selena's elder sister. Throughout many of Sera's battles against him and his minions, he secretly captured samples of her blood that spilled in these fights. Eventually he would kidnap his human 'wife', Sera and Selena's mother, Anita Sage.

Jackson had impregnated Anita in captivity while keeping her mind-controlled as his slave. This would lead to Selena's birth, and this time, unlike Sera who was rescued by Paladins of Sarenrae during her birth, Selena was not so fortunate....

Instead, Selena was experimented on from since childhood, as Jackson wanted to create the ultimate weapon at his disposal to become the bane of the living. With Sera's blood used to modify and enhance Selena's traits, he ensured that Selena matched Sera's genetic makeup in every way possible. As such, Selena's innate traits are identical to Sera's, even able to tolerate positive energy and sunlight, much like a life-dominant dayborn Dhampir that Sera is.

Jackson would then proceed to torture her, subjecting her to an unholy, twisted upbringing. She was trained in the dark arts rooted from her ancient ancestry of vampirism and Jackson's personal experimentation. He filled her head with lies about the living, painting them as corrupt, and kept the truth of his sinister motives from her, but his dominant, cruel and tyrant-like behavior would torment Selena everyday. He never saw her as a daughter to be loved, but rather, just a tool of death to be used at his command. Needless to say, her childhood wasn't pleasant.

However, the seemingly terrible fate that would await Selena to become Jackson's ultimate champion would come to an abrupt halt. Sera Sage along with her allies, stormed Jackson's castle. Anita was rescued, and Sera had finally destroyed her father Jackson once and for all (supposedly). In the aftermath, they found Selena unconscious in his lab, as if she was to be experimented on again.

After Anita and Sera read through Jackson's notes, they realized that Selena was in fact, Sera's actual biological sister. A confused Selena would be awoken from her slumber, and from here, and realizing she wasn't fully corrupted by Jackson yet, Sera had vowed to help raise her sister with her mother's guidance.

And so, a drastic change in Selena's life had come. Rather than falling into the path of evil to become a heartless killing machine, Anita and Sera would reveal a much brighter life for her, raising her with love, care and respect.

Years would pass, with Sera, her mother and her Aasimar comrades among followers of Sarenrae and Calistria, would help raise and guide her. Sera realized that while Selena had a dark upbringing, she hasn't fallen to corruption and had the opportunity to grow into something greater. She helped Selena mature and drew her closer towards the path of nature, but it was ultimately up to Selena to branch off and become something of her own. As such, while she shares Sera's bond with nature, she didn't pursue the life of a vampire hunter.

Once Selena had hit adulthood, it was now up to her to decide her own fate. She wanted to find her place in the world, and discover where she fits in the grand scheme of things...

Part 2 : From One World To The Next

Selena served the forces of good on Oustomia for quite some time, until peace had finally come to the world. However, it wasn't long after that temporal disturbances began to appear, and Selena proceeded to investigate. It was here she was pulled through it, and found herself warped over to Etera. Trapped as a stranger in a strange world, it took quite some time for Selena to adjust herself to the environment, and adapt to the world's customs. Throughout it all, she tried to find ways to learn more about the disturbance, and that is what led her to discovering the Time Knight Order.

Her adaptation process led to her to grow into a new path. Tapping into her vampiric heritage, and a vampires' affinity for the cold, Selena would harness the element of ice to become a cryomancer for a time while she was readjusting to the new world. On her mission to send word back to her sister on Oustomia, she dabbled into the art of time magic as well, which at that point, she became a member of the Time Knights as well. Merging time and freezing ice together, she blended in well with the order, while carrying out duties on their behalf. Eventually, she'd be able to send signs back to her sister, to inform her that all is well and there is no need to worry.

Part 3 : Time Knight Selena

Selena realized that while peace remained on Oustomia, Etera had its own troubles, and so vowed herself to aid Etera, and the Time Knights with their cause. Fully adapting to the world, she'd fit in as one of the newer, native residents, as Etera was now her home. However, as time passed, growing with more experience and getting used to Etera's atmosphere, Selena eventually discovered a missing piece of herself while exploring temporal issues throughout her career as a time knight. On one such occasion, she'd find an echo of herself from the past world, that had taken the form of a temporal symbiote. It reflected what she used to be as a shifter, and upon bonding with it, she has blended her past journeys with her present ones, evolving naturally as a warrior.

Part 4 : Moonlight Warrior

During the tyranny of the Four Horsemen, Selena was busy tending to duties as a member among the time knight order, and thus, was unable to lend direct assistance against the horsemen. Along the way, these duties have led to Selena exploring a great deal of locations, leaving her to roam as a lone traveler for most of these endeavors. It was here, conducting battles across time and space in her journey, that she started to feel herself draw closer to the night sky. Being half-vampire herself, her kind would naturally lean towards the night, but there was something more to this...

She is also half-human, and is very much a living creature of good. The moon and stars would slowly influence her, guiding her actions, and her future destinations. Having been attuned to nature before, her past symbiote reacted to these gradual changes occurring, as if her essence was being nourished by moonlight itself. Her senses grew sharper, and her symbiote from the past merged with her completely in the present. She found that her former symbiotic abilities grew defunct, as her shifter powers had fully manifested, evolving into something deeper.

The moonlight had influenced and changed her to such a degree that she began to admire the aspects of the moon, stars, night, travel and freedom wholefully. Through fate, she found a deity that resonated with her very being. She found the wonders of Desna.

Part 5 : Circle of Ice

As Selena was one of the more prominent users of ice magic on Chronus, she would eventually draw the attention from a mysterious council known as the 'Lords of Winter'. Given Selena's expertise and good-aligned interests in Chronus' affairs, she was invited to join the council to become a Lady of Winter herself. There, she met with their leader, Ymir Blackfrost, along with others belonging to the circle. She had undergone the ritual required to join the council, and once it was completed, she found that her attunement to ice had become so intense that she became literally incapable of producing any fire magic.

This had a profound effect on her overall capabilities, moreso in combination with her chronomancy as a Time Knight. She is currently the sole Time Knight associate that is part of the Lords of Winter council.

Part 6 : Avatar of Temporal Winter

During the events of the Fifth Horseman, the Endbringers and the spread of Hollow magic, Selena was largely in the background, studying the effects of Hollow magic. As time went along, both the Time Knight Order and Riftstalkers organization were slowly understanding Hollow magic in its entirety, but learning to actually fight against it was a different story. As such, Selena tried to find her own way to reliably combat against it, but she had no luck for a time.

However, her sister, Sera, was drawn into a conflict involving the city of Aluemdaum. Sera found the city quite appealing, and was open to the idea of having herself, Anita and Selena move in the city. Sera sent word to their mother about the idea, and Anita was interested. Selena herself was curious, and would lend her mother a hand in getting her things packed and organized from where Anita originally settled on Etera... a village at Laniden Archipelago.

During this, Selena would come across old tomes detailing her father's research from experiments done to her before Sera rescued her many years ago. She queried her mother as to why she would keep such horrific things instead of burning them, and her mother responded that she wanted to fully understand what Jackson Kross was doing to Selena. She also considered the idea of reverse engineering the research to delve into a different direction instead, one that wasn't so atrocious with evil intent. However, Anita lacked the knowledge and expertise to pull it off, but she kept the tomes just in case someone else would find a way to reverse engineer them.

Then... it clicked in Selena's head. Perhaps her mother was onto something, and perhaps this route may give her answers to properly combat Hollow magic users. She immediately thought of a good friend of hers, Solomon (The Hyena), who was an experiment himself. What if Selena could achieve something grand of her own like he did?

After she was done helping her mother organize her things for moving in the near future, Selena would take the tomes with her, back to one of the ice castles belonging to the Lords of Winter. There, she would utilize her skills in chronomancy, years of experience and personal understanding of her own blood to work on reverse engineering her father's intents for her. He wanted to create her as an ultimate agent of darkness. Selena would instead work on becoming an ultimate agent of good. Throughout the study, while she reviled her father for his deeds in the past, she had to respect his intellectual and philosophical viewpoints that had some merit she could use. He believed that every being had the power to shape the entire universe, and blood was the key.

He wanted Sera or Selena specifically to try to achieve his goals, because they were Life Dominant, Dayborn Dhampir, able to tolerate positive and negative forces naturally. Such beings were not commonly seen, and he believed they possessed a hidden potential that vampirekin could utilize to become something more. Of course, the way he went about trying to achieve these goals were for twisted and dark purposes, and he was still blind to many truths. Selena, who was a much more open minded person, with now far more experience than her father ever had, would be able to not only reverse engineer the research, but drastically improve upon the philosophy. She realized her blood could harness powers she did not think was possible before, and this was only made more prominent considering how much she had grown in strength since her early, dark days.

This led to her reforming the philosophy into what she has now dubbed 'Divine Internal Alchemy'. She agrees that every being has the power to shape the entire universe, as evident from the Fifth Horseman himself, and one's blood is the secret to many pathways, including the ability to tap into psuedo-godlike powers, or even beyond that. It revolves around the internal mastery of one's body, blood and spirit (including ki), to forge personal immortality and the capability to survive any form of death, while spiritually raising one's capabilities to unspeakable heights. It is very much treated as an ascetic art that meshes with Monk-like traditions, and as such, only Monks (and similar beings) can truly understand and utilize the philosophy.

Through this, Selena discovered a breakthrough that would forever change her moving forward. Mastering the power of her own blood, and spiritually fusing her chronomancy, cryomancy and ki into a singular focus, she has developed the ability to tap into a psuedo-godlike, enlightened state of her own. However, she can only enter such a state in temporary bursts, as it puts a strain on her body to use such a power.

With this, Selena has found her own way to combat the evil forces of Hollow Magic users.... though this discovery may play a larger role in future events to come...

Part 7 : Frostspider



Normal Form :

Selena is a half-human half-vampire hybrid (Dhampir) standing at 5'6 feet tall, weighing about 122 pounds. She has a delicate yet lean frame, though she is not very muscular, but rather agile and lithe. She has fair skin, snow white colored hair, striking ice blue eyes, and carries a vampire's supernatural grace. She is elegant and refined, and is typically seen wearing a sleeveless short white dress, with her garb adorned in crystallized, magical jewelry.

Frostspider Suit :



Selena is a reserved yet sensual character. The presence of a vampire is strong with her otherworldly nature, as much as her humanity is. Having witnessed two eras of polarizing atmospheres in her life, she understands kindness and cruelty on equal levels. Thanks to her sister Sera, she has learned to embody the aspects of goodness, and has vowed to use her powers to aid the world's well being (whichever one she's assisting).

She is well aware of racial prejudice towards her kind, though has a desire to rise above doubt to prove herself as a worthy ally. With that being said, the concept of freedom intrigues her, and now as an adult, she can truly explore the world to experience something that was robbed from her childhood : life itself.

She was once a little bit naive when she started out, but as time has passed, especially since joining the Time Knights, she's confident, outgoing, and isn't afraid to take a risk every now and then. Regardless, her heart is pure, and has a sense of honor even with her vampiric traits. She will often respect a foe if an honorable challenge is presented to her. She respects fairness, seeing it as a way to once again prove herself as someone worthy of living, in spite of her cursed heritage.


She is close to her family, her sister Sera and her mother, Anita. She is a strong, stalwart ally of the Time Knight Order, being a member of that organization herself, and as such, respects her comrades.

Other Allies : Solomon (The Hyena), Delvar Starbreaker, Ashley Vigilance Naramoore, Avalia Ceres Naramoore, Alloces Veil, Xerxes Blackfrost, Voradale Forean, Ymir Blackfrost, Cayden Blackmoore, Ragnhild Adisàdattir, Cyna, Nikita Lifetouch, Farah Tsun, Aurelius, Claire, Cormick Thale.


Evil Time Magic users, and general threats to Chronus (and other worlds).


To serve Chronus to the best of her capacity, and ease as much strain as possible off the Time Knight Order, lending her expertise to help turn the tide against the many threats that be.