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Ysayle is a wandering adventurer-mage hailing from Mirrandrar, seeking lost knowledge wherever it may be found.


The daughter of a moderately-successful merchant, Ysayle's early adulthood was spent aiding the family business, eventually growing to start her own small enterprise a town over. For a decade, all was well; she enjoyed the work well enough, and made more than enough gold to live comfortably, but eventually the work lost its luster. She grew disinterested, finding herself yearning for something greater than buying and selling goods. On a whim, she hired a passing wizard to teach her a few cantrips, something new and exciting that - if it didn't pan out - would at least aid her in her daily life. To his surprise and hers, she had quite a gift for it, picking up the basics within weeks, and learning all he had to teach within months. More importantly, however, she also discovered she adored magic; she loved the intricate weave of a spell, the effort that went into learning and preparing it, the tantalizing hints of reality peering between each rune in her spellbook.

If she was weary of her life before, discovering magic made her actively loathe it. Within days of the wizard leaving, she sold her entire business and home to her parents for a pittance, gathered up her belongings, and set out to discover more about this wondrous discipline.


A female tiefling with wide, sweeping horns, red skin and hair, and sharp teeth. Stands over six feet tall. Dressed in conservative clothing of exceptionally fine make, with jewelry to match, subtly reinforced to provide extra protection. Has a thick tome hanging from a chain attached to her belt. Often serious in demeanor, more inclined toward getting the current task done than joking.


A driven and ambitious individual, Ysayle does not tolerate imperfection or failure, from herself or others. She applies herself fully to every task, and expects the same from others. While she is not inclined to berate or belittle when failure inevitably happens, she is almost compelled to ensure that work to ensure such a failure never happens again.

Ysayle is almost obsessed with the power of magic. The ability to reshape reality with knowledge is intoxicating, and discovering and amassing such knowledge is the major driving force in her life.


the infinite power of the arcane


narrow doorways


Ysayle aspires to magic and knowledge, desiring to learn the pinnacle of what is possible with magic and be able to perform such miracles. Arcane, divine, psionic, akashic... Such divisions matter little to her. Along the way, she hopes to make her mark on the world, an irrevocable stamp that states she was here, long after she is gone.