Saria Kal

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Saria Kal is an Elven Verdant Dragoon who is a Godling of Apsu as one of his blessed champions, in addition to embracing the philosophy of the Green Faith. She is currently active.


Early Life

Saria started off as a simple druidess from a native elven city back on her Old World (Oustomia). She was part of a druid circle, and she lived a very straight forward life, abiding by the ideals of the Green Faith. That all turned upside down when the leader of her druid circle was slain by a malicious, evil force that threatened the conquer the realm. This spiraled Saria into the many dangers that were present all around the world, and with her leader slain, the druid circle fell apart from the ravaging forces of darkness.

This led to Saria being prompted to instead find her own deeper purpose, which led her to bond with the elemental forces of nature. Overtime, this bond would lead her to discovering more secrets of the wilds, including the mysterious First World. There, she met the Nornkith Ascetics of Magdh, who would guide her on her journey throughout many of her adventures on Oustomia, as they too were oppressed by the malicious forces that be on the prime material world that also threatened the First World. She grew and developed in many ways, far past her initial stage as a druidess, as she would gradually phase further into psychic magic. She evolved into a more combative huntress, unlocking more secrets of the occult in the process. With this came greater powers of divination, and along the way, she rediscovered the lost arts of ancient Dragoon warriors in her adventures, and personally adopted their spear-fighting style as her own. Many years later, once Oustomia had reached a certain level of world peace, Saria would continue to travel both the Prime Material Plane and the First World.

She would meet Metallic Dragons in service of Apsu, and they took notice of her abilities as a Dragoon. They sought out her services to aid them against various threats across the planes, and overtime this friendship grew. Finding the apex of her destiny, the stars had aligned and fate would be revealed. Her ideals and alignment matched those of Apsu, and her heroism, goodness, honesty and honor would draw the attention of the Dragon God to bless her as his champion. Eventually however, Saria herself would feel a calling to another realm, which her dragonkin allies guided her through. Her services in the name of Apsu were needed on the other realm (where Chronus is), as Oustomia was now secure. Now, she seeks to uphold her service to Apsu, and bring forth the honor and serenity of the ancient arts of a Dragoon.

Adventuring days

On Chronus, she is a chivalrous knight that patrols the world, learning more of its lore, and protecting the innocent from the jaws of evil. However, her attention early on in Chronus was called upon by an old friend, Loana Kis, to become a guardian for her half-elven daughter, Jia Kis, since her father was missing (Aurelius). Saria would carefully raise the girl in secret along with Loana's guidance, taking her to a secure location in the First World. Solomon (aka Hyena), would also assist, acting as Jia's adopted 'uncle'. When Jia came of age to be able to handle herself, and Aurelius had finally returned, it had concluded Saria's duty to watch over Jia. Loana, Jia and Aurelius became re-united as a family, which left Saria to finally step back out into the prime material plane to resume her duties.

Returning to Roots



Saria Kal is an elven female that stands at 5'8 feet tall, weighing 124 pounds. She has a well toned and excellent physique that is expected from women of her race. She has light blonde hair, fair skin that has a sparkling sheen of blessed life upon it, and light blue eyes. Her features are symmetrically flawless and somewhat 'fairy' like with otherworldly grace and allure.

She is typically adorned in the colors of white, silver and emerald, which symbolizes both her affinity for dragons and her connection with nature. Her particle beam 'staff' signature weapon, 'Dragonguard, Heart of Kal' (Formerly 'Dragonstride, Legacy of Kal'), is visible with her at all times, either deactivated with the hilt simply latched onto her belt, or activated with both golden beams of light present protruding from each end of the hilt, and held firmly at the middle. She otherwise is normally seen in her attire as the Golden Dragoon. It is an elegant looking dragoon armor weaved with psychic magic.


Saria is a very tranquil and kind individual, and her presence clearly indicates that. She follows her heart as a compass, both for morality and direction. She enjoys traveling and seeing new things while learning new, healthy experiences, as she is someone who prefers to always be on the move, and never staying at one place for too long.

As a champion of Apsu, she is compassionate, merciful yet firm in her conviction. She carries a knightly presence about her, which gives Saria a sense of chivalry and honor. She is not strict, however, and she is open to enjoying life to its fullest. She judges individuals by a case-by-case basis rather than their race as a whole, and as such, she is a rather reserved person when it comes to the general outlook of other races that most Elves tend to harbor.

Overall, she is quite friendly and easily approachable for an Elf, though she also carries a certain subtlety of deviousness when she is being 'playful' or 'aggressive' if she needs to be.


Core Weapon : Verdant Wake, Essence of Kal


Martial Might

Saria is extremely athletic and nimble, able to leap great distances as Dragoons typically can. She specializes in unarmed combat as well as spear-fighting, typically favoring a double spear. Her fighting style blends a mix of seamless defense with offense, though her defense is significantly more of a highlight, preferring to intercept, block, absorb, parry and reflect attacks and spells away from her and allies. She is also skilled with crossbows, and has a hand crossbow built into her double spear with a customized mechanism. As such, she can use her double spear to fire bolts from each end of the double spear.

Primal Magic

Saria is capable of harnessing primal magic, which was her original power type as her days of a druidess. Under the Dragonsworn training in the First World, she had learned to tap into Psychic magic for



Druidic Alchemy


Modular Shapeshifting


Dragon Shouts

As a Dragonsworn in service to Apsu, Saria possesses the ability to harness a dragon's breath weapon. As she stands with all Metallic Dragons, she is able to reactively utilize any breath weapon associated with metallic dragon types as she pleases. She may also harness a dragon's breath weapon as a main form of assault. It is her main form of ranged attacks.


Through her willpower and determination, Saria never needs to eat, drink, breathe, or even sleep (though most elves do not sleep by default regardless). She is also unimpeded by fatigue and exhaustion.


As she has spent many years traversing the fey realms, including the First World for a very long time, she has learned to adapt to the secret arts of dreamwalking, which compliments her prowess as a Holy Dragoon.