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Early Life

Errati is a Ganzi born of two Strix. But when she was being born she was touched by the planar energy of chaos, resulting in her appearance changing wildly from that of her parents. When she was growing up in Cathair na Stoirme she grew to love her fellow people of the city. She served as a healer in the church doing mundane healing for her fellow citizens, one day though, when she was not able to help someone through mundane means, her Cleric powers awoke to help her heal the people she cared for so much.

Ever since that day she has studied Life and Protection magic primarily to protect her fellow man. She wants to bring glory and recognition to The Storm Siren as she grows up, and as such when she grew old enough she would keep healing and protecting her fellow man. Only now once she is of age, and trained in her skills enough is she going to finally depart the city on a voyage to spread the awareness of her goddess, and hopefully become strong enough and noteworthy enough her goddess would recognize her and let her meet them.

Adventuring days

N/A yet


She wears made of natural materials and decorated with feathers and claws that she finds discarded or from dead animals. She reveres nature and that is evident in her appearence.


She has taken vows to uphold the natural order, protect her town and server her goddess. She refuses to harm another living being, and as such she has become a vegetarian, because on a moral standpoint she feels it is improper to kill animals just for their flesh. She only wears some select animal hides, and only then if they are from animals that were killed ethically and had the ability to roam and live as nature intended. She also is intent on upholding her honor, refusing to blemish her own name, and by extension that of her people and her goddess.

Despite all that she respects others choices and is a generally decent woman that wants to see the best in people, knowing that people are capable of change, even if outsiders may need to be removed from this plane of existence through banishments and such. She hates to see people hurt and come to blows and tries to prevent it from getting to that point, preferring it being resolved through peaceful means.


She is a Cleric/Incanter that Specializes in life sphere and knows a good deal of protective spells so that those close to her or she is adventuring with will not die under her care. She intends to learn more magic, specifically natural in origin and other magics that encourage a peaceful resolution to a conflict.