Terra Azureleaf

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Terra Azureleaf is the daughter of Ronda Azureleaf (who, at the time, was possessed by the demon lord known as Dagoff) and Aurelius, the new Horseman of War. With such infamous parents, it was clear that Terra was either blessed...or cursed. Terra was raised in a time-manipulated demiplane, where she was raised by her mother until she was an adult. From birth, Terra has been blessed with peculiar "luck," allowing her to miraculously dodge harm and land shots that nobody else could. She has a love of gambling and is a close follower of Nivi Rhombodazzle.

The Daughter of a Demon Lord and Horseman

Terra has never truly met her mother, Ronda, in the traditional sense. When she was born, Ronda had defeated and consumed the power of the demon lord Dagoff. However, at some point, the wizard stopped being in control of her own actions, and the essence of Dagoff had fully taken over. Obsessed with creating his own demonic spawn to spread his own influence and power, Dagoff would have an...affair of sorts with the Horseman of War Aurelius, and from that relationship came a daughter, Terra, whose appearance is more "shark-like" than her mother's due to the circumstances of her birth.

Terra grew up under very isolating circumstances, locked away from the rest of the world, even those of Tidal, until she was an adult in a demiplane her mother made for her. Despite the way the rest of the world views her mother, Terra and "Ronda" were very close, and she admired and respected her mother. Other members of her family, however, such as Rhea did not get along with Terra due to the different lovers Ronda had taken upon becoming a demon lord.

Growing up, there were two primary traits that stood out about Terra. First, she was remarkably lucky. Though she did not inherit her sister's strength or her mother's intelligence, she seemed to have a personal guardian angel of sorts watching over her at all times, protecting her from harm regardless of the circumstances she found herself in. Good fortune seems to follow Terra, while on the other hand, bad luck seems to stalk her foes. Second, Terra was greedy, and enjoyed the collection of money and other trinkets as much as if not more than most dragons. Both of these traits lead to her becoming a gambler, and she always has a deck of cards on hand.

Much like her mother, Terra enjoys the company of various creatures, and she is never far from her familiar and animal companion, Spade and Club.

Preying Gardens

One of Terra's earliest adventures took place in the jungles of Jarko, where Terra and a band of misfits joined a unit of the Setlaar military to try and tame the region. Much happened in this journey, as Terra used her luck and magic to aid her allies in accomplishing their goals. However, in time, Terra became a victim of her own greed, becoming imbued with the spirit of pure avarice. Because of her greed, unlike her companions, Terra was not blessed by Cerunnos to become of his paladins, a fact that Terra always resented, though she continued to do what she could to help her allies.

Another tragedy that occurred involved the valkyrie known as Freyja. Terra looked up and admired Freyja, who became a motherly presence in her life. She protected the team on several occasions, but over the course of their journey, became corrupted by the very dark power they sought to destroy. Terra and her friends were forced to fight Freyja, and though she wanted to save her, Freyja would ask them to end her life.

In the end, Terra would be offered the gift of becoming one of the Far Born by Cerunnos, but would reject this offer, instead choosing to remain how she was and choose her own destiny.

But...she's still my mom

Terra had heard since she was born about how dangerous her mother was now that she had become a demon lord. However, what many people seemed to forget is that Terra had only ever known her mother in this form. So when she learned that many of Tidal's leaders were planning to confront her mom and try to draw out the demonic essence within her, Terra did not take the news well. She questioned how anyone could dare to doubt her mother's intentions after all of the instances where she had fought for the greater good, even when the gods themselves had failed.

Deep down, Terra was also afraid that her "real" mother, who she had never truly met, would hate her...

Terra tried to turn a blind-eye to many of her mother's actions, and when the gods fell, she had a rare chance to meet many of their avatars. Terra would confront the gathered gods and goddesses, particularly Sarenrae, who once upon a time provided her blessing for her mother's marriage. Terra would challenge Sarenrae to a duel, and despite the powers she had acquired, she would lose. She would also confront Loana, her mother's ally who was most vocal about her belief that her mom needed to be defeated. However, having spoken to Sarenrae, and acknowledging her mother's actions...would give Loana her blessing to defeat Ronda, even though she refused to partake in the battle herself.


In the after math of her mother's defeat of the Fifth Horseman, Ronda would soon rise as a new god of Chronus, a guardian of the ocean and a guide for those who seek to master summoning. That, however, left a vacancy in Tidal's leadership that would be very difficult to fill. As the eldest, Rhea would be first-in-line for the throne, but she was more interested in continuing her work with the Time Knights. As one of the only children ambitious enough to pursue the throne, Terra would soon find herself appointed as the new Empress of Tidal.

Time will tell what sort of ruler Terra will become. However, she certainly had some ideas. Whereas much of Tidal had been centered around the ambitions of its Empress thus far, Terra wanted to focus on strengthening the people...the only way she knew how. Money. Through one of her devious plans, Ronda had used funds from the Plane of Gold to build a powerful spell engine that cloaked the seas above Tidal in a perpetually raging storm. They, too, needed a new leader, and Terra, with her love of wealth and natural luck, would soon take hold as their leader. In time, she would lead Tidal and the Plane of Gold to a new level of opulence and prosperity.


Terra is naïve and, despite her love of money, a well-meaning and innocent soul. She looks at things in a very simple manner, and some mistake her for a fool because of the many questions she asks. However, when push comes to shove, Terra will generally do what's right, especially if it means helping her friends. Terra loves to gamble and will not hesitate to risk anything, including her life, for a proper thrill.


Due to her demonic and daemonic heritage, Terra very much resembles her mother, though with a more dangerous, shark-like appearance, razor sharp teeth and claws. She typically wears a sweater and has a deck of cards with her at-all times.