Annabelle Sinclair

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Annabelle Sinclair was born to human parents, her father a man of the guard, her mother the maid to a local noble. From the moment of her birth, something about the girl was off, and even the local healers and priests couldn't exactly pinpoint what was wrong. What they did know was, that she was ill, the exact circumstances of her "illness" unclear, but in essence her body and mind weren't fully together.

In her early years the problem wasn't as severe, but with time the separation became more and more pronounced, her consciousness flickering in and out of her body at random times. After further tests were made, it was discovered that she was not in fact "ill" but a vessel to psionic powers far beyond what was previously known.

Years went by and the blonde girl mostly "existed" in the safety of her parent's home, her development severely damaged as she couldn't form any social contacts or experience life as a regular human. With the birth of her little brother, her parents had effectively given up on her, content to care for the girl until the end of her days.

Many had tried to solve Annabelle's problem. Like moths to a flame, they tried their luck, using their magic, their potions, their occult rituals, but none were able to help. No one was able to gain the glory they've envisioned from their supposed breakthroughs. Everyone gave up on her. Everyone but her little brother.

Lance was a genius in everything he did. He was smart, charismatic and witty. And most importantly: he was quite adept with magic. Beginning to study early, Lance easily reached the level of an adult mage at barely the age of 10, making a name for himself helping others, and surpassing even the local mages in terms of skill. He could have easily made a lot of money with these sets of skills, or gain a lot of influence in the current era, but instead he chose a much more simple goal: Lance wanted to help his big sister. Months turned into years, and while the young mage made tremendous progress in his knowledge of magic, a cure for Annabelle still escaped him. It was during this time that the solution, he so thoroughly was looking for, presented itself upon a silver platter in the form of an agent of a secret society. They called themselves "Elans", and promised a solution to his sister's problem, a way for him to cure her, at the simple cost of his loyalty. His service. His time.

When Annabelle truly woke up for the first time, she was remade. No longer human, made an Elan by her brother who had forgotten all but his goal of making her be alright, her first few years of adjusting to being truly alive were strenuous, but she learned to manage. Additionally, she turned out to quite easily control the energy that was now fully contained within her, even if the vessel did not turn out to be perfect. Lance, however, was nowhere to be found. After spending years in the service of this secret society, and the creation of at least a dozen failed bodies for Annabelle, he was taken to a new location, a new purpose.

Wishing to make up for the time that she had lost, barely able to remember her brother due to the transformation, Annabelle went out into the world. Finally able to discover its beauty. Finally able to find ties with other people.

If this were a fairy tale, this would be where the story ends with the words "Happily ever after." But in Annabelle's case, it was merely the start. With her newfound power, the young woman began wandering the lands of Etera, meeting many of its inhabitants, and proving her worth in many conflicts. Starting as a small adventurer, she rose through their ranks, meeting many of the people that were to shape the continent's future to this day. Friendship, Rivalry and even Love, Annabelle managed to flourish in life, building ties to many people and managing to help save Etera more than once. Building a kingdom with her friends, but also watching it fall into despair.

You either die a hero, or see yourself become the villain.

There were two events in the history of Annabelle's life, that had shaped her like no others. First was the Fall of Erebus, the hubris of men made manifest. A city so perfect, slaughtered and corrupted, without Annabelle being able to save even a single soul. To this day, the guilt of what had happened weighs heavily upon her shoulders. The second was the disappearance of both Elyn Dayn and Alesia Al'Verath, who Annabelle had built romantic ties to. The feeling of abandonment, not only by the world but also by the people she cared about the most, broke Annabelle. She isolated herself, locked herself in a bottomless void, and the feelings festered and grew. Why care about Etera, about Chronus, if it didn't care about her? Why try to defend it, if the next apocalypse came to take everything she had built. What's the point of living if all she's feeling is pain?

Annabelle has yet to answer this question to herself, but she knew that what the Gods planned, was not what would bring her happiness.


Annabelle is a beautiful young woman of slender and regular height. She has very pale skin, light blue eyes and long blonde hair reaching her shoulders. She is usually wearing some sort of dress or robe, fitting for a person that is magical, or in her specific case psionic, in nature.


Annabelle is a mess. She is angry and depressed, everyone she knew and loved left her alone, leaving the Psion broken emotionally. She lashes out at those around her easily and is fully convinced that the fall of Erebus is her fault alone.


Lance Sinclair

Annabelles little brother is the one that finally was able to end her suffering at the hands of the mysterious affliction that had made her early life a living hell. However, his work came not without a cost: he sold his soul to an secretive organisation, and has since vanished, his work and power being used for malicious machinations.

Jenny Sinclair

Jenny is one of many clones that had been created by Lance, a Vessel to hold Annabelles soul, but an unsuccessful one. Annabelle met her in Meita, as she had strange visions of herself in this town. Investigating these visions, the Reality Bender met up with her clone, and learned of the existance of at least one clone of herself, finding it probable that Lance had created many of them before he managed to secure a capable body for her. Nowadays, Jenny is married to a banking assistant, the memory of her time in the laboratory erased by Annabelle to ease the burden on what she decided was her sister.

Serana Wintersea

Serana was one of the first people, that Annabelle interacted with in Babel, and despite both being more or less socially awkward, they became friends rather quickly. They shared a lot of similarities and as such understand each other's struggles very well. Serana vanished without a trace, and began a line of people leaving Annabelle behind without so much as a word.

Elyn Dayn

The peculiar crafter Elyn helped out Annabelle with some of her more strange orders and quickly became a good friend with Annabelle, due to her careless persona and general upbeat spirit. After spending a lot of time together, Annabelle developed romantic feelings for Elyn and was invited to join the relationship between the crafter and Alesia. With her Ascension towards godhood, Elyn left Annabelle alone without so much as a word.

Alesia Al'Verath

Meeting Alesia as Elyns girlfriend, Annabelle wasn't sure what to think of her at first. She was distanced and it took a lot of effort for her to warm up to Annabelle. Spending a lot of time with Elyn, Alesia was always around and slowly opened up. After joining the relationship between Elyn and her, Annabelle got to know Alesia very closely and ended up developing romantic feelings for her as well. After Elyn ascended, Alesia was nowhere to be found, leaving Annabelle behind too.

Evi De Sangri

Having met Evi during the attack of the Inevitable Hunt on Lalotei, Annabelle only recently got to know Evi more closely during their travels to the desert continent of Eatash Alram. That being said, Annabelle hasn't seen Evi for several years at this point.


Currently, Annabelle has no true Aspirations. She's consumed by her depression and the guilt of what happened to Erebus, as well as the feeling of lonelyness.


Striking the Behemoth

It had been a while since Annabelle last visited Meita, and she tried to keep her distance from the city to make sure her sister, that's what she decided Jenny was to her, could live her life in peace. A small sigh escaped the Psion as her powers carried her closer to the city, where multiple camps had been set up outside of the gate and mobilized troops disturbing the usual calmness of the town in the far north. With Behemoth towering in the distance and the recent news about raiders and invaders, Annabelle decided that is was time for her to put her powers to use, and make sure that none of this trouble would reach the people of Meita, but especially her sister. Landing in one of the central camps full of adventurers and soldiers, Annabelle listened to the different talks going on. Naturally, cultures clashed as people disagreed over how to proceed against the wandering city and its raiders, but there were some points that people agreed on. The soldiers here needed not only supplies like food and equipment, but also training. As the blonde wandered through the camp, someone official-looking caught her attention and it seemed that the other person became aware of her presence as well. "Sorry to bother you Ma'am, but may I have some of your attention?" The young human male wearing a military uniform approached her and saluted. Annabelle barely shook her head, her voice softly speaking. "You do not bother me. How can I help you?" she asked, noticing a large amount of paper this young man held on a clipboard, a bunch of scribbles and notes all over them. "See, I am the appointed delegate for this gathering. I am moving around the camps looking for adventurers like yourself, to see if they have some input on how to resolve this situation. You are..." he flipped his notes several times before looking back to the Psion. "Annabelle Sinclair, correct? You are certainly not unknown around Babel and have contributed to some big things. We like to keep tabs on people like you, Ma'am, in case something like this happens. Any ideas?" Annabelle raised a brow at the information, this man possessed, but as long as nothing malicious was done with it, she was fine. Wasn't it natural that she made a name for herself around Etera? "Well. It appears that quite a lot of people have gathered here to fight against the Behemoth. I suggest using teleportation to get them into position, as soon as a plan of attack has been made. I am sure, there are plenty of adventurers, who could aid in such methods of transportation, and then stay in the backline to aid the assault either by using magical artillery or effects that benefit the soldiers." explained the Psion. "I believe diplomacy has not been successful with the people of Behemoth, correct? If such is the case, the forces should strike with whatever means they have at their disposal. If they rejected a way to avoid bloodshed, they have chosen a way without redemption." Annabelle's voice carried no anger or sadness. It was simply a fact, that if they had chosen not to avoid conflict, they would need to be dealt with by other means.

Dread Gobbler Purge

There was no particular reason Annabelle decided to join the crusade against a bunch of awakened, oversized chickens. She never really had any connections to Turkey-kind, she didn't raise any, she didn't slaughter any, she didn't eat any. She didn't care about them being awakened, and neither did she care what powers they possessed. What she did care for however was the meeting of the council of Alzhak Reger, in which her plans regarding the former nation of Erebus were neither accepted nor approved. She was angry, felt more alone than she did to begin with and was ready to let those feelings out on someone or something. And in this particular case, a bunch of wannabe bad guys in the form of turkey was just perfect. It was not hard to locate a large camp of them, they were all over the place after all. Countless turkeys, equipped with various forms of weaponry and magic. Armor and minions of both undead and planar kind. The air crackled around the reality bender as a rift in space formed around her, transporting her right into the middle of the camp and alerting several of her adversaries. There was the sound of gobbling as they called their allies to attention, but their efforts would prove futile either way. The energies around the psion began to grow, the air distorted around here as rips and tears in reality began to audibly crack. Her cold gaze looked at the poor beings about to meet their end, but not a single word was wasted on them, before the storm of energy enveloped Annabelle completely. The first wave of turkey was erased from existence within the blink of an eye, and apart from the small tents and fireplaces that they had established, they'd leave no trace here. The storm of energy was gone as fast as it had formed, and more of the awakened animals piled towards Annabelle, who seemed to pay no attention to them at all. Instead she simply raised a hand, not even glancing in their direction, as fire erupted from underneath, quickly changing into ice, then electricity and finally into the same sort of energy the storm had been made from before. Around the reality shaper, Turkeys were exploding, disintegrating, burning, freezing, the methods of their deaths found no end, and yet there was no satisfaction. No release of emotion, not a single change in the cold of her gaze. After all, these turkey were worthless. They had no connection to Annabelle nor to Erebus. Finally, words broke through the constant sound of suffering gobbles. "ENOUGH!" A wave of energy emerged from Annabelle, and the remaining turkey vanished. "This is useless. A waste of my powers. I am done here." Another small display of energy, and then nothing remained except silence and the crackle of campfires.