Haruko Nezumi

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Haruko came to Babel after leaving her relatively small clan, Known as the Nezumi Batsu, in search of the prosperous wealth she had heard that adventurer's acquire through their adventures. Having little experience with the outside world she eventually worked her way up to her starting point through her travels to reach the city.

Through her adventure she has faced both small creatures like goblins to more powerful creatures such as dragons and liches alike, though she didn't face them alone having made allies during and after the missions. During one of her first missions upon coming to Babel, she met Haven who has since become what she assumes to be a close friend. During said mission they ended up finding a completely chrome world, with creatures and objects that were glitching within reality itself. Upon them powering the tower on they had both been gifted either a curse or a blessing by the tower with Haruko gaining the ability to produce a technological version of "Shocking grasp".


Haruko is pretty easy going, generally being laid back and care free when there isn't a task at hand for her to be focused on. She spending most of her time tinkering to keep herself pre-occupied, but she does care for any allies she makes having become more devoted to keeping them on this plane since having seeing Cecile die in front of her due to a Lich and being powerless to resurrect them with her magic.


Haruko is currently inside a Relationship with Eichi, having met him on one of her early missions which had them going into Madinat to assist with the raiders that had risen up to start terrorizing the populace.

She has also met with Maldrik, who has attempted to assist her in controlling her wild magic which has been revealed to the world getting her effectively exiled from Babel.


Haruko while initially aiming to be an adequate Gunslinger has changed her goals thrice since coming to Babel, the first revision to said goal to become a better caster as well when she learned of a newer type of magic more restrictive than what she had initially learned called Sphere Magic. The Second revision came about when she had unleashed major wild magic events near Babel, aiming to look for ways to control it better having given up on the previous goal entirely. With the latest and final revision to her goals since the one item she had found that could've worked in controller her magic was a dud, she looks to revisit the tower she found in her first adventure since coming to Babel to find out what exactly it was and why it had given her a way to generate electricity eerily similar to Shocking Grasp save for it not being magical in nature.

Skills & Abilities

Gunslinger, having become almost a master practitioner with firearms she has knowledge of how to use any firearm be it black powder to even the futuristic tech ones. Learning how to use them in advanced ways such as being able to ricochet an energy beam off of a brick wall to hit a target and after having come under the tutelage of Grandmaster Wuu has come up with the idea to combine firearms with other weapons such as swords and shields.

Magus, originally requiring a spellbook for her spells she has since learned new ways of channeling her magic. Turning to Life sphere magic she has learned how to resurrect the recently dead but also has talents hidden that she has yet to use to turn the healing magic foul and damage the living rather than healing them.

Exploring the Rift

Having heard there was a new dimension to explore, Haruko set to work getting her drone ready to send in. Having equipped it as best as she could prior to sending it in, she could only hope the amalgamation monstrosity would hold up inside the dimension. With the preparations completed she began to pilot the drone looking for any areas that look interesting within the highly corrosive and inexplicably hot plane. With little on her mind except keeping the drone intact she did her best to steer it away from anything inside such as the occasional spouts of a mysterious liquid launching upwards what seemed to be well over 100 feet from the geyser. Not seeing anything that could be classified as living among the surfaces that she could spot through the drone’s sensors. Within one instance during the experience she found an area that almost seemed to be glitching the drone’s sensors. At the first encounter with the area she wanted to keep the drone far from it but, she did press on looking into the area despite the whirring and warning signs coming through on her end regarding the drone and the high possibility of it failing due to outside interference.

Within the area that had set off many alarms, there seemed to be an oasis-like area. Albeit, the oasis looked corroded on the land that was visible and had many char marks. It looked as if a battle had been waged with there being disfigured corpses with nothing being left save for the skeletons being made of an unknown substance that had an almost magical sheen to them. The drone struggled to make it down towards the boiling surface of the oasis-like area, but it did and suffering enough heat damage to bust multiple cooling tubes it had little time left. Quickly maneuvering the drone to grab what it could of one skeleton she began to have the drone exit the plane as fast as possible before it shut down entirely with the payload atop it hoping that whatever it was she had found would be good enough for the seven day expedition with her drone coming back damaged beyond belief before it broke down into an unrepairable state once it had crossed the portal back to the material plane.

Examining the LavaFish-men

Haruko took to the skies above the Lavafish-men, Briefly going hundreds of feet up to hover hopeful out of sight of the fishmen. From her aerial perch she was taking care to document when they seemed to exit their underground burrow-like structure she had found, almost wishing to throw herself into it given her rat instincts going haywire to find a way to get away from all the heat inside this plane. During the long hours she spent observing the creatures she found that they seemed to be what the equivalent in the material plane would be to a Nocturnal species as they came out and seemed more active whenever what counted for a sky in this dimension darkened. She eventually took the initiative, having hidden herself with magic to sneak into the burrow finding a sprawling underground metropolis.

Within the entire underground complex, being quick and silent with her footsteps she took to doing minor recon. The most notable thing she found was that some of the fishmen had weird devices inside their houses that looked like bigger more advanced Remote Controls that she had seen advertised throughout Babel. The most notable thing she had seen was some of the fishmen seemed to be moving tiny people about on the devices in front of them. “They obviously have some way of Controlling people… but i dont understand why everything looked like it was all blocky... Their camera drones cant be that bad can they? It also doesnt explain how they were able to force what looked like Blocky humans to punch down multiple tree's, stone and even what looked like bedrock with their hands and the hands STILL be attatched” she’d state to anyone that were to ask her for more information regarding it “The only off part about it all is that nowhere in the plane was THAT green, and i honestly hadn't seen that much water except when i ran over the ocean itself. Maybe the Fishmen have already figured out how to travel across planes and are controlling all these people remotely… but that doesn’t explain this one thing i saw where it was what i can only assume a child of their race to be was messing with the same box thing and they ended up pulling up multiple colorful things that reminded me almost like i firework show. There was a lot of clicking noises and what I can only assume was catchy background noise. For whatever reason during the time the thing was there it got up and started thrusting its arms to the side of its head with its head going to its inner elbow each time like this” *Proceeds to Dab in the explanation, refusing to elaborate further*