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Arcana, godling of Bastet, familiar of the Shyka, was born in the year 22,00 IA by Etera's calaender.


Groomed for the purpose of serving as a familiar Arcana's expected life path was altered when he was requested not by a servant of The Sly Enchantress but an Eldest Fey. In exchange for an unknown favor he was claimed by one of the chronomancers destined to bear the title of Shyka.

Arcana's life after adoption follows no linear path through time that will ever make sense. Instead he recalls it in major events, some of which he recalls a date for.


Upon joining the Shyka he was sworn to an oath of honor. The oath would serve not only as his vow to protect his master, but also extend his life and ensure he remained in the physical condition needed to serve such a being. In addition to this he was given the gifts of the Fey-Touched. He holds the memory of his first time in a humanoid form as his first major life event.

The next mile stone of Arcana's life came at the awakening of sorcerous power within his blood. Up until then his ventures with the Shyka were one sided affairs. He might take a humanoid form and aid in his master's crafting or tend to mundane task. But upon awaking to this the Shyka began training him in the ways of chronomancy. Arcana had no real talent for this, so instead they developed his cunning and fundamentals with magic.

Arcana's next mental way point is of being cursed. How exactly this happened not even the Shyka could explain but it seems in all his temporal travels he gained an understanding of time's ebb and flow. This understanding however would always twist in unexpected ways when he tried to manipulate events in ways similar to his master. The Shyka was able to groom this powerless prophesy into an oracle's gift for the divine but never anything more remarkable.

Arcana's time with the Shyka eventually came to end. In what is doubtlessly some grand plan he was deposited in the past, upon a world overrun by dragons. His master's parting command was for him to find happiness. Exactly what this meant he was supposed to do he had no clue. But from then on he took on the guise of a half-drow and the name of Kalise.

"Hi, I'm Kalise, servant of Zenith. Harm him and I will desecrate your body and soul; after killing you slowly. Understood? Good! Now we can be friends!"


Lets start this autobiography five years ago. I was dropped off on a world ruled by dragons. These weren't your typical solitary good versus evil dragons however. For reasons I'm still not sure of the dragons of that world banded together to essentially conqueror everything. Now the reds and golds obviously still don't get along all that well, but they put aside enough of their difference to build a society. And subjugate every other race on the planet... The metallic dragons obviously don't consider it slavery, and treat their chattel much better than the chromatics but being honest that's still what it is. Golden handcuffs are still handcuffs~

But back to my story. I obviously didn't know anything about this place so, when my half-drow self started walking about a chromatic dragon city, above ground no less, I kind of drew attention. Honestly having a collar helped as the astral dragon, Rinigosa, that interrupted my wandering assumed I escaped the underdark and some unworthy purple dragon. I played along for a while but eventually she saw through me. I had to give Rinigosa the whole other half of my story... By that time she'd obviously claimed me as her property and I was made to serve as one of her lesser house mages. I should mention this was the first time I'd ever really hidden my identity. In all my time with the Shyka I was simply his familiar, and though I didn't go around telling everyone we encountered every detail about us I'd never had to disguise or lie so thoroughly before.

In secret Rinigosa tried to use my knowledge and experience to increase her own power of course. Sadly there wasn't much I could offer her as most of it was of timelines, worlds, or people that no longer exist. She treated me well up until she realized I wasn't worth much as far as her schemes were concerned. After that I was as disposable as everyone else, well nearly, a godling soul is always worth something to someone.

I served Rinigosa for two years before she was defeated by one of her kin. They took possession of her hoard and slaves, then promptly sold me off to a green dragon. I don't remember the names or know if I even learned the names of half my owners after that. It was mostly just one market after another for a few moons. I do remember the moment I met Zenith. I'd probably made it halfway across the continent because I was in metallic dragon hands by then. He bought me and I was somewhat relieved. In all my time I assumed the Shyka would save me if I were ever in any real danger, but I had no gauntness or anyway of knowing that for sure. So meeting someone who would treat their things kindly was a weight off my shoulders.

I don't know what I expected or how things ended up the way they did but one day Zenith came confessing his love for me, and I felt the same. I won't tell his whole tale for him, but things ended with us leaving his world.