Nikita Lifetouch

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Nikita Lifetouch (formerly Nikita Fielding) is a female Agathion-Blooded Aasimar Kinetic Shinobi from the Laniden Archipelago on Etera. She is a surviving veteran from the war against the Verk Empire. Nikita is currently active.



In the past, servants of the Green Faith found themselves at odds against the forces of Lanishra. It all began when Lanishra's slavers managed to capture some members of the Green Faith as pets, which angered many druids, shifters, hunters and rangers alike who followed the faith. Lanishran slavers had done this due to the exotic nature of Idyllkin, as that variation of Aasimar are much more drawn towards nature.

Rhalva and Zernir (Nikita's parents) fought hard against the Lanishrans, to the point it drew the attention of one of Lanishra's greatest champions, Thal'gumath. He found Rhalva enticing, and made it his top priority to hunt her down and capture her for enslavement. However, he was defeated by the pair, and Thal'gumath swore vengeance ever since. Yet, urgent matters involving the Green Faith had called Rhalva and Zernir away, which made matters complicated for their newborn daughter at the time.... Nikita.

Fearing that Thal'gumath would capture Nikita while they were away, and also worrying they may never return, they conducted a ritual to suppress Nikita's idyllkin blood within her celestial veins, keeping her true features dormant. After that, they had entrusted Nikita as a baby to the human villagers (who they knew they could trust) from her community at the Laniden Archipelago, and that was how Nikita was raised by human parents...

PART I : Fateful Path

Nikita hails from a simple village in the Laniden Archipelago, raised by human parents. The small community she grew up with had affinity with the elements, and as such, as most denizens of the Laniden Archipelago, they were mostly kineticists, with some having druidic backgrounds as well.

Her life was relatively simple, secluded, and staying away from the clutches of the Empire. However, one fateful day, strange travelers from a dimensional rift crossed over into the world of Etera. The travelers were lost and confused, and Nikita was one of the first set of people to encounter these strangers. Among these travelers were Farah Tsun, Kattaris Veir and Saria Kal.

Nikita and others from her community helped the travelers adjust to the world of Etera, as they listened to their tales from another world where they originally came from. They were apparently seeking out a threat against their world, but in the process winding up warping to another, and are unable to return. It remains unclear whether or not their world still even exists.

Interestingly, the three travelers were very familiar with kineticists and druidism as well. Due to this, the travelers and the natives shared their knowledge of their respective arts with one another, and in the end, the three travelers offered to provide training and guidance, thanks to their more experienced set of skills. Among those who accepted to be trained, Nikita as well became an apprentice, particularly to Farah Tsun, who, like Nikita, is also an Aasimar.

Either way, the two shared a great bond with each other as master and student, and Farah would help Nikita improve herself for self-defense, to help survive the cruelty of the Empire. Overtime however, Nikita started developing her own set of skills, somewhat differing from her mentor. Her mentor saw this as a good thing, as it would allow Nikita to flourish and blossom into something of her own...and to perhaps one day surpass Farah.

Nikita became an adventurer from this continued growth, and gradually became more active in the fight for freedom for the rebellion against the empire, as well as tackling other threats that involved Etera's safety. She attempted to experiment with alternate paths, but ultimately, she returned to tutelage under Farah, with more insight on greater powers that she discovered within herself.

PART II : First Awakening

Overtime as an adventurer, Nikita steadily learned more and more hints of her original ancestry, but was never able to act on it.... until she started drawing the attention from her original parents' ancient foe, Thal'gumath. He had encountered her during her travels, and revealed a great deal of the truth to her, which promptly led to him attempting to enslave her. This led to an intense battle between the two, but she was overwhelmed, and was forced to retreat. With the information unfolded to her from the encounter, she then knew she had to trace back to her origins and understand who she really was.

The clues and information provided to her led her to a mysterious cave, hidden behind a verdant waterfall, which was located somewhere to the far south east of Flaria. Once there, she ventured through the waterfall itself, investigating the cave. It led to underground ruins of an ancient, druidic home, which appeared long abandoned. At the center of it all however, was a pedestal which magically sealed a tome within. On the seal had a scripture written in celestial, which Nikita read :

"Only one of Celestial blood may learn the secrets within. The blood of the holy as proof will undo this seal."

Understanding the instructions given, Nikita proceeded to lightly cut her hand, so that her blood would spill upon the seal. Doing so indeed removed it, leaving the tome free to be read. As Nikita cautiously took grasp of the tome and opened it, the tome was directed at her specifically, written by Rhalva Lifetouch and Zernir Lifetouch, who are revealed to be Nikita's true parents, her mother and father respectively.

The tome also gave instructions on removing the suppression effect on Nikita's being, though warned that if her true self was revealed, then Thal'gumath and his Lanishran allies would become even more ruthless for their wanted prize. Accepting this risk, Nikita followed the instructions given to fully awaken her idyllkin blood. She had to enter a quiet chamber within the druidic home, standing on a ritualistic circle of runes. She was to recite words of revoking the dormancy in her blood in the celestial language, followed by imbuing herself with a powerful surge of positive energy.
As she performed the ritual, she would form a kinetic blade, imbued with the restorative fires of a phoenix, followed by impaling herself in the stomach with pure, positive energy. As she did this, her blood boiled, with an explosion of light filling the entire chamber. She felt disoriented for a moment, but then healthier, and more vibrant. Her senses felt different, but also sharper. Her connection with nature strengthened, and as she came to her senses proper, she realized her whole body had also changed...or rather, evolved. As such, she had become Sublime.

Her eyes were also now an electric blue that glowed, rather than the emerald hue it used to be. It took her some time to adjust to her form, but she quickly felt more natural than she ever had been. Renewed with vigor and enlightenment, she now made it a priority to stop Lanishran slavers, like her true parents before her. However, the awakening of her true self had consequences as expected. Once she left the druidic home, stepping through the waterfall she came from, she'd encounter Thal'gumath again.

Thal'gumath, surprised and in awe of Nikita's true, awakened form, attempted to claim her once again. This time, with the power of her blood no longer suppressed, she was able to overpower Thal'gumath in combat. Defeated, he had no choice but to flee, but claimed he will return one day to claim his victory over her.

Nikita would take note of his words, and would proceed to continue her journey for personal growth and enlightenment, so that she will be prepared to face him again.

PART III : Journey of Growth

Nikita's training under her core mentor, Farah Tsun would continue. However, with the various challenges presented to Nikita overtime with her adventures, she began to adapt with techniques of her own, beginning to deviate into something unique that was set apart from Farah's capabilities, yet still maintaining the foundation of her martial arts. Farah encouraged Nikita to further explore this, as she hoped that Nikita will find her own identity from within, rather than simply having teachings passed down onto her without change.

As a result, Nikita focused her training to reinforce her defensive capabilities, so that she could survive a variety of situations. During this time she would also learn more about the mysterious ki manipulation abilities inspired by guidance from the stars and beyond, embracing those techniques as part of her skillset.

As Nikita continued to grow in strength, her eyes would phase from electric blue to a dazzling amber, indicating that her true form began to reach its zenith.

Now, she not only continues her quest to surpass Farah, much like Farah did with her past mentor, but Nikita was on the path to becoming a grandmaster monk of her own...

PART IV : Free Spirit

It has been some time since many adventures took place, having fought off War's forces to protect the Court of Seasons. Having learned of the dangerous techniques and tactics that the enemies utilize, the time had come for Nikita to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to forge herself into the warrior that would finally surpass her master, Farah Tsun. With the Four Horsemen taken care of, Nikita had the chance to focus on her own development. Recalling the lessons of the past, and piecing together what she had learned over the years, she allowed her intuition to guide the way forward.

Through her insight, her journey led her to looking up at the power of the stars themselves. The elements of a Kineticist include more than just air, fire, earth and water. There was also wood, time, light, void, aether, viscera, sound, and poison. Having already embodied the positive energy aspects from wood, that energy already resonated strongly with her angelic nature. However, every light casts the darkest shadow, and it was time to embrace the destructive energies of entropy that lingered beyond the cosmos.

Finding the balance between restoring life and destroying it, Nikita's training took a newfound turn. She became sharper, stronger, and placed greater emphasis on broadening her techniques as a martial artist, both for defense and offense.

Now the student has become the master, and the long line of practitioners of Elemental Ki have reached a new pinnacle through Nikita Lifetouch...

During her path of self-discovery, Nikita felt the influence of a great force from beyond that slowly evolved her angelic essence, with her formerly Agathion blood becoming that of an Azata. The more she changed, the more intense her visions became through meditation. She saw ascendants before her, who walked the path of Elemental Ki ascetics much like she does. She saw her master, Farah Tsun, and the mentors before her, who went by the names of Kattaris Veir, and Saria Kal. Yet, the visions traced even beyond those who she were familiar with, witnessing the life of an unnamed Aasimar in service to Desna.

The martial techniques and prowess of this being showcased a great many things to be learned from. Yet all of it seemed faintly familiar. Overtime, once the influence from beyond the stars had changed her completely, it then became much clearer who the ancient ascendant was...

It was herself in a past life. In times mostly lost to history, her former life was that of an ancient master of Elemental Ki. She was an Azatan-blooded Aasimar then, and now she has returned to form in the present day, coming to a full circle with her journey of self-discovery. The influence from beyond the stars was from Desna's associates, who subtly aided Nikita during her quest all along.

Embracing the ideals of Desna herself, Nikita's ascension was complete. She was now a Fist of the Violet Star.

PART V : Interlude

Nikita had been through many adventurers in the years that followed. During the events of the Godfall, she participated in a grand tournament called the 'Summoner Wars', which took place on another world called 'Augustus'. The tournament however had a darker agenda behind it, which caused a great deal of conflict within Nikita's heart. There, she went through a great deal of trial and error, growing and improving her skillset dramatically, as she was determined to bring honor to her ancestors before her. Just as the first master, Kattaris Veir, had won a world tournament in the past, it was tradition for Nikita to accomplish the same, as she was tied to the same line of martial artists from that group.

The tournament's original intention was to have its competitors fight to the death, as bloodshed was the default way to secure victory. However, Nikita, and her close companions such as Cormick and Ellie, agreed to find alternatives to proceed through the tournament and learn the truth behind it. Supposedly, the winner would obtain the power of a God which they can grant to their respective organizer (a deity, who was Shelyn in Nikita's case).

Nikita and her allies fought through the tournament's challenges, all the way to uncovering the truth. The power of Godhood actually came from the God of Augustus itself, which was stripped away and severed by the deities involved with the tournament. His power was up for grabs to the winner only, and so the deities furiously use their champions that they represent to aggressively tackle the tournament to kill all opposition. Disgusted by these facts, Nikita and her allies would instead aim to restore the balance of Augustus, and its God, along with protecting the civilians that inhabit the world, who were often victim of the major battles that took place out on the streets, terrifying the masses.

Nikita and her close companions worked to bring peace back to the world, eventually confronting the essence of the God itself. The God of Augustus was displeased with his mistreatment, and sought to extract his revenge upon those who wronged him, which would lead to even greater conflict across the cosmos. However, the party learned that the God had a weakness.... he enjoyed playing games. As such, in an odd twist of fate, the party 'battled' the God by playing various games with him.

These games were in truth, a series of bizarre trials that Nikita and her friends had to overcome. Eventually, the party had succeeded, and the God yielded to the party's plans to heal the world and its people. However, a vessel was required to bring about these changes, which had to be one among Nikita's party. Nikita herself had stepped up to do the job, and she was infused with the essence of a God, becoming a deity herself (temporarily). With her God-given status, she used the power to precisely perform what the party had planned without any catches, performing with honor and dignity. Peace and balance was brought back to the world, which also included restoring the magical stability of Augustus, similarly to the magic towers of Etera.

With the last essence of the God's power, she bestowed it upon a council of Augustus' beings, those who were present and sympathetic to the cause of peace. With that, Nikita had won the tournament, bringing honor to her ancestors before her, as she set out to do originally.

Following these drastic events, Nikita returned victorious to the world of Chronus, and settled down with a man named Solomon, who would be her beloved, and later, husband. She continued to train and hone her skills with her former master, Farah, always on the lookout for the future threats of the world. In the meantime, Nikita would become a mother of two children.... a son and a daughter....

Part VI : A Quiet Yet Grand Return

Things were relatively quiet over the years that followed in regards to Nikita's personal life. In spite of how far Nikita and Farah's progress had come since the Summoner Wars, their kinetic capabilities had taken a backseat due to various developments that occurred during past events. However, Kattaris Veir noticed this, and wanted to put them to the test to see where they stand in comparison to the foundation of where it all began. It became quickly apparent that while Nikita had grown exceptionally more powerful over the years, she was starting to lose touch with the rest of the world, and as such, the steps needed to adapt further and stay relevant to face future threats.

Kattaris would quickly point out all the ramifications and flaws of this, and it was decided that Nikita and Farah needed to take a look back at the roots of their foundation, to really become grounded as successors to the martial arts line that began so long ago from the past world. During the years of relative peace, Nikita and Farah trained with Kattaris in private from time to time at the First World, while Nikita's children, Andrei and Nadia, would also become students. Kattaris had a partner in the First World who provided assistance as well, called Mika, an Aasimar with some cat-like features.

Together, Nikita and Farah would further refine their capabilities in complete secrecy. Not only did they return to their roots to delve further into the mysteries of Elemental Ki, but because of the ever changing world with villainy becoming more sinister yet also being subtle, it had reached a point where Kattaris was comfortable to bestow her full legacy of everything she knew onto them, as her two students were now capable of achieving it. The gateway to ascending past the limitations of a Kinetic Monk had been revealed to Nikita and Farah, and this would change them forever.

Many techniques involving subtlety, stealth, infiltration and trickery were added onto the vast repertoire of Nikita and Farah's skillsets. However, the mentality would likewise also change. Instead of being open and bold that Nikita usually does, it required her to make the opposite approach in combat. She'd learn to conceal her aura and power, while taking her shapeshifting capabilities to the next level. With this combined with all of the aspects of a Kinetic Monk, Nikita and Farah would embrace the greatest path that Kattaris kept reserved for only the best of the best that she trusted wholefully...

Nikita and Farah would become Kinetic Shinobi. The drastic evolution caused Nikita to physically change as well, with her blood returning to what she originally was many years ago... to that of an Agathion-blooded Aasimar. However, this time, instead of the rabbit-like features she used to have a long time ago, her animalistic features would manifest as fox ears, a fox tail, sharper eyes and fangs...similarly to that of a Kitsune. Kitsune are well known for being tricksters, and the arts of a Kinetic Shinobi are very much in line with that behavior.

With this complete mastery attained over every aspect of her being, Nikita would return to the world in a quiet, yet grand way.


Normal Form:

Nikita has a similar appearance to a Kitsune, but closer inspection can easily reveal that she is an Aasimar. Her body is human, though with animalistic features such as fox ears, a fox tail, sharper looking eyes, and fangs. She stands at 5'8 feet tall with a slender, curvy figure, which appears athletic and refined with perfect symmetry and balance. She has long black hair, amber eyes, along with moderately fair and milky smooth skin. As such, she has a perfect model's physique, with richly pleasant feminine features. She typically wears an elegant, short black kimino dress with rose and violet patterns.

Transformed State:

Like most other Kinetic Monks, even as a Shinobi, Nikita still harnesses her classical transformations for battle. As her title is still known as the Fist of the Violet Star, her core transformation reflects that even to this day. In this form, several physical changes are notable. Her hair color changes to a bright violet, and her eyes glow with a purple light. A silver and violet aura shrouds her with periodic sparks of blue lightning. In this form she is faster, more aggressive, and exerts much more power behind her blows, along with heightened defenses.

Infiltrator State:

Ever since becoming a Kinetic Shinobi, a new state is now accessible to capitalize the more subtle aspects of war, such as stealth, subterfuge, infiltration, and assassination. Just as Nikita can be an open combatant, so too can she now also be a silent combatant, able to avoid attention with great efficiency. In this state, she operates as an unseen entity, virtually undetectable by nearly every method, whether it be mundane or magical. Not even her aura or magical effects from her can be traced, making her essentially a wraith that blends with elemental forces naturally, such as air, water, fire, or earth.

She is able to take on any form she wants (along with perfectly mimicking any voice), slip past nearly any form of security, and she is able to harness all of her power while being completely silent. She is also able to naturally move and flicker so fast that she can conceal herself anywhere in any environment, making her an exceptionally deadly killing machine that is able to remain unknown.


Nikita is a surprisingly cheerful and happy-go-lucky type of individual. She's very easy to approach, and is fast to make friends with just about anyone, using violence only as a last resort. She does not shy away from her charms, using them to augment her friendly approach to most situations. On the flipside however, she despises non-consensual slavery, and will hunt down foes who persist in such cruel activities. She has a deep respect for the natural world, and elemental lives, and honorably does what she can to maintain peace among these forces.

She tends to also be extremely blunt to most situations, being a very direct individual. With that being said, she is typically not intimidating, preferring the softer route of diplomacy instead. No matter the foe, her celestial blood urges her to be gentle when dealing with others, unless necessary to take harsh action.

She values the ideals of Desna the most, though still respects the Green Faith.


Family : Solomon (Husband), Nadia (Daughter), Andrei (Son)

Friends : Cormick Thale, Ellie Shadeflare, Mifuyu, Sarah, Jovra, Alion, Zolin, Voradale, Yuki, Rhea, Zelus, Jack Frost (NPC), Hi-Sai, Amaru, Mushu Fong, Jin, Aldria, Daysen, Evi De Sangri, Trish, Rikki, Sera Sage, Selena Sage, Loana Kis, Jia Kis, Farah Tsun, Kattaris Veir, Saria Kal.


Slavers and dark forces who threaten the balance of the cosmos.


To live in the moment, and bring life and hope to where she can offer it.