The Gladiator

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The Gladiator's life was not one of grace or elegance, but of brutal survival. Much of his early childhood he grew up in a settlement of farmland within the rural areas of a now destroyed settlement, which name and location has been forgotten by all but him. He often was the one to do the labor of the eldest, with little love coming from the family he had. He was simply a pack mule, a tool to be discarded or pulled around when needed.

Often though, he was instinctual with his efforts and work. No matter what the task given to him, he would get it done as his pride simply wouldn't let him fail it. His body was always tougher than their abuse, his scars running deep and long until they hit their peak. One day, he took his pitchfork, looking to his 'family' with hate filled eyes and declared they would here the his name from the pages of the news.

So he left. With scars upon him, a weapon with him and a drive to prove his name. His teenage years were duller and boring, at least as he would describe them, accompanying a caravan that needed some extra muscle. He traveled with them for some time, seeing the world, and getting inspired by everything he saw, learning more upon what he wanted to become. When the 4 horseman descended the Gladiator realized, he needed to learn more that how to be a sturdy body, but a fighter to ultimately earn the glory that he wanted.

He left the caravan before journeying on foot, and finding the first arena he could find, demanding they teach him how to be one of them. They laughed at him at first, telling him to leave before resuming their daily activities. Each day, when the arena would begin upon the dawn's rising, He would be there with pitchfork in one hand. Eventually they relented, and agreed, under the condition he take a helm, and use it as an alias, so that he could live a life outside of combat, if he so chose.

The rest of the story of the Gladiator is history, as he grew, something else became clear... something was different about this man, something inhuman. Up to this point, it is unclear, but only time will tell.

Adventuring Career

The fight against Dahak's minions:

The gladiator and a group of individuals, Incrediblis, Solomon Imbrex and Adriel, enters a land of empyreal beings, touched by the dragons and the angels in their blood. Upon a castle top, on a tower that gave a view upon the entire floating isle, was a golden dragon, a protector of the isles called Llerindrax the Golden Warden. After greeting the group and telling them to not cause trouble and all will be will if they don't. Unforunately, there was a ritual being conducted to bring in Dahak into the martial plane. The group decisively ceased the activity, as they dealt with the black dragon, and red dragon trying to bring Dahak into the martial plane. Due to the efforts of Adriel, stopping the souls from being siphoned into the ritual.

The Dreadlord and the High Seas Venture:

Joining a mission to venture the high seas to assist a dread pirate captain with a problem that concerns a ship of undead pirates. The pirate captain, needing help dealing with this, hired 4 adventurers, Including the Gladiator. There job being to be a scouting vessel, and to engage whatever the crew they feel they can handle. Helping with the rigging and such, and after seeing the merchant's ship of the dwarves, they went to a small fishing village.

They found about an infection of Ghoul Fever, and found a antipaladin symbol, and a possible vengeful undead whale. 6 years ago, there was an antipaladin that was killed after their ship was sunk, and was an Uragothan antipaladin. After hearing the news, the crew decided to investage the mist covered ship. In a team effort, the group decided to charge the ship, firing shots upon the ship and boarding, ready to take down the undead.

They fought, and felled the captain of the undead ship, after a bloody battle, with Steel and Shout.

The Legacy of Hate:

The Gladiator's life took a turn after encountering the ruins of Argalast, a elven society of high magical prowess and technology that could bridge the gap of multiverses. With a group consisting of Cathran as the leader and a couple of other estranged adventurers, they dived into the temporal wasteland that awaited them.

Encountering strange words of power (Racist because elves.), Golems and rivers of daemonic Quintessence, his life was forever changed when he had to dive into the Domain of the Primordial of Solitude, Jur. Jur alerted him to his true nature, a being of draconic potential and wraith, dubbing him Tyrantborne after a surge of energy from the gladiator helped him rescue a captured Haven... though it was likely he was just letting them go. For what purpose, it was unclear. At the end of it all, an ancient elf named Philiburn told them of the Fall of Argalast, the oncoming enemy that had caused it called the King of Glass and the nature of his draconic essence, a red dragon.


Side Quests

Currently, the Gladiator has not wandered and found any quests that he has taken upon himself


The Gladiator wears a helmet that obscures his face, one which no one has ever seen before. His body is muscular and scarred from battles of past and recent, with a shoulder guard that remains chipped and worn. A buckler rests upon the back of his trident hand, though he never seems to use it for actual defense, relying on his scarred body and his speed to outmaneuver most blows.


The man known as the Gladiator is a boisterous and loud man whose enthusiasm in the martial warfare of challenges and other such combat may seem obsessive to some. Many confuse his loud demeanor for someone of low intellect, though this is far from the truth of the matter as his actions are always thought out and careful, despite the persona he holds at an almost constant basis.



Jur, The Primordial of Solitude, The Drowner of Dragons, Drinker of Seas (Sugar Daddy/Creepy Uncle)

Kalypsolda, Suzerain, Blue Great Wyrm (Sugar Momma)